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Stop error in vhdmp.sys in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 ...
Under high load with 16 or more processors and many I/O failures, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machines crash, which is caused by Stop error in vhdmp.sys. Resolution. To resolve this issue, install update 2919355.
"0x00000001" Stop error when a shared VHDX file is accessed in Windows ...
When you access a shared virtual hard disk file (.vhdx) through a redirector and a time-out error or network error is returned to VHDMP.sys, you may receive a Stop error that looks something like this:
Error when you manage a VHD file in Windows Server 2008 or Windows ...
When you try to interact with a virtual hard disk (VHD) file by using a tool such as Hyper-V Manager, Storage Manager, or Diskpart, you receive the following error message: Title: Virtual Disk Manager. Description: A Virtual Disk Provider for the specified file was not found.
Memory leak when you use shared VHDX in Windows Server 2012 R2
When you use shared virtual hard disk (.vhdx) files on a Windows Server 2012 R2 computer, Windows OS may experience memory leak. For every IO issued by svhdxflt, VHDMP believes that there is an Activity ID.
Stop error in vhdmp.sys in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 ...
Symptoms. Under high load with 16 or more processors and many I/O failures, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machines crash, which is caused by Stop error in vhdmp.sys. Resolution. To resolve this issue, install update 2919355.
Extraneous log entries are created when you remove virtual disk devices ...
Symptoms. When you remove a virtual disk device (VHD or VHDx file) in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2, extraneous log entries that resemble the following are created: Log Name: System. Source: disk. Date: <Date><Time>.
"0x000000C2" Stop error when you try to back up a data deduplication ...
Symptoms. When you try to back up a data deduplication-enabled volume or compact a large virtual hard disk (VHDx) in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, the computer crashes. Additionally, you receive a stop error that resembles the following: Stop 0x000000C2 ( Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, Parameter4) Notes.
Virtual hard disk cannot be created on an SMB server without resiliency ...
Fixes an issue in which you cannot create a virtual hard disk on a remote server share in Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, or Windows Server 2012. This issue occurs if the SMB Service does not support resiliency.
The Physical Disk resource for a Cluster Shared Volume may not come ...
Ultimately, this may cause the Physical Disk resource to either not come online or take a long time to come online on the new node. Therefore, virtual machines that have VHD files on the Cluster Shared Volume may crash.
Hyper-V storage migration failure and "ERROR_BAD_COMMAND" error in ...
This issue occurs because the exclusive write lock for virtual hard disks (.vhd or .vhdx files) can't be obtained. Then, the VHD Miniport (VHDMP) driver indeed returns a STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED (C0000055) error. However, it's overridden by the STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE/ERROR_BAD_COMMAND error from another call to VHDMP. How to obtain this hotfix