Safe Senders in - Microsoft Support
To ensure messages from known addresses or domains don't get moved to your Junk Email folder, add them to your safe senders list: Open your Safe Senders settings.
Applies To:
在 Windows 中更改监视器上的刷新率 - Microsoft 支持
Windows 11引入了一项称为动态刷新速率 (DRR) 的新功能,该功能会根据你当时执行的操作自动调整刷新率。 这可以帮助你获得两全其美:当你需要游戏、浏览或墨迹书写时获得流畅的体验,当你不执行这些类型操作时,电池使用时间更长。
Block or allow (junk email settings) - Microsoft Support
Use the Block or Allow settings to help control unwanted and unsolicited email messages by creating and managing lists of email addresses and domains that you trust and those that you don’t.
Applies To:
Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Use a link or code to join a team in Microsoft Teams
Use a code. Select Teams on the left side of the app, then select Create and join teams and channels at the top of your teams list.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
10 tips on how to help reduce spam - Microsoft Support
Limit the places where you post your e-mail address Be cautious about posting your e-mail address on public Web sites, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and so forth.When visiting public sites, you might want to use an e-mail address that is different from your main e-mail address.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Microsoft account dashboard
在 Windows 上安装移动应用和Amazon Appstore - Microsoft 支持
了解如何通过 适用于 Android 的 Windows 子系统 ™ 在Windows 11电脑上使用和安装移动应用。
Apps en programma's herstellen in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Programma's herstellen in het Configuratiescherm. Selecteer de koppeling Geavanceerde opties onder de naam van de app (sommige apps hebben deze optie niet). Selecteer op de pagina die wordt geopend de optie Herstellen als deze beschikbaar is.Als deze niet beschikbaar is of als het probleem hiermee niet kan worden opgelost, selecteer je Opnieuw instellen.
How to use alarms and timers in the Clock app in Windows
Alarms and timers work even if the app is closed or your device is locked. If you see a warning that notifications only show if the device is awake, make sure your device doesn’t go to sleep (Go to Start > Settings > System > Power & battery , then select Screen, sleep, & hibernate timeouts to adjust your device’s sleep settings).
Use la herramienta Comprobador de archivos de sistema para reparar los ...
Deslice el dedo rápidamente desde el borde derecho de la pantalla y pulse Buscar.O bien, si usa un mouse, señale el extremo inferior derecho de la pantalla y haga clic en Búsqueda.Escriba Símbolo del sistema en el cuadro de Búsqueda, haga clic con el botón derecho en Símbolo del sistema y luego haga clic en Ejecutar como administrador.Si se le pide una contraseña de administrador o que ...
Play, share, and download a meeting recording in Microsoft Teams
Depending on the length of the video, generating closed captions can take several minutes. Once generated, you can watch the video in Stream and have captions displayed at the bottom of the screen.. When the captions have been created, the Generate button turns to Translate.Select Translate to change the spoken or screen language to automatically translate the captions.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams