Error 0x80832003 occurs when you try to play a game on your Xbox or ...
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Adjust capture settings on Windows | Xbox Support
Find out how to change your capture settings on Windows 10/11 devices.
Hinzufügen von Sicherheitsinformationen zu Ihrem Microsoft-Konto
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Sicherheitsinformationen hinzufügen, um Ihr Microsoft-Konto zu schützen.
Use Xbox touch controls with cloud gaming or remote play
Find out how to turn on touch controls for cloud gaming or remote play on Xbox.
Xbox gamertag FAQ | Xbox Support
Find everything you need to know about Xbox gamertags.
Types of Xbox enforcement actions
Depending on the enforcement action on your account, you can file an appeal by using the case review process. If the option is available, you’ll see the option to do so from your enforcement history.
"Något är fel med ditt Microsoft-konto" visas när du loggar in på Xbox
Lär dig hur du åtgärdar felet "Något är fel med din Microsoft-konto" så att du kan logga in på Xbox-nätverket.
How to find out if a game will play on your Windows device
Here’s a checklist to help you determine whether your Windows device is game-ready. Expand all
Submit a report on the Xbox app | Xbox Support
Inappropriate content on a player’s profile; Xbox messages from other players; Activity feed content (such as comments, and posts that contain inappropriate screenshots or game clips)
登录到 Xbox | Xbox Support
是否需要有关在主机、电脑或移动设备上设置 Xbox 档案或登录 Xbox 的帮助? 此解决方案将帮助你登录或创建新帐户。