How to get help in Windows - Microsoft Support
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Gliedern (Gruppieren) von Daten in einem Arbeitsblatt
Wichtig: Wenn Sie die Gruppierung einer Gliederung aufheben, während die Detaildaten ausgeblendet sind, bleiben die Detailzeilen möglicherweise ausgeblendet.Wenn Sie die Daten anzeigen möchten, markieren Sie die sichtbaren Zeilennummern neben den ausgeblendeten Zeilen. Wechseln Sie dann zu Start > Zellen > Format, zeigen Sie auf & Einblenden ausblenden, und wählen Sie dann Zeilen ...
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
Share your PowerPoint presentation with others - Microsoft Support
Select Share, then Share again. If your presentation isn't already stored on OneDrive, select where to save your presentation to the cloud. Choose a permission level, like Anyone with a link, or maybe just people in your company.You can also control if people can edit or just view the doc.
Applies To:
PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016
Installer Office 2010 - Support Microsoft
Dans la boîte de dialogue Installation d’Office, cliquez sur Ajouter ou supprimer des composants, puis cliquez sur Continuer.. Cliquez sur les options d’installation personnalisée que vous souhaitez utiliser. Cliquez sur le signe plus (+) pour développer un dossier et afficher les autres fonctionnalités.
Applies To:
Excel 2010, Word 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, OneNote 2010, Office 2010,
Office 2019’u, Office 2016’yı veya Office 2013’ü indirme ve yükleme ...
Not: Office Professional Plus , Office Standard veya Word yada Project gibi tek başına bir uygulama için 2019, 2016 veya 2013 sürümlerini indirme adımları, Microsoft 365uygulamasını aşağıdaki yollardan aldıysanız farklılık gösterebilir: Microsoft Çalışma Alanı İndirim Programı(önceki adıyla Evde Kullanım Programı): Microsoft 365 uygulamasını şirketiniz ...
Applies To:
Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Windows の Sign-In オプション - Microsoft サポート
セキュリティ キーは、通常、USB ドングル、NFC、またはBluetoothの形式で認証に使用されるデバイスです。 パスワードの代わりに、セキュリティ キーを使用してアプリ、Web サイト、職場または学校アカウントを持っている場合は Windows にサインインできます。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Save a copy of a workbook to your computer - Microsoft Support
To save a copy of your workbook from OneDrive to your computer, you will first need to download it. After downloading the workbook, you can open the workbook and make any changes—if you have the Excel desktop application.
Applies To:
Excel for the web
Accessibility best practices with Excel spreadsheets
Users can use the Go To command (Control+G) to open up a dialog box which lists all the defined names. By selecting a name, a user can quickly jump to the named location. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to name. Select Formulas > Define name. Enter the name and select OK.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel for iPad, Excel for iPhone, Excel for Android tablets, Excel for Android phones
Error opening Help in Windows-based programs: "Feature not included" or ...
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which depends on a feature that isn’t included in this version of Windows. However, you can download a program that will allow you to view Help created in the Windows Help format.
Sistem Geri Yükleme - Microsoft Desteği
Sistem Geri Yükleme'yi açmak için aşağıdaki yöntemlerden birini kullanabilirsiniz: Denetim MasasıKurtarma >Sistem Geri Yükleme'yi Aç'ı seçin + R klavye kısayolunu kullanın, rstrui.exe yazın ve Enter tuşuna basın Sistem dosyalarını ve ayarlarını geri yükle kutusunda İleri'yi seçin. Sonuç listesinde kullanmak istediğiniz geri yükleme noktasını seçin.