Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
The Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter helps you automatically repair issues when you're blocked from installing or removing programs.
How to spot a "fake order" scam - Microsoft Support
A popular tactic of criminals is the "fake order" scam. The way it works is that you get a message, usually in email or text, that appears to be a routine confirmation for an order.
Change your two-step verification method and settings - Microsoft Support
Turn on two-factor verification prompts on a trusted device. Depending on your organization's settings, you may see a check box that says "Don't ask again for n days" when you perform two-factor verification. If you've selected this option to stop two-factor verification prompts, and then you lose your device or your device is potentially compromised, you should have Microsoft 365 sign you out ...
Windows 11’e yükseltmeye hazırlanma - Microsoft Desteği
Windows 11 sizi sevdiklerinize daha fazla yaklaştıran yeni bir Windows deneyimidir. Sezgisel gezinti ve kolay düzenlemeyle Windows 11’in yepyeni bir görünümü, daha fazla uygulaması, yaratıcı ve üretken olmak için daha verimli yolları var.
撤消、恢复或重复操作 - Microsoft 支持
撤消操作. 按 + z,或选择功能区左上角的“撤消 ”,直到解决问题。. 无法撤消某些操作,例如在“ 文件 ”菜单上选择命令或保存文件。 如果无法撤消某操作,“撤消”命令将更改为“无法撤消”。 若要同时撤消多个操作,请选择“ 撤消”旁边的箭头,在列表中选择要撤消的操作,然后选择该 ...
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Word for the web, PowerPoint for the web, Excel 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Word 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Word 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016
What is Outlook? - Microsoft Support
Training: With Microsoft Outlook on your PC, Mac or mobile device, you can organize email, share your calendar, schedule meetings, and share files. Watch this online video.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
How to use the Camera app - Microsoft Support
If your PC has a built-in camera or a connected webcam, you can use the Camera app to take photos and videos. To find the Camera app, select Start > Camera.. Select any heading below.
Erstellen eines Formulars in Word, das Benutzer ausfüllen oder drucken ...
Mit dem Rich-Text-Inhaltssteuerelement können Benutzer Text formatieren (z. B. fett, kursiv) und mehrere Absätze eingeben. Verwenden Sie das Nur-Text-Inhaltssteuerelement, um diese Funktionen einzuschränken.. Klicken oder tippen Sie auf die Stelle im Dokument, an der das Steuerelement eingefügt werden soll. Wählen Sie Entwicklertools > Rich-Text-Inhaltssteuerelement oder Nur-Text ...
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word 2024, Word 2024 for Mac, Word 2021, Word 2021 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 for Mac, Word 2016
Logga in i SharePoint. - Microsoft Support
SharePoint är en webbläsarbaserad app som du ansluter till via webbläsaren. Om din organisation har tilldelat dig en licens som omfattar SharePoint kan du logga in. I den här artikeln beskrivs de två vanligaste sätten att logga in på SharePoint:
Applies To: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Sử dụng Công cụ Cắt để chụp màn hình - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
Để chụp ảnh cắt video, hãy mở Công cụ Cắt, chọn nút Ghi, sau đó chọn Ghi mới hoặc nhấn phím logo Windows + Shift + R.Chọn khu vực màn hình bạn muốn ghi, sau đó chọn Bắt đầu.Khi bạn hoàn tất, hãy chọn Dừng.Tại thời điểm này, bạn có thể lưu bản ghi như hiện tại hoặc chọn Chỉnh sửa trong Clipchamp để làm ...