Collaborate on Excel workbooks at the same time with co-authoring
If you selected the Share button, people will receive an email message inviting them to open the file. They can select the link to open the workbook. A web browser will open, and the workbook will open in Excel for the web. If they want to use the Excel desktop app to co-author, they can select Edit in Desktop App.However, they'll need a version of the Excel app that supports co-authoring.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel for iPad, Excel for iPhone, Excel for Android tablets, Excel for Android phones, Excel for Windows Phone 10, Excel Mobile
将 Windows 家庭版升级到 Windows 专业版 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何从 Windows 10 家庭版升级到 Windows 10 专业版或从 Windows 11 家庭版升级到 Windows 11 专业版,包括如何使用有效产品密钥或 Microsoft Store。
Find my downloads in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
To find downloads on your PC: Select File Explorer from the taskbar, or press the Windows logo key + E.
Résoudre les erreurs Lecteur multimédia Windows - Support Microsoft
Lecteur multimédia Windows est un lecteur multimédia intégré fourni avec Windows. Bien qu’il s’agit d’une application fiable et largement utilisée, les utilisateurs peuvent rencontrer des erreurs et des problèmes de temps à autre.
Inside this update - Microsoft Support
Experience the world in new ways with Live Captions, translating audio and video content into English subtitles from 44 languages, ensuring you never miss a beat!. Dive into creativity with Cocreator in Paint, where AI assists you in bringing your artistic visions to life. Enhance your video calls with Windows Studio Effects, offering AI-powered lighting and noise cancellation for crystal ...
Enable TPM 2.0 on your PC - Microsoft Support
How to enable TPM. If you need to enable TPM, these settings are managed via the UEFI BIOS (PC firmware) and vary based on your device. You can access these settings by choosing: Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Restart now. From the next screen, choose Troubleshoot > Advanced options > UEFI Firmware Settings > Restart to make the changes.
向 Microsoft 帐户兑换礼品卡或代码 - Microsoft 支持
如何兑换礼品卡、Xbox 下载代码或令牌. Microsoft和 Xbox 礼品卡以及下载代码和令牌的工作方式相同:兑换到Microsoft帐户后,你可以在 Windows 或 Xbox 上在线Microsoft应用商店中花费余额,并且可以下载最新应用、游戏、电影、电视节目以及 Surface、Xbox 和配件。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
发送电子邮件时,我收到 550、553 或中继禁止的错误 - Microsoft 支持
垃圾邮件和开放中继. 未经请求的商业电子邮件有时称为垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件。 垃圾邮件数量继续增加的main原因是,发送垃圾邮件的人几乎不需要发送任何费用;事实上,发件人甚至不必通过 SMTP (发送垃圾邮件,) 他们自己的 ISP 的电子邮件服务器发送垃圾邮件。
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013
激活 Windows - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Windows 11 中检查激活状态,请选择“开始 ”按钮,然后选择“设置 > 系统 ” ,然后选择“激活 ”。 。 激活状态将在“激活”旁边列出。 在“设置”中检查激活状态. 你将在“激活”页面上看到以下一条激活状态消息:
Automatically save photos and videos with OneDrive for Android
If OneDrive camera backup isn’t working. If automatic camera backup isn’t working, open the OneDrive app. Backups will only happen if the app is running, so swiping the app up to close it will prevent automatic backups.
Applies To:
Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal)