Comment se connecter et se déconnecter d’
Pour obtenir de l’aide dans, cliquez ici ou sélectionnez Aide dans la barre de menus et entrez votre requête. Si l'auto-assistance ne résout pas votre problème, faites défiler la page jusqu'à la rubrique Avez-vous toujours besoin d'aide ? et sélectionnez Oui.. Pour nous contacter dans, vous devez vous connecter.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2019 for Mac, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Outlook 2013, Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web,, Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Outlook Web App Light, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook for Mac 2011, My Office for iPhone,, Outlook 2007 Developer, Outlook 2010 Developer, Outlook Calendar for Windows 10, Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Windows Phone 10, Outlook Groups for Mobile, Outlook Mail for Windows 10, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Die Kamera funktioniert nicht unter Windows - Microsoft-Support
Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Probleme beheben können, wenn die Kamera bei Windows nicht funktioniert oder Sie Fehler sehen 0xA00F4244 oder 0x200F4244.
Verificar a atividade de entrada recente para sua conta Microsoft
Se você receber um email sobre atividades incomuns em sua conta Microsoft ou se estiver preocupado que outra pessoa possa ter usado sua conta, vá para a página atividade Recente.Você verá quando tiver entrado na sua conta Microsoft durante os últimos 30 dias, além de qualquer dispositivo ou informação específica do aplicativo.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Configuración eficiente de energía en Windows 11
Necesitamos energía para alimentar nuestros dispositivos electrónicos. Cuando se produce energía, a menudo se emite carbono. Esto se debe a que gran parte de la energía del mundo actual se crea a través de la quema de combustibles fósiles.
在 Web 上使用 Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 支持
在 查找 Web 上的 Teams。. 若要使用 Teams,需要一个具有商业或企业 Microsoft 365 许可证计划的 Microsoft 365 帐户。 有关详细信息,请参阅如何访问 Microsoft Teams。. 有关 Web 上 Teams 支持的浏览器的信息,可以查看最新的浏览器先决条件。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams’da oturum açma veya oturumu kapatma'da destek almak için buraya tıklayın veya menü çubuğundan Yardım’ı seçin ve sorgunuzu girin. Kendi kendine yardım, sorununuzu çözmezse, aşağı kaydırarak Hala yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var?’a gidin ve Evet'i seçin..'da bizimle iletişim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekir.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2019 for Mac, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Outlook 2013, Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web,, Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Outlook Web App Light, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook for Mac 2011, My Office for iPhone,, Outlook 2007 Developer, Outlook 2010 Developer, Outlook Calendar for Windows 10, Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Windows Phone 10, Outlook Groups for Mobile, Outlook Mail for Windows 10, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Microsoft 365 Training
Get productive quickly with Microsoft 365 videos and tutorials. Explore Microsoft 365 training guides and tips to collaborate with anyone, anywhere.
重置忘记的 Microsoft 帐户密码 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 如果知道密码,但只想更改密码,请转到 “安全 ”选项卡,然后选择“ 更改我的密码”。. 如果知道用户名和密码但已停止工作,请阅读 我的用户名和密码已停止工作。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Apps en programma's verwijderen in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Apps en programma's in de app Instellingen verwijderen of verwijderen. Verwijderen uit Configuratiescherm Voer in de zoekopdracht op de taakbalk Configuratiescherm in en selecteer deze in de resultaten.. Selecteer Programma's > > Programma's en onderdelen.. Houd de naam ingedrukt van het programma dat je wilt verwijderen (of klik er met de rechtermuisknop op) en selecteer vervolgens ...
How to help keep your Microsoft account safe and secure - Microsoft Support
Do. Don't. Do make the new password significantly different from previous passwords. Don't use the same password for different accounts. Do use a sentence or phrase converted into a string of initials, numbers, and symbols.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard