KB4092667 - FIX: Errors 1921 and 1750 when you create a node or edge ...
Fixes an issue in which errors 1921 and 1750 occur when you create a graph table in a database that has a binary collation in SQL Server 2017.
KB4563044 - FIX: Allow external resource pool to use more than one ...
When you try to create or configure external resource pool to use processors from more than one processor group in SQL Server 2019 on Windows, you may encounter the following error: Msg 10935, Level 16, State 1, Line LineNumber. External resource pool does not allow more than one processor group.
KB4469268 - FIX: I/O error on a BPE file causes buffer time-out in SQL ...
If you experience an I/O error that occurs on the BPE file, BPE may be disabled, and a buffer time-out error that resembles the following is logged: L2 buffer pool write error…. Buffer pool extension has been disabled successfully. Deleting buffer pool extension " file_path ".
KB3044952 - FIX: Issues when you enable the buffer pool extension ...
When you enable the buffer pool extension feature in SQL Server 2014, you may encounter the following known issues: You enable the buffer pool extension feature, and its size is less than but close to four times of the max server memory size in SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition.
KB4052119 - FIX: New Distributed Transactions in an AG database fails ...
A workaround for this issue is when you restart the SQL Server service then you may not receive the error. Resolution. This issue is fixed in the following cumulative update for SQL Server: Cumulative Update 6 for SQL Server 2016 SP1. About cumulative updates for SQL Server: Status.
A SQL Server Agent resource cannot be brought online in a Windows ...
This issue occurs because the Cluster service does not register the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) of a resource name to the Local Security Authority (LSA). The Cluster service registers the FQDN of a resource name to LSA and to the DNS database at the same time.
KB4460203 - FIX: Pacemaker may kill the resource agent processes when ...
Fixes an issue in which Pacemaker may kill the resource agent processes when there is operation time out in SQL Server 2017 AlwaysOn Availability Group.
KB4467449 - FIX: Pacemaker can't manage cluster resources in an Always ...
Fixes an issue in which Pacemaker cannot manage cluster resources in an Always On Availability Group in SQL Server.
KB2973444 - FIX: "SQL Server performance counters are disabled" when ...
Fixes an issue in which you receive "SQL Server performance counters are disabled" error message when you move the SQL Server resource from one node to the other in a SQL Server 2014 failover cluster.
KB4480653 - FIX: Error occurs when you run a query that includes a ...
This issue is fixed in the following cumulative updates for SQL Server: Cumulative Update 13 for SQL Server 2017