TRANSLATE function - Microsoft Support
This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the TRANSLATE function in Microsoft Excel. Description. The TRANSLATE() function allows you to translate text from one language to another in Microsoft Excel by using Microsoft Translation Services.. Syntax
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel Mobile
Comment utiliser votre stylet Surface - Support Microsoft
Écrire et dessiner. Utilisez votre Stylet Surface dans n’importe quelle application prenant en charge l’entrée manuscrite. Pour voir les applications avec lesquelles vous pouvez commencer, consultez la section Essayer ces applications avec votre stylet.. Commencer l’entrée manuscrite avec votre stylet
Gebruikersaccounts beheren in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
In de app Instellingen op je Windows-apparaat, Selecteer Accounts > Andere gebruiker of gebruik de volgende snelkoppeling:. Andere gebruikers. Selecteer onder Andere gebruiker toevoegen de optie Account toevoegen . Voer de accountgegevens in voor deze persoon om zich aan te melden: Als de persoon die u toevoegt al een Microsoft-account heeft, voert u het e-mailadres in
Fix microphone problems - Microsoft Support
Desktop apps won't appear in this list. If you want to give access to desktop apps, make sure that Let desktop apps access your microphone is turned on. You can't turn off microphone access for individual apps. If your camera contains a microphone, you might also need to give your apps permission to use your camera.
Configurar una red inalámbrica en Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Una red inalámbrica doméstica te permite acceder a Internet desde otros lugares de tu casa. En este artículo se describen los pasos básicos para configurar una red inalámbrica y empezar a usarla.
How to sign out from Authenticator - Microsoft Support
To remove an account from Microsoft Authenticator. Open Authenticator and select the account you want to remove. Tap the Settings gear Tap Remove account.
修正藍牙音訊裝置的連線 - Microsoft 支援服務
如果在 Windows 10 中按下控制中心內的 [連線] 按鈕無法找到您的裝置,可以嘗試以下幾種方法:. 查看控制中心,確定您的 Windows 裝置是否支援藍牙。 如果有,控制中心藍牙 按鈕。 請確定它已開啟。
Ändern der E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer für Ihr Microsoft-Konto ...
Benötigen Sie weitere Hilfe? Können Sie sich nicht anmelden? Wenn Sie sich nicht bei Ihrem Microsoft-Konto anmelden können, können die meisten Probleme von unserem Anmeldehilfsprogramm identifiziert werden. Anmeldehilfsprogramm. Kontaktieren Sie den Support. Für technischen Support wechseln Sie zu Microsoft-Support kontaktieren, geben Sie Ihr Problem ein, und wählen Sie Hilfe erhalten aus.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Shut down, sleep, or hibernate your PC - Microsoft Support
Note: If devices connected to your PC (like monitors, printers, or scanners) aren't working properly after waking up from sleep or hibernate, you might need to disconnect and reconnect your device or restart your PC.You should also make sure that you have the most current drivers for all of your devices.
Use o teclado na tela (OSK) para digitar - Suporte da Microsoft
Alterar a forma como as informações são introduzidas no Teclado no Ecrã. Com o teclado virtual aberto, selecione a tecla Opções e escolha as opções desejadas:. Utilizar som de clique: utilize esta opção se quiser ouvir um som quando premir uma tecla.. Mostrar teclas para facilitar a movimentação no ecrã: utilize esta opção se pretender que o OSK tenha teclas para o reposicionar ...