Getting your Xbox device serviced | Xbox Support
Warranties, extended service plans, and terms and conditions for your device
Agregar información de seguridad a tu cuenta de Microsoft
Aprende a agregar información de seguridad para ayudar a proteger tu cuenta Microsoft.
Dijital kod veya hediye kartıyla ilgili yardım alma
Xbox dijital kodları ve hediye kartları ve içerik kullanma sorunlarını giderme hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.
Reset or recover your lost Microsoft account password
Go to Reset your password and enter your email address.; Tell us where you'd like us to send a security code (email or phone number). Once you receive your security code, you'll be prompted to choose a new password and enter it twice.
Usar a transcrição de jogos e do chat em dispositivos Windows e Xbox
A transcrição de jogos está disponível nos dispositivos Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One e Windows 10/11 nos jogos que dão suporte a ela. No momento, a transcrição de bate-papo de grupo só está disponível em consoles Xbox Series X|S e Xbox One.
Le mot de passe vous est demandé à plusieurs reprises lorsque vous ...
Apprenez ce qu'il faut faire si votre mot de passe vous est demandé à plusieurs reprises sur votre console Xbox.
What do I do if my game crashes or freezes? | Xbox Support
Close all other apps and restart your device. This frees up memory on your device. Update your game. Check the App Store for the latest update to the game.
Set up your original Xbox 360 or Xbox 360 S console
Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up your Xbox 360.
Navigieren mit Maus und Tastatur | Xbox Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie ihre kabelgebundene USB-Maus und -Tastatur konfigurieren und Tastenkombinationen auf Xbox- und Windows-Geräten verwenden.
Windows 에서 Game bar 문제 해결 | Xbox Support
Windows 10의 Game Bar 문제에 대한 문제 해결 팁을 확인하세요.