Servicio de ubicación de Windows y privacidad - Soporte técnico de ...
Microsoft opera un servicio de ubicación que ayuda a determinar la ubicación geográfica precisa de su dispositivo Windows. La ubicación precisa de tu dispositivo permite a las aplicaciones darte indicaciones, mostrar tiendas y restaurantes cercanos y mucho más.
Reset your PC - Microsoft Support
Option. Description. Keep my files. Also known as Refresh, this option reinstalls Windows while keeping your personal files intact.It removes apps and settings but preserves your documents, photos, and other personal data. Restore preinstalled apps: when enabled, any customizations from the PC manufacturer are applied. Remove everything
Включение виртуализации в Windows - Служба поддержки Майкрософт
Поддержка Windows 10 прекратится в октябре 2025 г. После 14 октября 2025 г. корпорация Майкрософт больше не будет предоставлять бесплатные обновления программного обеспечения из Центра обновления Windows, техническую помощь и ...
Windows’u etkinleştirme - Microsoft Desteği
Windows 11'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetlemek için Başlangıç düğmesini ve ardından Sistem > Ayarlar'ı ve ardından Etkinleştirme'yi seçin. Etkinleştirme durumunuz Etkinleştirme durumunun yanında listelenir.. Ayarlar'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetleme. Etkinleştirme sayfasında bu etkinleştirme durumu mesajlarından birini göreceksiniz:
Location and privacy in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Some websites can give you more accurate results when you share your location with them. Your location data can be either precise or imprecise.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Autorizzazioni per le app - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Altre informazioni sulle azioni consentite a un'app in base alle autorizzazioni: Accedere a tutti i file, i dispositivi periferici, le app, i programmi e il Registro di sistema: L'app ha la possibilità di leggere o scrivere in tutti i file (inclusi documenti, immagini e musica) e le impostazioni del Registro di sistema, che consentono all'app di apportare modifiche al computer e alle ...
Konfigurieren von Startanwendungen in Windows - Microsoft-Support
In der Einstellungs-App auf Ihrem Windows-Gerät, Apps > Start, oder verwenden Sie die folgende Verknüpfung: Start. Für alle Anwendungen in der Liste. Legen Sie die Umschaltfläche auf Ein fest, um die App bei der Anmeldung automatisch zu starten.. Legen Sie den Umschalter auf Aus fest, um zu verhindern, dass die App automatisch gestartet wird.
How do I get started with Skype? - Microsoft Support
Launch Skype and select Create new account or go directly to the Create account page. We'll take you through the process of creating a new account.
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
Cómo canjear los puntos de Microsoft Rewards
Nota: Las ofertas varían según el país.Asegúrate de canjear los puntos de premios en la misma región en la que te hayas registrado. No uses una VPN al intentar canjear puntos.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard