“We couldn’t update system reserved partition” error installing Windows ...
Resize the USN journal, if truncating the NTFS Log doesn’t increase the free space in the SRP. From the Command Prompt, type the following and press Enter:
Ekran görüntüleri yakalamak için Ekran Alıntısı Aracı’nı kullanma
Video ekran alıntısı yakalamak için Ekran Alıntısı Aracı'nı açın, Kaydet düğmesini seçin, ardından Yeni kayıt'ı seçin veya Windows logo tuşu + Shift + R tuşlarına basın. Ekranın kaydetmek istediğiniz alanını seçin ve ardından Başlat'ı seçin. İşiniz bittiğinde Durdur'u seçin. Bu noktada kaydı olduğu gibi kaydedebilir veya Clipchamp video düzenleyicisinde ...
Windows 8.1 RT Update 3 for Surface RT and Surface 2
Install Windows 8.1 RT Update 3. When Windows Update notifies you that Windows 8.1 RT Update 3 is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it.
What happens if there's an unusual sign-in to your account - Microsoft ...
Select Review activity to check for any unusual sign-in attempts on the Recent activity page.If you see account activity that you're sure wasn't yours, let us know and we can help secure your account—if it's in the Unusual activity section, you can expand the activity and select This wasn't me.If it's in the Recent activity section, you can expand the activity and select Secure your account.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Gérer les cookies dans Microsoft Edge : afficher, autoriser, bloquer ...
Si vous ne souhaitez pas que des sites tiers stockent des cookies sur votre PC, vous pouvez bloquer les cookies. Cependant, le blocage des cookies peut empêcher l’affichage correct de certaines pages, ou vous pouvez obtenir un message d’un site vous indiquant que vous devez autoriser les cookies pour visualiser ce site.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots - Microsoft Support
To capture a video snip, open Snipping Tool, select the Record button, then select New recording, or press Windows logo key + Shift + R.Select the area of the screen you wish to record, then select Start.When you are done, select Stop.At this point you can save the recording as-is or select Edit in Clipchamp to work with it in the Clipchamp video editor.
Gestire gli account utente in Windows - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Importante: dovresti limitare il numero di amministratori nel tuo dispositivo Windows perché gli amministratori hanno il controllo completo sul sistema.Gli amministratori possono modificare le impostazioni, installare il software e accedere a tutti i file. Se troppe persone hanno questo livello di accesso, potrebbe portare a rischi di sicurezza come l'installazione di malware o modifiche ...
Administrar cuentas de usuario en Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Importante: debes limitar el número de administradores en tu dispositivo Windows porque los administradores tienen un control completo sobre el sistema.Los administradores pueden cambiar la configuración, instalar software y acceder a todos los archivos. Si demasiadas personas tienen este nivel de acceso, podría suponer riesgos de seguridad, como la instalación de malware o cambios no ...
Devolvendo itens que você comprou da Microsoft para troca ou reembolso
Produtos digitais como aplicativos, jogos, conteúdo complementar, assinaturas, filmes, programas de TV e livros não podem ser devolvidos, a menos que a oferta da lei aplicável declare que você está qualificado para um reembolso.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Use voice access to control your PC & author text with your voice
This page includes accessibility help articles for people who use Windows voice access to control their PC and author text using their voice.