Administrar notificaciones de sitios web en Microsoft Edge
Nota: Si recibes mensajes emergentes no deseados (que no es lo mismo que las notificaciones de sitios web), consulta Bloquear elementos emergentes en Microsoft Edge.Los elementos emergentes son anuncios, avisos, ofertas y alertas que se abren en la ventana actual del explorador, en una ventana nueva o en otra pestaña,
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Change a site's title, description, logo, and site information settings ...
Note: In the following example, we're showing how to make changes to a team site using admin permissions.If you don't see Change the look, you might not have permissions to customize the SharePoint site name and description.Contact the site owner either to get permissions to make the changes yourself or to have the changes made for you. For more information, see Managing site permissions.
Applies To:
SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 admin, SharePoint admin center
Atualizar o Firmware do Processador de Segurança (TPM) - Suporte da ...
Por que motivo estou a receber esta mensagem? Muitos dispositivos que executam o Windows têm um chipset trusted Platform Module (TPM). Existe uma vulnerabilidade de segurança em determinados chipsets TPM que pode afetar a segurança do sistema operativo, o que significa que os sistemas operativos Windows estão em risco acrescido.
排查Windows 媒体播放器错误 - Microsoft 支持
检查编解码器是否过时或损坏: 你可能有一个缺失或过时的编解码器。 有关详细信息,检查文件格式和编解码器要求。. 获取最新的 Windows 更新: 确保使用的是最新版本的 Windows。 若要查看可用更新,请选择“检查 Windows 更新”或选择“开始 > 设置 >更新 & 安全 > Windows 更新 >检查更新”。
How to verify an email address in your Microsoft account
When you sign up for a Microsoft account or add an email address to your account, we automatically send a request to that email for you to verify that we have the right address.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
August 13, 2024-KB5042099 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
The August 13, 2024 update for Windows 11, version 22H2 and Windows 11, version 23H2 includes security and cumulative reliability improvements in .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8.1.
在 Windows 上安装移动应用和Amazon Appstore - Microsoft 支持
了解如何通过 适用于 Android 的 Windows 子系统 ™ 在Windows 11电脑上使用和安装移动应用。
Configurare le applicazioni di avvio in Windows
Nell'app Impostazioni del dispositivo Windows, App > Avvio o usa il collegamento seguente:. Avvio. Per una delle applicazioni nell'elenco. impostare l'interruttore su Attivato per avviare automaticamente l'app quando si accede. impostare l'interruttore su Disattivato per impedire l'avvio automatico dell'app. Se vuoi modificare le impostazioni avanzate per l'app, seleziona la freccia di ...
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
Zabezpieczenia urządzenia w aplikacji Zabezpieczenia Windows
Uwaga: Jeśli spróbujesz zainstalować urządzenie lub aplikację z niezgodnym sterownikiem po włączeniu ochrony stosu wymuszanego sprzętowo, może zostać wyświetlony ten sam komunikat.Jeśli tak, należy skorzystać z tej samej porady — skontaktuj się z producentem urządzenia lub wydawcą aplikacji, aby sprawdzić, czy ma on zaktualizowany sterownik, który można pobrać, lub nie ...