Reinstall OneDrive - Microsoft Support
Learn how to uninstall and reinstall OneDrive for Windows, Mac, Android or iOS to resolve sync issues and reset settings. Find out which app you need to backup and sync your files or view your OneDrive online.
Applies To: Office for business, Microsoft Office, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
OneDrive desktop app for Windows - Microsoft Support
Learn how to download, update, remove, pause, resume and change save location of OneDrive on your Windows PC. OneDrive is built in to Windows 10 or 11 and syncs your files and documents automatically.
Choose between the 64-bit, 32-bit, and ARM version of OneDrive
Learn how to choose and install the right OneDrive version for your device and operating system. Compare the features and benefits of 64-bit, 32-bit, ARM64, and Apple silicon versions of OneDrive.
Applies To: OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Reset OneDrive - Microsoft Support
Resetting OneDrive only disconnects all your sync connections (including personal and work or school). 1. On your computer keyboard, press the Windows key and R at the same time to open the Run dialog box. 2. Copy or type wsreset.exe into the box then select OK.
Applies To: OneDrive for Business 24, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
OneDrive の再インストール - Microsoft サポート
Microsoft OneDrive は、OneDrive Web サイトからダウンロードできるバックアップと同期用のアプリです。 OneDrive by Microsoft Corporation は、OneDrive を表示することができる Microsoft Store アプリから入手可能なアプリです。 どちらかまたは両方のアプリがインストールされている可能性がありますが (これは問題ありません)、Store アプリの方では、ファイルのバックアップと同期は行われない点に注意してください。 [アンインストール] を選択します。 管理者のパスワードまたは確認を求められた場合は、パスワードを入力するか、確認情報を提供します。
Applies To: My Office for iPhone,, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
重新安装 OneDrive。 - Microsoft 支持
如果需要备份和同步文件,请 从网站 下载 Microsoft OneDrive 应用。 提示: 如果只需要 查看 OneDrive , 请从 Microsoft 应用商店下载 OneDrive 应用。 如果不确定应安装哪个应用,请阅读 我需要哪个应用? 打开下载的文件,并按照提示登录并开始使用。 如果在重置之前选择了仅同步部分文件夹,则同步完成之后将需要再次执行该操作。 有关详细信息,请参阅 选择要同步到计算机的 OneDrive 文件夹。 你需要为工作或学校文件夹OneDrive 完成此操作。 需要更多帮助吗? 有关 Microsoft 帐户和订阅的帮助,请访问 帐户和计费帮助。 如需技术支持,请转到 联系 Microsoft 支持人员,输入问题并选择“ 获取帮助 ”。
Applies To: My Office for iPhone,, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Turn off, disable, or uninstall OneDrive - Microsoft Support
OneDrive is built in to some versions of Windows and can't be uninstalled. But you can hide it and stop the sync process, so it stays hidden. To do this, turn off all the OneDrive settings and remove the OneDrive folder from File Explorer. You won't lose files or data by uninstalling OneDrive from your computer.
Applies To: OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows, SharePoint admin center, SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business, SharePoint operated by 21Vianet
How to fix "A newer version of OneDrive is installed"
Learn how to fix the "A newer version of OneDrive is installed" error on your computer.
Applies To: OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
OneDrive desktop app for earlier versions of Windows
Download the desktop app for Windows 7 and earlier for 32-bit or 64-bit. Note: The OneDrive app isn’t supported on Windows XP. If you try to install it on a PC running Windows XP, you'll get a "OneDriveSetup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" error message. For more information, see OneDrive System Requirements.
Applies To: OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
OneDrive desktop app for Windows - Microsoft Support
Learn how to pause and resume sync in OneDrive. In Windows 10, OneDrive is the default save location for your files and documents. This means new documents or files are automatically saved to OneDrive unless you opt to save them to a different location on your PC. Need more help?