Featured Access templates - Microsoft Support
Create and maintain an events database to manage upcoming events using this Access database. Powerful built-in and customizable event navigation and filtering let you track events by time (for example, Current Events, Events by Week, and Today's Events) as well as type, as you collect data in real time via email and generate and distribute useful and timely reports.
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Windows 注册表检查器工具 (Scanreg.exe) 说明 - Microsoft 支持
概要. 成功启动计算机后,Windows 注册表检查器工具 (Scanreg.exe) 会每天创建一次系统文件和注册表配置信息(包括用户帐户信息、协议绑定、软件程序设置和用户首选项)的备份。
Join the Windows Insider Program and manage Insider settings
With the Windows Insider Program, you’ll get all the latest Windows 10 builds as soon as they’re available. Join the Windows Insider Program to be one of the first to experience the new ideas and concepts we’re building.In return, we want to know what you think.
Activar o desactivar la ventana emergente de alerta de mensaje nuevo
Activar o desactivar las alertas para el nuevo Outlook. Abrir el nuevo Outlook. En Ver, seleccione Ver configuración.. Seleccione General y, después, Notificaciones.. En Notificarme acerca de, active o desactive el botón de alternancia para Correo, Calendario o Documentos.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, New Outlook for Windows
August 13, 2024-KB5042099 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
The August 13, 2024 update for Windows 11, version 22H2 and Windows 11, version 23H2 includes security and cumulative reliability improvements in .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1.
Media Player 中的编解码器 - Microsoft 支持
编解码器允许播放不同格式的音频和视频文件。 Media Player 支持各种编解码器。 大多数都现装即用;可以从 Microsoft Store 安装一些其他编解码器。
Adicionar um dispositivo de hardware a um dispositivo Windows
No dispositivo Windows, clique com o botão direito do rato no menu Iniciar e, em seguida, selecione Definições > Dispositivos & Bluetooth > Dispositivos . Ou Selecione o seguinte atalho Dispositivos: Dispositivos. Na janela Dispositivos > Dispositivos & Bluetooth que é aberta, selecione o botão Adicionar dispositivo.. Quando a janela Adicionar um dispositivo for aberta, siga as instruções.
Stop sharing OneDrive or SharePoint files or folders, or change ...
On the Details pane, under the Has Access header, you'll see the People icon, the Links icon, and/or the Email icon. These options vary depending on how you have shared the file or folder. Select Manage access and:. To stop sharing the file entirely, click Stop sharing.. To delete a sharing link, click the ...
Applies To:
OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Zabezpieczenia urządzenia w aplikacji Zabezpieczenia Windows
Uwaga: Jeśli spróbujesz zainstalować urządzenie lub aplikację z niezgodnym sterownikiem po włączeniu ochrony stosu wymuszanego sprzętowo, może zostać wyświetlony ten sam komunikat.Jeśli tak, należy skorzystać z tej samej porady — skontaktuj się z producentem urządzenia lub wydawcą aplikacji, aby sprawdzić, czy ma on zaktualizowany sterownik, który można pobrać, lub nie ...
Windows 的产品密钥 - Microsoft 支持
产品密钥是由 25 个字符组成的代码,用于激活 Windows 和帮助验证使用 Windows 的电脑的数量未超过 Microsoft 软件许可条款所允许的数量。