How do I pay with a paysafecard?

You can use a paysafecard to pay for Skype products without using a credit or debit card. Paysafecard is a prepaid card available at thousands of retailers across Europe. Visit the paysafecard website to see if you can use a paysafecard in your country. This is just one of the many ways to pay .

To pay for a Skype product using your paysafecard:

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Choose the product you’d like to buy, select paysafecard as your payment method, then click Next .Note: If you are using iPhone or iPad and can't find the product you want to buy, then you may need to clear the history and cookies on your device and sign in again.

  3. Check the amount to pay, then click Next .

  4. To complete the payment, click Next again. You will be redirected to GlobalCollect’s, our partner’s, website.

  5. Choose your country from the drop-down list at the top, enter your paysafecard PIN code, agree to the Terms of paysafecard, then click Pay to complete the transaction.

If you selected an amount of Skype Credit higher than the balance on your paysafecard, you can still proceed with your purchase if you combine more than one paysafecard within the same purchase. To do this, click the Enter additional PINs link in the paysafecard window. This will allow you to enter more than one PIN for the purchase.

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