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Windows 용 설치 미디어 만들기 - Microsoft 지원
제품 키. 25자 제품 키가 필요할 수 있습니다(디지털 라이선스에는 필요하지 않음). 제품 키 찾기에 대한 도움말은 Windows 제품 키 찾기로 이동하세요. 대부분의 최신 디바이스에는 디바이스의 펌웨어에 포함된 제품 키가 포함되어 있습니다.
Windows Update Troubleshooter - Microsoft Support
If the problems aren't all resolved, try running the troubleshooter again to check for additional errors, or see Fix Windows Update errors and follow the troubleshooting steps. For more Windows Update troubleshooting info, see Troubleshoot problems updating Windows. Check for Windows updates
Visualizzare o eliminare la cronologia del browser in Microsoft Edge
Cancellare i dati delle esplorazioni archiviati nel cloud (se hai attivato la sincronizzazione o la personalizzazione) Per gestire ed eliminare i dati salvati nel cloud di Microsoft, vedi la Dashboard della privacy.Nella dashboard della privacy puoi visualizzare o eliminare i tuoi dati.
Buscar y abrir Explorador de archivos - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Explorador de archivos en Windows 11 le ayuda a obtener los archivos que necesita de forma rápida y sencilla. Para comprobarlo en Windows 11, selecciónalo en la barra de tareas o el menú Inicio, o presiona la tecla del logotipo de Windows + E en el teclado.. Cómo usar Explorador de archivos:
Install Office 2010 - Microsoft Support
If the setup wizard doesn’t start automatically, navigate to the disc drive and click SETUP.EXE. When prompted, enter the product key. If you need help, see Find your product key for Office 2010. Read and accept the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then click Continue.
Applies To:
Excel 2010, Word 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, OneNote 2010, Office 2010
Xbox 360 Store and Xbox 360 Marketplace FAQ | Xbox Support
Any content distributed via the Xbox 360 Store is no longer available for purchase. This includes games, trials, add-ons, avatar items, apps, gamerpics, game trailers, and videos.
Obtener la actualización más reciente de Windows
Los dispositivos Windows pueden obtener nuevas funciones en diferentes momentos, ya que Microsoft ofrece actualizaciones no relacionadas con la seguridad, correcciones, mejoras y mejoras a través de varias tecnologías de mantenimiento, incluida la implementación controlada de funciones (CFR). Windows te avisará si necesitas reiniciar el dispositivo para completar una actualización y ...
Export and import OneNote notebooks - Microsoft Support
OneNote doesn’t recognize the notebook I’m trying to import. If OneNote rejects a notebook file that you’re trying to import, it’s likely that you’re trying to upload the original Zip file that was created when you previously downloaded the notebook. To solve this issue, double-click to open the original Zip file, and then extract ...
Applies To:
OneNote for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365 for Mac, OneNote for the web, OneNote 2024, OneNote 2024 for Mac, OneNote 2021, OneNote 2021 for Mac, OneNote for Windows 10, OneNote 2016, OneNote for Mac, OneNote for iOS, OneNote for Android phones
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