Codecs in Media Player - Microsoft Support
Media Player supports a wide variety of codecs. Most are included out of the box; some additional codecs can be installed from the Microsoft Store. Included codecs. Windows includes codecs that allow Media Player to play the following formats out of the box: Audio codecs. MPEG-1, MPEG-2 audio (e.g. MP3, MP2) Advanced Audio Coding (AAC, M4A)
Codecs FAQ - Microsoft Support
A codec compresses or decompresses media files such as songs or videos. Windows Media Player and other apps use codecs to play and create media files. A codec can consist of two parts: an encoder that compresses the media file (encoding) and a decoder that decompresses the file (decoding).
Troubleshoot Windows Media Player Errors - Microsoft Support
You may experience playback problems while using Windows Media Player, such as stuttering, freezing, skipping, lagging, or no sound. These problems may affect the whole file or only certain parts of it. To resolve this, Check the file compatibility: Ensure that the media file you are trying to play is compatible with Windows Media Player.
Resources for troubleshooting issues in Windows Media Player
This article lists resources that you can use to troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Windows Media Player 11 for Windows Vista, Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP, Windows Media Player 10, and earlier versions of Windows Media Player.
File types supported by Windows Media Player - Microsoft Support
With Windows Media Player, if the appropriate codecs are installed on your computer, you can play audio content, video content, or both, that is compressed with a wide variety of codecs and that is stored in an .asf file.
You receive an error message when you try to play an .avi file in ...
Therefore, you might be unable to use the Windows Media Player to play this particular.avi file. After you download the appropriate codec file, replay the .avi file to see whether the problem is resolved.
Error 0x80820002 occurs when you try to play a disc in your Xbox ...
If you see error 0x80820002, make sure the disc is clean and undamaged. Find more solutions here.
Troubleshoot Surface sound and audio accessories
If you're having trouble with the sound, volume, audio playback, or recording on your Surface—or if you're having trouble with an audio accessory like headphones, external speakers, or a mic—here are some things to try.
Pictures, videos, and documents library access and privacy
Find out why some apps need access to your pictures, videos, and documents libraries, and how to allow or deny apps from accessing these locations.
How to install programs from a disc - Microsoft Support
Alternatively, if installation doesn't start automatically, browse the disc to find the program setup file, usually called Setup.exe or Install.exe. Open the file to start installation. How to install programs from online sources on Windows 10. See how to install programs from a disc from.