วิธีการลงชื่อเข้าใช้ Hotmail - ฝ่ายสนับสนุนของ Microsoft
Hotmail เปลี่ยนชื่อเป็น Outlook.com แล้ว เรียนรู้วิธีการลงชื่อเข้าใช้เพื่อเข้าถึงบัญชีอีเมล Outlook.com, Hotmail, Live หรือ MSN ของคุณ
Applies To:
Hide, unhide, mute, add a chat to Favorites, or mark a chat as unread ...
Unhide a chat. Unhide a chat that you've hidden before by using search. In the Search box at the top of Teams, type the name of the person you were chatting with and select it from the list of returned names. You'll see that the chat history is hidden and the name appears in italic text to mark it as hidden.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams for Education, Microsoft Teams small business
Windows 安全中心 应用中的病毒和威胁防护 - Microsoft 支持
即使 Windows 安全中心处于打开状态并自动扫描你的设备,你仍然可以在需要时执行其他扫描。 快速扫描:当你不想花时间对所有文件和文件夹运行完全扫描时,此选项非常有用。如果Windows 安全中心建议运行其他类型的扫描之一,则快速扫描完成后,系统会通知你
Excel のキーボード ショートカット - Microsoft サポート
注: このトピックで示すショートカット キーは、米国のキーボードのレイアウトをベースにしています。 その他のレイアウトでのキーは、米国のキーボードのキーと正確に対応しない可能性があります。
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel for iPad, Excel for iPhone, Excel for Android tablets, Excel for Android phones, Excel Mobile
Usar el Portapapeles - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Usar el Portapapeles. Al copiar contenido en el equipo, se copia automáticamente en el Portapapeles para que lo pegues. Puedes pegar varios elementos del historial del Portapapeles y también puedes anclar los elementos que tiendes a usar todo el tiempo y sincronizar el historial del Portapapeles con la nube.
Khắc phục sự cố Bluetooth trong Windows - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
Trên PC mà bạn muốn ghép nối: Đảm bảo đã tắt chế độ máy bay:Chọn biểu tượngMạng, Âm thanh hoặc Pin ( ) ở bên phải thanh tác vụ, sau đó đảm bảo đã tắt cài đặt nhanh chế độ Máy bay. Bật và tắt Bluetooth:Chọn Bắt đầu > Đặt > Bluetooth và & bị . Tắt Bluetooth , đợi vài giây, sau đó bật lại.
Windows Güvenliği Uygulamasında Güvenlik Duvarı ve Ağ Koruması
Ek ayarlar. Güvenlik duvarı ve ağ koruması sayfasında bulunan ek ayarların listesi aşağıdadır: Bir uygulamaya güvenlik duvarı üzerinden izin ver: Güvenlik duvarı ihtiyacınız olan bir uygulamayı engelliyorsa, söz konusu uygulama için bir özel durum ekleyebilir veya belirli bir bağlantı noktasını açabilirsiniz. Bu işlem (ve neden istemediğiniz) hakkında daha fazla ...
Libérer de l’espace disque dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Remarque : Si moins de 10 jours se sont écoulés depuis la mise à niveau de Windows, votre version précédente de Windows est répertoriée sous la forme d’un fichier système que vous pouvez supprimer.Si vous devez libérer de l’espace disque, vous pouvez le supprimer, mais n’oubliez pas que cela supprimera votre dossier Windows.old, qui contient des fichiers qui vous donnent la ...
Reactivating Windows after a hardware change - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, it is essential that you link your Microsoft account with the Windows 11 digital license on your device. Linking your Microsoft account with your digital license allows you to reactivate Windows using the Activation troubleshooter whenever you make a significant hardware change.
Phone-Link – Hilfe & Lernen
Hier finden Sie Hilfe- und Support-Inhalte für die Microsoft Phone Link-App. Lernen Sie zeitsparende Tipps kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Phone Link-App nutzen können, um produktiv zu bleiben.