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"Parameeter on vale" viga Defrag.exe käitamisel Windows 8.1 või Windows ...
Artiklis esitatakse lahendus probleemile, mis takistab Defrag.exe programmi operatsioonisüsteemi Windows 8.1 või Windows Server 2012 R2. Sündmuse ID 257 kirjutatakse rakenduselogisse sellises olukorras.
הכלי Defrag.exe מפסיק להגיב כאשר מפעילים את הכלי Dfrgntfs.exe לשם איחוי ...
מאמר זה מתאר בעיה שבה הכלי Defrag.exe עלול להפסיק להגיב כאשר מפעילים את הכלי Dfrgntfs.exe לשם איחוי דיסק קשיח במחשב מבוסס Windows XP.
Description of the scheduled tasks in Windows Vista
Task name. Folder. Function. UninstallDeviceTask. Bluetooth. This scheduled task runs the Bthudtask.exe program at an elevated permissions level. The Bthudtask.exe program removes a pairing with a remote Bluetooth device that has the specified service ID.
Microsoft Support
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"Your Computer Does Not Have Enough Free Memory to Defrag the Drive ...
Resolution. To resolve these problems, upgrade your Windows operating system to Microsoft Windows XP or later. Workaround. To work around these problems, do one of the following, as appropriate to your situation:
"Parametras yra neteisingas" klaida paleidus Defrag.exe Windows 8.1 ...
Išsprendžiama problema, kuri neleidžia Defrag.exe programa veikia sistemoje "Windows 8.1" arba "Windows Server 2012 R2. Įvykio ID 257 įrašomas į programos žurnalą, esant tokiai situacijai.
"Your Computer Does Not Have Enough Free Memory to Defrag the Drive ...
Resolution. To resolve these problems, upgrade your Windows operating system to Microsoft Windows XP or later. Workaround. To work around these problems, do one of the following, as appropriate to your situation:
"Parametr je nesprávný" Chyba při spuštění Defrag.exe v systému Windows ...
Opravuje problém, který brání ve spuštění v systému Windows 8.1 nebo Windows Server 2012 R2 Defrag.exe program. Událost ID 257 jsou zapsány do protokolu aplikace v této situaci.
The Defrag.exe tool stops responding when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool ...
Describes a problem in which the Defrag.exe tool may stop responding when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a Windows XP-based computer. Ugrás a tartalomtörzsre Microsoft