Subskrypcje i rozliczenia | Xbox Support
Więcej informacji dotyczących zarządzania subskrypcjami usług Xbox, problemów z rozliczeniami i nie tylko.
Cloud-Gaming mit Xbox | Xbox Support
Erfahren Sie mehr über Cloud Gaming auf Xbox mit Ihrem Android-, iOS- oder Windows-Gerät.
Secure your account if you think you’ve been hacked
If you can’t sign in because you can’t remember your password or believe it may have been changed, go to:
Account & profile | Xbox Support
Find everything you need to manage your Xbox account, profile, and more.
Remotely install and manage games | Xbox Support
When you’re away from your console or your Windows 10/11 device, you can still get ready to play your next Xbox console game. Use Xbox app on mobile or to remotely install games—so your games are ready when you are.
Como alterar a senha da sua conta Microsoft | Xbox Support
Importante Como a alteração da senha da conta Microsoft é um pouco diferente da redefinição de uma senha esquecida, esta página não contém as etapas para redefinir a senha da conta.
Perguntas frequentes sobre EA Play com o Xbox Game Pass
O que acontecerá com minhas assinaturas se eu tiver o Xbox Game Pass Ultimate ou o Xbox Game Pass para PC e uma assinatura do EA Play por meio do Origin ou do aplicativo EA?
4K と HDR に関する問題解決 | Xbox Support
Xbox Series X、Xbox One X、および Xbox One S 本体での 4K と HDR に関する問題を解決する方法について説明します。
Richten Sie Ihre Xbox Series X-|S-Konsole ein | Xbox Support
Möchten Sie Ihre neue Xbox Series X-|S-Konsole einrichten? Diese Lösung hilft Ihnen beim Einrichten und Verbinden Ihres Systems.
Dodawanie lub usuwanie profilu Xbox | Xbox Support
Dowiedz się, jak dodać lub usunąć profil Xbox na dowolnej konsoli Xbox One lub Xbox Series X|S.