Event ID: 1530 may be logged in the Application log in Windows
In Windows, the following event may be logged in the Application log: If a service or background service uses a user specific hive because it runs under a specific user identity and the relevant user account logs out. This behavior occurs because Windows automatically closes any registry handle to a user profile that is left open by an application.
Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system ...
To repair the corrupted files manually, view details of the System File Checker process to find the corrupted file, and then manually replace the corrupted file with a known good copy of the file. Open an elevated command prompt, as described previously.
Description of the Patch Registration Cleanup Tool
Describes how to obtain and use the Patch Registration Cleanup Tool, which can help to resolve some issues related to invalid or corrupted update registration information.
Enforcements | Xbox Support
Sign in to your account to view your enforcements. Find out how to submit a case review and learn more about your Xbox enforcements.
Error E101 occurs when you try to update your Xbox console
If you see error E101 when you try to update your Xbox console, this means there may have been a problem installing the update. Find more solutions here.
Description of the Patch Registration Cleanup Tool
Describes how to obtain and use the Patch Registration Cleanup Tool, which can help to resolve some issues related to invalid or corrupted update registration information.
MS09-012: Description of the security update for Windows Service ...
Make sure that the logon SID (of the form S-1-5-5-**** ) is not marked as owner. Make sure that the WMI SID for ServiceAcccount {Local Service|Network Service} is not generated. That is, make sure that it is not visible under "Group."
Check the recent sign-in activity for your Microsoft account
You’ll see when your Microsoft account was signed in during the last 30 days, along with any device or app-specific info. For answers to common questions, including how to get back into a compromised account and secure or close it, see What is the Recent activity page?
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Time-out errors occur in Volume Shadow Copy service writers, and shadow ...
To diagnose the Volume Shadow Copy service writer problem, run the vssadmin command immediately after the backup failure: Run. Type vssadmin list writers. This command lists the Volume Shadow Copy service writers and the current state of each writer.
How to investigate a billing charge from Microsoft
If you don't recognize a charge on your account, go to the Manage your payments page of your Microsoft account dashboard and select "Investigate". Learn more. Here are the most likely causes for an unrecognized charge: A Microsoft subscription has recurring billing enabled. Someone you know, such as a family member, bought something with your card.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard