Obtenir des applications à partir du Microsoft Store sur votre PC ...
Si vous passez d’un PC Windows 7 ou Windows 8.1 à un nouvel appareil Windows, vous constaterez que la meilleure façon d’obtenir des applications et des jeux est de passer par le Microsoft Store.
Mailbox storage limits in Outlook - Microsoft Support
To see how much mailbox storage you've used and quickly clear up space: At the top of the new Outlook window, select Settings > Accounts > Storage.. Clean up Mailbox. From the Settings > Storage page you should see a breakdown of how much space each folder in your mailbox is taking. Below, you should see a list of the folders represented in the breakdown with the option to permanently delete ...
Applies To: Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, New Outlook for Windows, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Outlook.com email account appears as "outlook_[long series of letters ...
This issue can occur when you register a 3rd party email address (e.g., an email address that is not Outlook.com or Hotmail.com) for your Microsoft Account and don't use Outlook.com for sending and receiving email. If you typically use an Outlook.com account for email, ...
Applies To: Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook.com
Atualizar o Firmware do Processador de Segurança (TPM) - Suporte da ...
Por que estou recebendo esta mensagem? Muitos dispositivos que executam o Windows têm um chipset TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Há uma vulnerabilidade de segurança em determinados chipsets TPM que podem afetar a segurança do sistema operacional, o que significa que os sistemas operacionais Windows estão em um risco maior.
Rozwiązywanie problemów z błędami na niebieskim ekranie w systemie ...
Błędy typu Niebieski ekran (nazywane również testami usterek, błędami kodu ZATRZYMANIA, błędami jądra lub błędami BSOD) mogą wystąpić, jeśli poważny problem powoduje nieoczekiwane zamknięcie lub ponowne uruchomienie systemu Windows w celu ochrony przed utratą danych.Może zostać wyświetlony komunikat "System Windows został zamknięty, aby zapobiec uszkodzeniu komputera ...
配置 Windows Hello - Microsoft 支持
选择一个选项,选择 “设置”. 按照说明完成 Windows Hello 的配置. 登录体验. 下次登录设备时,可以使用面部识别、指纹识别或 PIN 代码而不是密码。
Baixar idiomas e vozes para Leitura Avançada, modo de leitura e leitura ...
Idiomas de conversão de texto em fala de software livre. Os idiomas gratuitos de conversão de texto em fala estão disponíveis para download pelo provedor de software livre eSpeak.
Applies To: OneNote for Microsoft 365, OneNote 2024, OneNote 2021, Word 2016, OneNote 2016, Immersive Reader, My Office for iPhone, Office.com
Windows 11-Systemanforderungen - Microsoft-Support
Hinweis: In diesem Artikel werden die Mindestsystemanforderungen für die Ausführung von Windows 11 auf einem PC erläutert. Die Mindestsystemanforderungen sind darauf ausgelegt, jetzt und in Zukunft auf einer Vielzahl von Geräten ein großartiges Computererlebnis zu gewährleisten.
Windows 中的 HDR 是什麼? - Microsoft 支援服務
NVIDIA G-SYNC ULTIMATE. VESA DisplayHDR - DisplayHDR 認證有多個層級,較高的數位表示層級較高。 以下是一些取得最佳體驗的提示: 尋找最新的 DisplayHDR 認證 — 版本 1.2 認證顯示器。 尋找符合 DisplayHDR 500 或更高層級的顯示器。
Como resgatar pontos do Microsoft Rewards
Estou a ter um problema ao resgatar os meus pontos do Microsoft Rewards. Se estiver a ter um problema ao resgatar os seus pontos do Microsoft Reward, poderá ser um dos seguintes problemas:
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard