Troubleshoot external monitor connections in Windows - Microsoft Support
Troubleshoot issues that occur when setting up external monitors. If you are trying to set up an external monitor and it’s not working, press the Windows logo key + P to make sure that the Extend option is selected. If the Extend option is selected, try the following troubleshooting tips.
Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro - Microsoft Support
In the Enter a product key window that opens, enter the 25-character Windows 10 Pro product key. Select Next to start the upgrade to Windows 10 Pro. Windows 10 Pro product key isn't available. Right-click the Start menu and then select Settings > Update & Security > Activation . Or Select the following Activation shortcut: Activation
Fix Bluetooth problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
In Windows 10, there are two ways to check if Bluetooth is turned on. Here’s how: Check in the taskbar. Select action center ( or ). If you don’t see Bluetooth, select Expand to reveal Bluetooth, then select Bluetooth to turn it on. You’ll see “Not connected” if your Windows 10 device isn’t paired to any Bluetooth accessories.
Windows 11 on devices that don't meet minimum system requirements
If the User Account Control window appears, select the Yes button. If the User Account Control window asks for an admin user name and password, enter a user name and password of an account that has administrator privileges. Once the user name and password are entered, select the Yes button.. In the Go back to Windows 10 window that opens, select the Next button
KB5005463—PC Health Check Application - Microsoft Support
This update installs the PC Health Check application onto Windows 10,version 20H2 and later devices. However, we will not install PC Health Check on Windows 11 devices. PC Health Check includes diagnostics to monitor device health and troubleshooting to improve performance, all from the convenience of a single dashboard. Key features include:
Anzeigen und Löschen des Browserverlaufs in Microsoft Edge
Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Browserverlauf und andere Verläufe in Microsoft Edge anzeigen und löschen.
Ruční aktualizace ovladačů ve Windows - Podpora Microsoftu
Klikněte pravým tlačítkem na nabídku Start a pak vyberte Správce zařízení.. V okně Správce zařízení, které se otevře, rozbalte kategorii výběrem šipky vedle požadované kategorie zařízení. Výběrem šipky vedle kategorie se kategorie rozbalí. Chcete-li například aktualizovat ovladač tiskárny, vyberte šipku vedle položky Tiskárny .
De bureaubladachtergrond wijzigen in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Effen kleur: kies één kleur voor uw achtergrond. Diavoorstelling: Selecteer een map met afbeeldingen die u wilt doorlopen als uw bureaubladachtergrond.U kunt het interval instellen voor hoe vaak de afbeeldingen veranderen en of u de afbeeldingen wilt wijzigen. Daarnaast kunt u met de rechtermuisknop op het bureaublad klikken en Volgende bureaubladachtergrond selecteren om naar de volgende ...
在 Windows 中为蓝牙设备配对 - Microsoft 支持
对 Windows 10 的支持将于 2025 年 10 月结束。 2025 年 10 月 14 日之后,Microsoft 将不再为 Windows 10 提供来自 Windows 更新的软件更新、技术协助或安全修补程序。 你的电脑仍可正常工作,但我们建议迁移到 Windows 11。 了解详细信息
Modifier l’arrière-plan du Bureau dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Windows 10 ne sera plus pris en charge à compter du mois d’octobre 2025. Après le 14 octobre 2025, Microsoft ne fournira plus de mises à jour logicielles gratuites à partir de Windows Update, ni d'assistance technique, ni de correctifs de sécurité pour Windows 10. Votre ordinateur personnel fonctionnera toujours, mais nous vous ...