- Microsoft
安全软件使用定义来识别威胁。 它们是一组已知模式或行为,安全软件将其扫描的软件进行比较,以确定文件是否可能是威胁。 定义也称为安全智能、签名、DAT 文件、模式文件、标识文件或防病毒数据库。 Microsoft Defender 通过Windows 更新自动获取新的安全智能。
Microsoft.com Worldwide
Microsoft.com Worldwide. Microsoft.com is available in a variety of countries/regions. Choose your language preference below.
Advanced search options - Microsoft Support
Notes: By default, all searches are AND searches. You must capitalize the NOT and OR operators. Otherwise, Bing will ignore them as stop words, which are commonly occurring words and numbers that are omitted to speed a full-text search.
Fix problems with nearby sharing in Windows - Microsoft Support
If file transfer starts but halts midway or fails completely, follow the below troubleshooting steps. Check Power Settings: Ensure that power-saving settings or sleep mode are not interrupting the transfer.Go to Settings > System > Power & battery and adjust the sleep settings.. Keep Devices Within Range: Nearby Sharing works best when devices are close together, especially for Bluetooth.
Windows 11 使 - Microsoft
Windows Studio 效果是一系列功能,旨在以最佳光线呈现自己。 Windows Studio 效果由机器学习算法启用,需要 NPU (神经处理单元) 。 下面是它们是什么的说明: 背景效果 - 背景模糊等效果. 眼神接触 - 一种用于补偿眼睛看屏幕而不是相机的效果
Microsoft 365 Training
Get productive quickly with Microsoft 365 videos and tutorials. Explore Microsoft 365 training guides and tips to collaborate with anyone, anywhere.
Windows Media Player 12 - Microsoft Support
Designed by media lovers for media lovers. Windows Media Player 12, available as part of Windows 10, plays more music and video than ever. Organize your digital media collection, sync digital media files to a portable device, shop online for digital media content, and more with Windows Media Player 12.
Veja onde seu navegador está salvando os arquivos baixados
Para ver onde seu navegador está salvando os arquivos baixados, examine as configurações do navegador. Por exemplo, no novo Microsoft Edge , selecione Configurações e mais > Configurações > Arquivos baixados .O caminho do arquivo para arquivos baixados (por exemplo, C:\Users\[seu nome]\Downloads) está listando em Localização.. Na Versão Herdada do Microsoft Edge , selecione ...
Désinstaller ou supprimer des applications et des programmes dans ...
Désinstaller de Panneau de configuration Dans la recherche dans la barre des tâches, entrez Panneau de configuration et sélectionnez-la dans les résultats.. Sélectionnez Programmes > Programmes et fonctionnalités.. Appuyez longuement (ou cliquez avec le bouton droit) sur le programme à supprimer et sélectionnez Désinstaller ou Désinstaller/Modifier.
Office 2024 Office LTSC 2024 - Microsoft
根据像你一样的用户的反馈,Office 2024 在 Office 应用内部和这些应用之间拥有更自然、更一致的体验。 这种新外观应用 Fluent Design 原则,可跨所有应用程序提供直观、熟悉的体验。 它在 Windows 11 上表现出色,同时还能增强 Windows 10 上的用户体验。
Applies To: Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac