Fix problems uploading files on the OneDrive website
The full path (including the file name) is too long. The path must contain fewer than 442 characters. Shorten the name of your file or the name of subfolders in OneDrive, or select a subfolder that's closer to the top-level folder, and then try to upload the file again.
Applies To:
Office for business, OneDrive (home or personal)
Sync SharePoint files and folders - Microsoft Support
Both options allow essentially the same thing—you can access files on your local computer in File Explorer or Finder. However, adding OneDrive shortcuts allows content to be accessed on all devices, whereas sync is related to a specific device.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Video: What is Access? - Microsoft Support
Training: With Microsoft Access, you don't have to be a developer to create a database to help your team work more efficiently. Watch this online video to see how.
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
失われたファイルまたは削除されたファイルを回復する - Microsoft サポート
コンピューター上のファイルが見つからなくなった場合、または誤ってファイルを変更または削除してしまった場合でも、バックアップから復元 (Windows バックアップを使用している場合) したり、以前のバージョンから復元を試みることができます。以前のバージョンとは、復元ポイントの一部 ...
Explore the homepage - Microsoft Support
Use as wallpaper. Most of the daily images are available for download to use as wallpaper. Hover over the image headline and select Download today's image.If licensing restrictions don't allow downloads of a given image, there's a link to download the Bing Wallpaper app, which offers a library of images featured on Bing.
文件资源管理器帮助 - Microsoft 支持
若要打开文件资源管理器,请 + E 选择 Windows 徽标键 ,或转到“开始 ” 并在搜索框中键 入文件资源管理器。 在结果中选择“文件资源管理器”。 热门主题. 以下是关于文件资源管理器的一些常见问题的答案。
将排除项添加到 Windows 安全中心 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何通过将受信任的文件、文件类型或进程添加到排除项列表,使 Windows 安全中心停止发出有关它们的警报或阻止它们。
解决 Windows 中的蓝屏错误 - Microsoft 支持
蓝屏错误 (也称为 bug 检查、停止代码错误、内核错误或 BSOD 错误) 如果严重问题导致 Windows 意外关闭或重启,以保护自身免受数据丢失的影响。你可能会看到一条消息,指出“Windows 已关闭,以防止损坏你的计算机”或类似消息。 硬件设备、其驱动程序或软件可能已导致此错误。
Help in WordPad - Microsoft Support
Get answers to common questions about WordPad. Here are a few tips to help you use WordPad: To open and save files, select File, then select New to create a new document, Open to work with an existing document, or Save to save your document.(If your document doesn't have a name, WordPad will ask you to provide one.)
Aggiornare manualmente i driver in Windows - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Nota: Il modo migliore e sicuro per ottenere gli aggiornamenti dei driver in Windows è sempre attraverso Windows Update.Se si verificano problemi con Windows Update, è possibile verificare se uno dei collegamenti in Aggiornamento Windows può essere utile per prima cosa.