Check or change language settings - Microsoft Support
Microsoft's products and services work best if you use the same language and region across all your devices, and in all of your app and Store settings.
Applies To:, Microsoft Edge, OneDrive (home or personal)
Explore the homepage - Microsoft Support
To help you explore the world around you, Bing has a new homepage image every day. Find out more about the subject. To find out more about the subject of the daily image, move your mouse in the area under the search box to reveal the daily quiz.
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Press this key. To do this. Command + Shift + B. Show or hide the favorites bar. Command + Shift + C . Open Developer tools. Command + D. Save your current tab as a favorite. Command + Shift + D. Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder
Create a shareable link - Microsoft Support
Try it! Creating a shareable link makes it simple to share a document in an email, document, or IM. Select Share.. Select Copy Link.. Paste the link wherever you want.
Disinstallare o rimuovere app e programmi in Windows
Disinstalla o rimuovi app e programmi nell'app Impostazioni. Disinstallare da Pannello di controllo Nella ricerca sulla barra delle applicazioni immetti Pannello di controllo e selezionalo nei risultati.. Seleziona Programmi > Programmi e funzionalità.. Tieni premuto o fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul programma che desideri rimuovere e seleziona Disinstalla o Disinstalla/Cambia.
Change the refresh rate on your monitor in Windows
To change the refresh rate. Select Start > Settings > System > Display > Advanced display .. Next to Choose a refresh rate, select the rate you want. The refresh rates that appear depend on your display and what it supports. Select laptops and external displays will support higher refresh rates.
Предоставление общего доступа к файлам по сети в Windows
В списке дисков выберите букву диска. (Подойдет любая доступная буква.) В окне Папка введите путь к папке или компьютеру или выберите Обзор, чтобы найти папку или компьютер.Чтобы подключаться к компьютеру при каждом ...
Change your two-step verification method and settings - Microsoft Support
Turn on two-factor verification prompts on a trusted device. Depending on your organization's settings, you may see a check box that says "Don't ask again for n days" when you perform two-factor verification. If you've selected this option to stop two-factor verification prompts, and then you lose your device or your device is potentially compromised, you should have Microsoft 365 sign you out ...
Как открыть Microsoft Store в Windows
Нажмите Пуск и введите Microsoft Store.Выберите результат, чтобы открыть приложение. Если Microsoft Store не запускается, см. дополнительные сведения в разделе Microsoft Store не запускается.. Откройте Microsoft Store
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Signing in with a passkey - Microsoft Support
What are passkeys? Passkeys are a replacement for your password. With passkeys, you can sign into your Microsoft personal account, or your work/school account using your face, fingerprint, or PIN.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard