How to use Looking for Group | Xbox Support
Think of Looking for Group as a “players wanted” bulletin board—a way to help you find players in the Xbox community with similar goals and interests.
Gérer vos économies et stockage de jeux dans le cloud
Vous pouvez gérer vos jeux enregistrés et le stockage pour les jeux en ligne sur des appareils non console de la même façon que vous gérez vos données enregistrées pour les jeux sur console.
Family Options in the Windows Security App - Microsoft Support
The family options page of the Windows Security app provides you with easy access to tools to manage your family’s digital life. In the Windows Security app on your PC, select Family options, or use the following shortcut: Family options
Download files and folders from OneDrive or SharePoint
If you select multiple files or folders and then select Download from Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, or from SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, your browser will start downloading a .zip file containing all the files and folders you selected. If you're in a folder and you select Download without selecting any files or folders, your browser will begin downloading all ...
Applies To:
OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows, SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business
Windows 用の Microsoft ソリティア & カジュアル ゲームを入手する
以前のバージョンの Windows から無料のソリティア ゲームを愛していた場合、Microsoft ソリティア & カジュアル ゲームには、Microsoft ソリティア コレクションにラップされているすべてのクラシック ソリティア ゲームと、楽しみのためのその他の多くの楽しいカジュアル ゲームが含まれています。
Learn the structure of an Access database - Microsoft Support
Learn about the basic structure of an Access database. Becoming familiar with the tables, forms, queries, and other objects in an Access database can make it easier to perform a wide variety of tasks, such as entering data into a form, adding or removing tables, finding and replacing data, and running queries.
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Enable PC game mods | Xbox Support
Learn more about mods and how to manage them on child accounts.
Get to know your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2
Get a detailed look at the buttons, triggers, paddles, and left and right sticks on your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2.
SharePoint にサインインする - Microsoft サポート
SharePointは、Web ブラウザーを介して接続するブラウザー ベースのアプリです。 organizationで SharePoint を含むライセンスが割り当てられている場合は、サインインできます。 この記事では、SharePoint にサインインする最も一般的な 2 つの方法について説明します。
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Troubleshoot game audio or video issues on Windows
Learn how to resolve game audio or video problems on Windows 10/11 devices.