Error 0x87dd0013 occurs when you try to launch a game or app on your ...
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Cloud gaming with Xbox | Xbox Support
Learn about cloud gaming on Xbox using your Android, iOS, or Windows device.
Update your Microsoft account if you're moving to a new country or ...
Find out how to update your Microsoft account if you're moving to a new country or region and about the impact of changing regions.
Submit a report on the Xbox app | Xbox Support
Inappropriate content on a player’s profile; Xbox messages from other players; Activity feed content (such as comments, and posts that contain inappropriate screenshots or game clips)
如何将我的 Xbox 控制器连接到电脑? | Xbox Support
可以通过使用 USB 电缆、适用于 Windows 的 Xbox 无线适配器或蓝牙将控制器连接到 Windows 设备。 有些 Windows 设备还附带了 Xbox 无线功能,因此无需适配器即可直接连接控制器。
Get to know the new Xbox Wireless Controller | Xbox Support
Get a detailed look at the buttons, triggers, and thumbsticks on the latest revision of the Xbox Wireless Controller.
Richten Sie Ihre Xbox Series X-|S-Konsole ein | Xbox Support
Möchten Sie Ihre neue Xbox Series X-|S-Konsole einrichten? Diese Lösung hilft Ihnen beim Einrichten und Verbinden Ihres Systems.
Configure an Xbox Wireless Controller | Xbox Support
Find out how to customise an Xbox Wireless Controller with the Xbox Accessories app.
Xbox の状態 | Xbox Support
Xbox サービス、ゲーム、アプリをチェックして、サービスが停止していないかどうかをご確認ください。
Reset or recover your lost Microsoft account password
Go to Reset your password and enter your email address.; Tell us where you'd like us to send a security code (email or phone number). Once you receive your security code, you'll be prompted to choose a new password and enter it twice.