Xbox Support
Xbox Support offers help for Xbox, Game Pass, and billing questions. Get advice and customer service in the Xbox Support community.
Manage Xbox online safety and privacy settings
Learn how to manage the online safety and privacy settings on the Xbox console for you and every member of your family group.
深入認識 Windows 版 Xbox 應用程式 | Xbox Support
Windows 版 Xbox 應用程式是您可以在 Windows 裝置上玩和管理電腦遊戲內容的地方。 無論您是 Xbox Game Pass 會員,或是從 Microsoft Store 購買了遊戲,您的遊戲都在應用程式中等待使用。
从 Xbox 上的家庭组中删除自己或家庭成员
重要 如果你的家庭组中出现你不认识的人,请将其删除。 如果你使用的是子女帐户,并且你的帐户中列出了你不认识的人作为家庭组的组织者,请让你真正的家长或监护人联系 Xbox 支持。
Xbox enforcement action FAQ | Xbox Support
Note that customer support can’t assist with suspensions or enforcement actions. If you need assistance with an active enforcement action, it may qualify for the case review process.
我的 Xbox 控制器上的按鈕無法運作 | Xbox Support
如果您的 Xbox 控制器上的部分或全部按鈕運作不正常 (這可能包括搖桿漂移、校正困難、按鈕對應問題或控制項未按預期回應),請嘗試這些解決方案來更正問題。
How to report a player or concern on Xbox | Xbox Support
Can I find out if any action was taken against someone I reported?
How to manage activity feed privacy | Xbox Support
Learn how to manage the privacy of your activity feed posts, and posts from members in your family group, on Xbox.
All about PC gaming with Xbox
Find out how to play with cloud gaming on devices you already have
Reset or recover your lost Microsoft account password
Go to Reset your password and enter your email address.; Tell us where you'd like us to send a security code (email or phone number). Once you receive your security code, you'll be prompted to choose a new password and enter it twice.