Create an Outlook Data File (.pst) to save your information
Select OK.Type a password in both the Password and Verify Password text boxes and select OK again.. If you set a password, you must enter it every time that the data file is opened — for example, when Outlook starts or when you open the data file in Outlook.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business
Obtener la actualización más reciente de Windows
Los dispositivos Windows pueden obtener nuevas funciones en diferentes momentos, ya que Microsoft ofrece actualizaciones no relacionadas con la seguridad, correcciones, mejoras y mejoras a través de varias tecnologías de mantenimiento, incluida la implementación controlada de funciones (CFR). Windows te avisará si necesitas reiniciar el dispositivo para completar una actualización y ...
Smart charging on Surface - Microsoft Support
Smart charging will be paused and allow a full battery charge until your Surface needs to turn it on again. It may take several days before smart charging turns on again and limits your battery capacity to 80%.
Usar a Ferramenta de Captura para obter capturas de tela
Para capturar um recorte de vídeo, abra a Ferramenta de Recorte, selecione o botão Gravar e, em seguida, selecione Nova gravação ou prima a tecla do logótipo do Windows + Shift + R.Selecione a área do ecrã que pretende gravar e, em seguida, selecione Iniciar.Quando terminar, selecione Parar.Neste momento, pode guardar a gravação tal como está ou selecionar Editar no Clipchamp para ...
What is SharePoint? - Microsoft Support
Training: With SharePoint Online, build intranet sites, create team or communication sites, find and follow news, and more. Watch this video to learn how.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Join a meeting without an account in Microsoft Teams
To join a Teams meeting without signing into an account: Open the meeting invite and select the link next to Join, or Click here to join the meeting.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Troubleshoot problems with your Microsoft mouse or keyboard
Keyboard: All-in-One Media Keyboard, Microsoft Designer Compact Keyboard, Microsoft Number Pad, Microsoft Modern Keyboard, Microsoft Bluetooth Keyboard (NEW), Sculpt Mobile Keyboard, Universal Foldable Keyboard, Wedge Mobile Keyboard, Wedge Mobile Keyboard, Universal Mobile Keyboard, Microsoft Wired Ergonomic Keyboard (NEW), Internet Keyboard Pro, Microsoft Arc Keyboard, Natural Ergo Keyboard ...
Featured Access templates - Microsoft Support
Create and maintain an events database to manage upcoming events using this Access database. Powerful built-in and customizable event navigation and filtering let you track events by time (for example, Current Events, Events by Week, and Today's Events) as well as type, as you collect data in real time via email and generate and distribute useful and timely reports.
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Protection and security in Excel - Microsoft Support
Excel gives you the ability to protect your work, whether it’s to prevent someone from opening a workbook without a password, granting Read-Only access to a workbook, or even just protecting a worksheet so you don’t inadvertently delete any formulas.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
查找 BitLocker 恢复密钥 - Microsoft 支持
如果找不到恢复密钥,该怎么办? 如果设备由组织管理,请与 IT 部门联系以检索恢复密钥。 如果找不到 BitLocker 恢复密钥,并且无法撤消导致需要它的任何更改,则必须使用 Windows 恢复选项之一重置设备。. 重置你的设备将删除所有文件。