All visible emoticons.
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Laugh |
:D :-D :=D :d :-d :=d (laugh) :> :-> (lol) (LOL) |
Grinning face with big eyes |
(grinningfacewithbigeyes) |
Happy Eyes |
(happyeyes) |
Beaming face with smiling eyes |
(beamingfacewithsmilingeyes) |
Grinning with Closed Eyes |
(xd) |
Sweat Grinning |
(sweatgrinning) |
Rolling on the floor laughing |
(rofl) (rotfl) |
Crying With Laughter |
(cwl) (cryingwithlaughter) |
Smile |
:) :-) :=) (smile) |
Upside Down Face |
(upsidedownface) |
Wink |
;) ;-) ;=) (wink) |
Smile Eyes |
(smileeyes) |
Angel |
(angel) |
In love |
(inlove) (love) :] :-] |
Heart eyes |
(hearteyes) |
Star eyes |
(stareyes) |
Kiss |
(kiss) :* :-* :=* (xo) |
Kissing face with smiling eyes |
(kissingfacewithsmilingeyes) |
Cheeky |
:P :-P :=P :p :-p :=p (tongueout) |
Face with tongue |
(facewithtongue) |
Winking Tongue Out |
(winktongueout) |
Zany face |
(zanyface) |
Money mouth face |
(moneymouthface) |
Hugging face |
(huggingface) |
Giggle |
(chuckle) (giggle) |
My lips are sealed |
:x :-x :# :-# :=x :=X :=# (lipssealed) |
Thinking |
(think) :-? :? :=? *-) |
Zipper mouth face |
(zippermouthface) |
Wondering |
:^) (wonder) |
Speechless |
:| :-| :=| (speechless) |
Expressionless |
(expressionless) |
Face Without Mouth |
(blankface) |
Smirking |
(smirk) |
Unamused |
(unamused) |
It wasn't me! |
(wasntme) (wm) |
Grimacing face |
(grimacingface) |
Lying face |
(lyingface) |
Dreaming |
(dream) |
Pensive |
(pensive) |
Sleepy |
|-) I-) I=) (snooze) (sleepy) |
Face with medical mask |
(facewithmedicalmask) |
Ill |
(ill) |
Face with head bandage |
(facewithheadbandage) |
Nauseated face |
(nauseatedface) |
Vomiting |
(puke) :and :-and :=and +o( |
Hotface |
(hotface) |
Cold Shivering |
(shivering) (cold) (freezing) |
Woozy face |
(woozyface) |
Exploding head |
(explodinghead) |
Face with cowboy hat |
(facewithcowboyhat) (cowboyhatface) |
Party |
(party) |
Cool |
(cool) 8-) 8=) B-) B=) |
Nerdy |
(nerd) 8-| B-| 8| B| 8=| B=| (nerdy) |
Face with monocle |
(facewithmonocle) |
Confused |
(confused) |
Sad |
:( :-( :=( (sad) :< :-< |
Frowning face |
(frowningface) |
Hushed face |
(hushedface) |
Surprised |
:o :-o :=o (surprised) |
Flushed |
(flushed) |
Pleading face |
(pleadingface) |
Frowning face with open mouth |
(frowningfacewithopenmouth) |
Anguished face |
(anguishedface) |
Fearful |
(fearful) |
Anxious face with sweat |
(anxiousfacewithsweat) |
Sad but relieved face |
(sadbutrelievedface) |
Crying |
;( ;-( ;=( (cry) :'( |
Loudly Crying |
(loudlycrying) |
Screaming With Fear |
(screamingfear) |
Very confused |
(veryconfused) |
Disappointed |
(disappointed) |
Sweating |
(:| (sweat) |
Weary |
(weary) |
Tired face |
(tiredface) |
Yawning face |
(yawningface) |
Face with steam from nose |
(facewithsteamfromnose) |
Angry Face |
(angryface) |
Angry |
(angry) :@ :-@ :=@ x( x-( X( X-( x=( X=( ;@ ;-@ |
Swearing |
(swear) |
Devil |
(devil) |
Angry face with horns |
(angryfacewithhorns) |
Skull |
(skull) |
Skull and crossbones |
(skullandbones) |
Clown face |
(clownface) |
Ogre |
(ogre) |
Goblin |
(goblin) |
Ghost |
(ghost) |
Alien |
(alien) |
Alien monster |
(alienmonster) |
Smile robot |
(smilerobot) |
Smile cat |
(smilecat) |
Cat with tears of joy |
(catwithtearsofjoy) |
Heart eyes cat |
(hearteyescat) |
Cat with wry smile |
(catwithwrysmile) |
Kissing cat |
(kissingcat) |
Weary cat |
(wearycat) |
Sad cat |
(sadcat) |
Pouting cat |
(poutingcat) |
Monkey see no evil |
(seenoevil) |
Monkey hear no evil |
(hearnoevil) |
Monkey speak no evil |
(speaknoevil) |
Kissing lips |
(lips) |
Love letter |
(loveletter) |
Heart with arrow |
(heartwitharrow) |
Heart with ribbon |
(heartwithribbon) |
Sparkling Heart |
(sparklingheart) |
Growing Heart |
(growingheart) |
Beating heart |
(beatingheart) |
Revolving hearts |
(revolvinghearts) |
Two Hearts |
(twohearts) |
Heart button |
(heartbutton) |
Heart exclamation |
(heartexclamation) |
Broken heart |
(brokenheart) |
Heart |
(heart) <3 |
Orange Heart |
(orangeheart) |
Yellow Heart |
(yellowheart) |
Green Heart |
(greenheart) |
Blue Heart |
(blueheart) |
Purple Heart |
(purpleheart) |
Brown heart |
(heartbrown) (brownheart) |
Black Heart |
(blackheart) (heartblack) |
White heart |
(heartwhite) (whiteheart) |
Hundred points |
(hundredpoints) |
Anger symbol |
(angersymbol) |
Explosion |
(bang) |
Dizzy symbol |
(dizzysymbol) |
Droplets |
(droplets) |
Hole |
(hole) |
Bomb |
(bomb) (explosion) (explode) @= |
Speech Bubble |
(speechbubble) |
Eye speech bubble |
(eyespeechbubble) (eyeinspeechbubble) |
Left speech bubble |
(leftspeechbubble) |
Angry speech bubble |
(angryspeechbubble) |
Thought bubble |
(thoughtbubble) |
Zzz |
(zzz) |
Ukraine heart |
(ukraineheart) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Like |
(like) |
Happy Face |
(happyface) |
Hysterical |
(hysterical) |
Blushing |
:$ :-$ :=$ (blush) |
Relieved |
(relieved) (whew) |
Dull |
|-( |( |=( (dull) |
Yawn |
(yawn) |
Doh! |
(doh) |
Worried |
(worry) :S :s :-s :-S :=s :=S (worried) |
Mmmmm... |
(mm) (mmm) (mmmm) |
Love Earth |
(loveearth) |
Rainbow smile |
(rainbowsmile) |
Envy |
(envy) |
Make-up |
(makeup) (kate) |
Happy |
(happy) |
Nodding |
(nod) |
Shake |
(shake) |
Waiting |
(waiting) (forever) (impatience) |
Emo |
(emo) |
Don't talk to me |
(donttalk) (donttalktome) |
Idea |
(idea) :i :I *-:) |
Talking |
(talk) |
Evil Grin |
]:) >:) (evilgrin) (evil) (grin) (eg) |
Banging head on wall |
(headbang) (banghead) |
Global Learning |
(learn) |
Listening to headphones |
(headphones) |
Morning after party |
(morningafter) (hungover) |
Selfie |
(selfie) |
Spoiler alert |
(shock) |
Spoiler alert |
(llsshock) |
Talking too much |
(ttm) (bla) |
Tired |
(tired) |
Bandit |
(bandit) |
Blessing |
(nazar) |
Movember |
(movember) (mo) (November) (moustache) (mustache) (bowman) :{ |
Mystery Skype |
(mysteryskype) |
Day of the dead (female) |
(dotdfemale) (dotdf) |
Day of the dead (male) |
(dotdmale) (dotdm) |
Selfie Diwali |
(selfiediwali) |
Diwali Selfie |
(diwaliselfie) |
Steve Aoki |
(steveaoki) |
Aoki jump |
(aokijump) |
Cake throw |
(cakethrow) |
Kolony |
(kolony) |
Joy |
(joy) |
Anger |
(anger) |
Sadness |
(sadness) |
Disgust |
(disgust) |
Fear |
(fear) |
Heston Facepalm |
(hestonfacepalm) |
Heston Blumenthal |
(heston) |
Storm trooper |
(stormtrooper) |
Kylo Ren |
(kyloren) |
Captain Phasma |
(captainphasma) |
Smiling man with glasses |
(malthe) |
Lady Vampire |
(ladyvamp) (ladyvampire) |
Vampire |
(vampire) |
Pumpkin |
(pumpkin) (halloween) |
Santa |
(santa) (xmas) (christmas) |
Xmas crying with laughter |
(xmascwl) |
Festive party |
(festiveparty) (partyxmas) |
Holiday spirit |
(holidayspirit) (crazyxmas) (crazychristmas) |
Surprised Rudolf |
(rudolfsurprise) (rudolphsurprise) |
Rudolf idea |
(rudolfidea) (rudolphidea) |
Xmas Sarcastic |
(xmassarcastic) |
Xmas Cry |
(xmascry) (xmascrying) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Waving hand |
(wavinghand) |
Raised back of hand |
(raisedbackofhand) |
Hand with fingers splayed |
(handwithfingerssplayed) |
Raised hand |
(raisedhand) |
Vulcan salute |
(vulcansalute) |
OK |
(ok) (OK) (okay) |
Pinching hand |
(pinchinghand) |
Victory sign |
(victory) |
Crossed fingers |
(crossedfingers) |
Love you gesture |
(loveyougesture) |
Sign of the horns |
(signofthehorns) |
Call me hand |
(callmehand) |
Backhand Index Pointing Left |
(pointleftindex) (pointleftindexfinger) |
Backhand Index Pointing Right |
(pointrightindex) (pointrightindexfinger) |
Back hand index pointing up |
(backhandindexpointingup) |
Middle finger |
(middlefinger) |
Backhand Index Pointing Down |
(pointdownindex) (pointdownindexfinger) |
Index Pointing Up |
(pointupindex) (pointupindexfinger) |
Yes |
(y) (Y) (yes) |
No |
(n) (no) |
On coming fist |
(oncomingfist) |
Left facing fist |
(leftfacingfist) |
Right facing fist |
(rightfacingfist) |
Clapping hands |
(applause) (clappinghands) |
Hands celebrating |
(celebrate) (celebration) (handsinair) (hia) |
Open hands |
(openhands) |
Palms up together |
(palmsuptogether) |
Handshake |
(handshake) |
Praying |
(pray) (praying) (namaste) |
Writing hand |
(writinghand) |
Nail polish |
(nailpolish) |
Selfie |
(selfie) |
Muscle |
(flex) (muscle) |
Mechanical arm |
(mechanicalarm) |
Mechanical leg |
(mechanicalleg) |
Leg |
(leg) |
Foot |
(foot) |
Ear |
(ear) |
Ear with hearing aid |
(earwithhearingaid) |
Nose |
(nose) |
Brain |
(brain) |
Tooth |
(tooth) |
Bone |
(bone) |
Eyes |
(eyes) |
Eye |
(eye) |
Tongue |
(tongue) |
Mouth |
(mouth) |
Ukraine handshake |
(ukrainehandshake) |
Ukraine pray |
(ukrainepray) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Hi |
(wave) (hi) (HI) (bye) (BYE) |
High five |
(highfive) (hifive)(h5) |
Clapping |
(clap) |
Sarcastic |
(sarcastic) (sarcasm) (slowclap) |
Facepalm |
(facepalm) (fail) |
Rock |
(rock) |
Fingers crossed |
(yn) (fingers) (fingerscrossed) (crossedfingers) |
Listening |
(listening) |
Wait |
(wait) |
Relieved |
(whew) (phew) |
Too much information |
(tmi) |
Call |
(call) |
Punch |
(punch) *| *-| |
Talk to the hand |
(talktothehand) |
Whistle |
(whistle) (seeti) |
Slap |
(slap) (thappad) |
Lalala |
(lalala) (notlistening) |
Poke |
(poke) (nudge) |
Woman of the year |
(woty) |
Glass ceiling |
(glassceiling) |
Dead yes |
(deadyes) |
Xmas yes |
(xmasyes) |
Drop the mic |
(dropthemic) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Smile Baby |
(smilebaby) |
Smile Boy |
(smileboy) |
Smile Girl |
(smilegirl) |
Smile Man |
(smileman) |
Smile Woman |
(smilewoman) |
Woman curly hair |
(womancurlyhair) |
Woman white hair |
(womanwhitehair) |
Person white hair |
(personwhitehair) |
Woman blond hair |
(womanblondhair) |
Man blond hair |
(manblondhair) |
Dancing gran |
(gran) |
Person frowning |
(frowning) |
Man frowning |
(manfrowning) |
Woman frowning |
(womanfrowning) |
Pouting face |
(poutingface) |
Man pouting |
(manpouting) |
Woman pouting |
(womanpouting) |
Face with no good gesture |
(facewithnogoodgesture) |
Man gesturing no |
(mangesturingnotok) |
Woman gesturing no |
(womangesturingno) |
Person gesturing ok |
(persongesturingok) |
Man gesturing OK |
(mangesturingok) |
Woman gesturing OK |
(womangesturingok) |
Person tipping hand |
(persontippinghand) |
Man tipping hand |
(mantippinghand) |
Woman tipping hand |
(womantippinghand) |
Person raising hand |
(happypersonraisingonehand) |
Man raising hand |
(manraisinghand) |
Woman raising hand |
(womanraisinghand) |
Deaf person |
(persondeaf) |
Man deaf |
(mandeaf) |
Woman deaf |
(womandeaf) |
Person bowing |
(bowing) |
Bowing |
(bow) |
Thanks |
(thanks) |
Person facepalming |
(personfacepalming) |
Man facepalming |
(manfacepalming) |
Woman facepalming |
(womanfacepalming) |
Woman shrug |
(womanshrug) (wshrug) (fshrug) |
Man shrug |
(manshrug) (mshrug) |
Man health worker |
(manhealthworker) |
Woman health worker |
(womanhealthworker) |
Man graduate |
(mangraduate) |
Woman graduate |
(womangraduate) |
Man teacher |
(manteacher) |
Woman teacher |
(womanteacher) |
Man judge |
(manjudge) |
Woman judge |
(womanjudge) |
Man farmer |
(manfarmer) |
Woman farmer |
(womanfarmer) |
Man chef |
(manchef) |
Woman chef |
(womanchef) |
Man Mechanic |
(manmechanic) |
Woman Mechanic |
(womanmechanic) |
Man welder |
(manwelder) |
Woman welder |
(womanwelder) |
Office Worker Male |
(officeworkermale) |
Office Worker Female |
(officeworkerfemale) |
Man Scientist |
(manscientist) |
Woman scientist |
(womanscientist) |
Man writing code |
(mantechie) (mandeveloper) |
Woman writing code |
(womantechie) (womandeveloper) |
Man singer |
(mansinger) |
Woman singer |
(womansinger) |
Man artist |
(manartist) |
Woman artist |
(womanartist) |
Man pilot |
(manpilot) |
Woman pilot |
(womanpilot) |
Man astronaut |
(manastronaut) |
Woman astronaut |
(womanastronaut) |
Man firefighter |
(manfirefighter) |
Woman firefighter |
(womanfirefighter) |
Man police officer |
(manpoliceofficer) |
Woman police officer |
(womanpoliceofficer) |
Detective |
(detective) |
Man detective |
(mandetective) |
Woman detective |
(womandetective) |
Man guard |
(manguard) |
Woman guard |
(womanguard) |
Ninja |
(ninja) |
Construction worker |
(constructionworker) |
Man construction worker |
(manconstructionworker) |
Woman construction worker |
(womanconstructionworker) |
Prince |
(prince) |
Princess |
(princess) |
Person wearing turban |
(personwearingturban) |
Man wearing turban |
(man_wearing_turban) |
Woman wearing turban |
(womanwearingturban) |
Man with chinese cap |
(man_with_chinese_cap) |
Woman with head scarf |
(woman_with_head_scarf) |
Man in tuxedo |
(manintuxedo) |
Woman with veil |
(womanwithveil) |
Woman pregnant |
(womanpregnant) |
Breastfeeding |
(breastfeeding) |
Woman holding baby |
(womanholdingbaby) |
Man holding baby |
(manholdingbaby) |
Baby angel |
(babyangel) (cupid) |
Santa |
(santa) (xmas) (christmas) |
Mrs claus |
(mother_christmas) |
Man superhero |
(mansuperhero) |
Woman superhero |
(hero) (womansuperhero) |
Supervillain |
(supervillain) |
Man supervillain |
(mansupervillain) |
Woman supervillain |
(womansupervillain) |
Mage |
(mage) (wizard) |
Woman mage |
(womanmage) (sorceress) |
Fairy |
(fairy) |
Man fairy |
(manfairy) |
Woman fairy |
(womanfairy) |
Lady Vampire |
(ladyvamp) (ladyvampire) |
Hammer Dracula |
(dracula) |
Merperson |
(merperson) |
Merman |
(merman) |
Mermaid |
(mermaid) |
Elf |
(elf) |
Man elf |
(manelf) |
woman elf |
(womanelf) |
Genie |
(genie) |
Man genie |
(mangenie) |
Woman genie |
(womangenie) |
Zombie |
(zombie) |
Person getting massage |
(persongettingfacemassage) (facemassage) |
Man getting massage |
(mangettingfacemassage) |
Getting haircut |
(persongettinghaircut) |
Man getting haircut |
(mangettinghaircut) |
Woman getting haircut |
(womangettinghaircut) |
Pedestrian |
(pedestrian) |
Man walking |
(manwalking) (manpedestrian) |
Woman walking |
(womanwalking) (womanpedestrian) |
Standing |
(standing) (nonbinarystanding) |
Man standing |
(manstanding) |
Woman standing |
(womanstanding) |
Person kneeling |
(personkneeling) |
Man kneeling |
(mankneeling) |
Woman kneeling |
(womankneeling) |
Person with probing cane |
(personwithprobingcane) |
Man probing cane |
(manprobingcane) |
Woman probing cane |
(womanprobingcane) |
Person in motorized wheelchair |
(personinmotorizedwheelchair) |
Man in motorized wheelchair |
(maninmotorizedwheelchair) |
Woman in motorized wheelchair |
(womaninmotorizedwheelchair) |
Man in manual wheelchair |
(maninmanualwheelchair) |
Woman in manual wheelchair |
(womaninmanualwheelchair) |
Runner |
(runner) |
Got to run |
(gottarun) (gtr) (run) |
Running |
(running) |
Woman dancing |
(womandancing) |
Dancing |
(dance) \o/ \:D/ \:d/ |
Man in suit levitating |
(maninsuitlevitating) |
Persons with bunny ears |
(people_with_bunny_ears) |
Men with bunny ears |
(men_with_bunny_ears) |
Women with bunny ears |
(women_with_bunny_ears) |
Person steam room |
(steam_room) |
Man in steamy room |
(man_steam_room) |
Woman steam room |
(woman_steam_room) |
Person climbing |
(climber) |
Man climbing |
(manclimbing) |
Woman climbing |
(womanclimbing) |
Woman fencer |
(womanfencer) |
Horse racing |
(horseracing) |
Skier |
(skier) |
Snowboarder |
(snowboarder) |
Person golfing |
(golfer) |
Man golfing |
(mangolfing) |
Woman golfer |
(womangolfer) |
Person surfing |
(personsurfing) |
Man surfer |
(mansurfer) (msurfer) |
Woman surfer |
(womansurfer) (wsurfer) (fsurfer) |
Man rowing boat |
(manrowingboat) |
Woman rowing boat |
(womanrowingboat) |
Man swimming |
(manswimming) |
Woman swimmer |
(womanswimmer) |
Person bouncing ball |
(bouncingball) |
Man bouncing ball |
(manbouncingball) |
Woman bouncing ball |
(womanbouncingball) |
Person lifting weights |
(weightlifter) |
Man lifting weights |
(manliftingweights) |
Woman weight lifter |
(womanweightlifter) |
Person biking |
(1f6b4_personbiking) |
Bicycle |
(bike) (bicycle) (sander) |
Woman riding bike |
(womanridingbike) |
Man mountain biking |
(manmountainbiking) |
Woman mountain biking |
(womanmountainbiking) |
Person cartwheeling |
(personcartwheeling) |
Man cartwheeling |
(mancartwheeling) |
Woman cartwheeling |
(womancartwheeling) |
Men wrestling |
(menwrestling) |
Woman wrestling |
(womanwrestling) |
Man playing water polo |
(manplayingwaterpolo) |
Woman playing water polo |
(womanplayingwaterpolo) |
Man playing handball |
(manplayinghandball) |
Woman playing handball |
(womanplayinghandball) |
Man juggling |
(manjuggling) |
Woman juggling |
(womanjuggling) |
Person in lotus position |
(lotusposition) |
Man in lotus position |
(maninlotusposition) |
Yoga |
(yoga) |
Woman bath |
(womanbath) |
Person in bed |
(personinbed) |
Couple holding hands |
(holdinghands) (coupleholdinghands) (nonbinarynonbinaryholdinghands) |
Woman woman holding hands |
(womanwomanholdinghands) |
Man woman holding hands |
(manwomanholdinghands) |
Man man holding hands |
(manmanholdinghands) |
Couple kiss |
(kissing) (couplekissing) (nonbinarynonbinarykiss) |
Man woman kiss |
(manwomankiss) |
Woman woman kiss |
(womanwomankiss) (womanwomankissing) |
Man man kiss |
(manmankiss) (manmankissing) |
Couple with heart |
(coupleheart) (nonbinarynonbinaryheart) |
Male woman heart |
(manwomanheart) |
Woman woman heart |
(womanwomanheart) |
Man man heart |
(manmanheart) |
Family |
(family) |
Family man woman girl |
(familymanwomangirl) |
Family man woman girl boy |
(familymanwomangirlboy) |
Family man woman boy boy |
(familymanwomanboyboy) |
Family man woman girl girl |
(familymanwomangirlgirl) |
Family man man boy |
(familymanmanboy) |
Family man man girl |
(familymanmangirl) |
Family man man girl boy |
(familymanmangirlboy) |
Family woman woman boy |
(familywomanwomanboy) |
Family woman woman girl |
(familywomanwomangirl) |
Family woman woman girl boy |
(familywomanwomangirlboy) |
Family woman woman boy boy |
(familywomanwomanboyboy) |
Family woman woman girl girl |
(familywomanwomangirlgirl) |
Family man boy |
(familymanboy) |
Family man boy boy |
(familymanboyboy) |
Family man girl |
(familymangirl) |
Family man girl boy |
(familymangirlboy) |
Family man girl girl |
(familymangirlgirl) |
Family woman boy |
(familywomanboy) |
Family woman boy boy |
(familywomanboyboy) |
Mum and daughter |
(mumanddaughter) (womanandgirl) |
Family woman girl boy |
(familywomangirlboy) |
Family woman girl girl |
(familywomangirlgirl) |
Speaking head |
(speakingheadinsilhouette) |
Busts in Silhouette |
(bustsinsilhouette) |
Bust in Silhouette |
(bustinsilhouette) |
Footprints |
(footprints) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Bottle feeding |
(bottlefeeding) |
Man bottle feeding |
(manbottlefeeding) |
Busy day |
(busyday) |
Man Busy Day |
(manbusyday) |
Woman blow kiss |
(womanblowkiss) |
Man blow kiss |
(manblowkiss) |
Woman receiving award |
(womanaward) |
Man Award |
(manaward) |
Woman sign love |
(womansignlove) |
Man sign love |
(mansignlove) |
Love cat (female) |
(womanholdingcat) |
Love cat (male) |
(manholdingcat) |
Love dog (female) |
(womanholdingdog) |
Love dog (male) |
(manholdingdog) |
Cheerleader |
(cheerleader) |
Keep fit |
(skip) (skippingrope) |
Synchronized swimming |
(synchswim) |
Suryan Namaskar |
(suryannamaskar) |
Trampoline |
(trampoline) |
Muscle and fat guy |
(muscleman) |
Podium |
(winner) |
Woman playing basketball |
(womanslamdunk) |
Basketball |
(slamdunk) |
Skate |
(skate) |
Woman Motorbike |
(womanmotorbike) |
Man Motorbike |
(manmotorbike) |
Woman playing football |
(womanfootball) |
Man playing football |
(football) (bartlett) |
Pull shot |
(pullshot) (shot) (chauka) |
Bowled |
(bowled) (out) (wicket) |
Falling in love |
(fallinlove) |
Tennis fail |
(tennisfail) |
Archery |
(target) |
Football fail |
(footballfail) |
Man taking a photo |
(zilmer) (priidu) |
A man and his dog |
(toivo) |
Granny scooter |
(grannyscooter) |
Forever love |
(foreverlove) |
Disco dancer |
(disco) (discodancer) |
Bhangra |
(bhangra) |
Mariachi love |
(mariachilove) |
Skipping |
(skipping) |
Man Skipping |
(manskipping) |
Woman |
(woman) (female) (girl) |
Man |
(man) (male) (boy) |
Computer rage |
(computerrage) (typingrage) |
TV binge zombie |
(tvbinge) |
In love pose |
(bollylove) |
Girl shopping |
(shopping) (shopper) |
No! |
(nahi) (naa) |
Slipper |
(chappal) (slipper) |
Promise |
(promise) (kasamse) |
Sorry |
(kaanpakadna) (sorry) (maafi) |
Witch |
(witch) |
Mummy walk |
(mummywalk) |
Zombie wave |
(zombiewave) |
Stop |
(stop) |
Dad time |
(dadtime) |
Mom-mello |
(hotchocolate) |
Feeling sweet! |
(cupcake) |
Jane Goodall |
(janegoodall) |
Frost Wizard |
(dedmoroz) (frostwizard) |
auld |
(auld) |
lang |
(lang) |
syne |
(syne) |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman) |
Xmas man |
(xmasman) |
Ant-Man |
(antman) |
Wasp |
(amwasp) |
Ghost |
(amghost) |
Hank Pym |
(hankpym) |
Flying Ant |
(amflyingant) |
Truck riding |
(amtruck) |
Wasp grow |
(amwaspgrow) |
L3-37 |
(l3-37) (l337) |
Lando |
(lando) |
Enfys Nest |
(enfysnest) |
Qi'ra |
(qi'ra) (qira) |
Beckett |
(beckett) |
Solo |
(solo) |
Chewie |
(chewie) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Monkey |
(monkey) (ape) :(|) |
Gorilla |
(gorilla) |
Orangutan scratch |
(orangutanscratch) (orangutanscratching) |
Dog |
(dog) :o3 (and) |
Guidedog |
(guidedog) |
Service Dog |
(servicedog) |
Poodle |
(poodle) |
Wolf Face |
(wolfface) |
Fox hug |
(foxhug) |
Cat |
(cat) (@) (meow) (kitty) |
Lion |
(lion) |
Tiger face |
(tigerface) |
Tiger |
(tiger) |
Leopard |
(leopard) |
Horse Face |
(horseface) |
Horse |
(horse) |
Unicorn head |
(unicornhead) |
Zebra |
(zebra) |
Reindeer |
(reindeer) |
Cow Face |
(cowface) |
Ox |
(ox) |
Water Buffalo |
(waterbuffalo) |
Cow |
(cow) |
Pig Face |
(pigface) |
Pig |
(pig) |
Boar |
(boar) |
Pig Nose |
(pignose) (snout) |
Ram |
(Ram) |
Spring lamb |
(lamb) |
Goat |
(goat) |
Camel |
(camel) |
Two humped Camel |
(twohumpcamel) |
Llama |
(llama) |
Giraffe |
(giraffe) |
Elephant |
(elephant) |
Rhinoceros |
(rhino) |
Hippopotamus |
(hippo) |
Mouse Face |
(mouseface) |
Mouse |
(mouse) |
Rat |
(rat) |
Hamster Face |
(hamsterface) |
Bunny hug |
(bunnyhug) |
Bunny |
(bunny) (lovebunny) (rabbit) |
Chipmunk |
(chipmunk) |
Hedgehog hug |
(hedgehoghug) |
Bat smile |
(batsmile) (bat) |
Bear Face |
(bearface) |
Koala |
(koala) |
Panda |
(panda) |
Sloth |
(sloth) |
Otter |
(otter) |
Skunk |
(skunk) |
Kangaroo |
(kangaroo) |
Badger |
(badger) |
Paw Prints |
(pawprints) |
Turkey |
(turkeybird) |
Chicken |
(chicken) |
Rooster |
(rooster) |
Hatching Chick |
(hatchingchick) |
Baby Chick |
(babychick) |
Front Facing Baby Chick |
(frontfacingbabychick) |
Bird |
(bird) |
Dancing Penguin |
(penguin) (dancingpenguin) (penguindance) |
Dove |
(dove) (doveofpeace) |
Eagle |
(eagle) |
Duck |
(duck) |
Swan |
(swan) |
Owl |
(owl) |
Flamingo |
(flamingo) |
Peacock |
(peacock) |
Parrot |
(parrot) |
Frog Face |
(frogface) |
Crocodile |
(crocodile) |
Tortoise |
(tortoise) |
Lizard |
(lizard) |
Snake |
(snake) |
Dragon Face |
(dragonface) |
Dragon |
(dragon) |
Dinosaur |
(dinosaur) |
Spouting Whale |
(spoutingwhale) |
Whale |
(whale) |
Dolphin |
(dolphin) |
Fish |
(fish) |
Tropical fish |
(tropicalfish) |
Blowfish |
(puffer) |
Shark |
(shark) (jaws) |
Octopus |
(octopus) |
Spiralshell |
(spiralshell) (shell) (seashell) |
Snail |
(snail) (sn) (SN) |
Butterfly |
(butterfly) |
bug |
(bug) |
Ant |
(ant) |
Bee |
(bee) |
Ladybird |
(ladybird) (ladybug) |
Cricket |
(cricket) |
Spider |
(spider) |
Web |
(web) (cobweb) (spiderweb) |
Scorpion |
(scorpion) |
Mosquito |
(mosquito) |
Microbe |
(microbe) (virus) |
Bouquet |
(bouquet) |
Cherry blossom |
(cherryblossom) |
White Flower |
(whiteflower) |
Rosette |
(rosette) |
Rose |
(rose) |
Wilted flower |
(wiltedflower) (w) |
Hibiscus |
(hibiscus) |
Sunflower |
(sunflower) |
Flower |
(flower) |
Tulip |
(tulip) |
Seedling |
(seedling) |
Evergreen tree |
(evergreentree) |
Deciduous tree |
(deciduoustree) (treedeciduous) |
Cactus |
(cactus) |
Sheaf of rice |
(earofrice) |
Herb |
(herb) |
Shamrock |
(shamrock) |
Goodluck |
(goodluck) |
Maple leaf |
(mapleleaf) |
Fallen leaf |
(fallenleaf) |
Falling leaf |
(fallingleaf) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Penguin kiss |
(penguinkiss) |
Hug |
(hug) (bear) |
Raccoon |
(raccoon) |
Seal |
(seal) |
Unicorn |
(unicorn) |
Stingray |
(stingray) |
Orangutan wave |
(orangutanwave) |
Monkey giggle |
(monkeygiggle) |
Monkey See No Evil |
(seenoevil) |
Monkey Hear No Evil |
(hearnoevil) |
Monkey Speak No Evil |
(speaknoevil) |
Smile monkey |
(smilemonkey) |
Heart eyes monkey |
(hearteyesmonkey) |
Sad monkey |
(sadmonkey) |
Laugh monkey |
(laughmonkey) |
Cool monkey |
(coolmonkey) |
Polar bear |
(polarbear) (polarbearhug) |
Moving home |
(movinghome) |
Donkey |
(donkey) (gadha) |
Love bites |
(lovebites) |
Angry Red |
(red) |
Dancing hen |
(hendance) |
Rock chick |
(rockchick) |
Hedgehog |
(hedgehog) |
Squirrel |
(squirrel) (heidy) |
Acorn |
(acorn) |
Hungry cat |
(hungrycat) |
Ganesh |
(ganesh) |
Bat cry |
(batcry) |
Werewolf howl |
(werewolfhowl) |
Snow Angel |
(snowangel) |
Snow buddie |
(snegovik) (snowbuddie) |
Ginger keep fit |
(gingerkeepfit) |
Year of the Monkey |
(yotm) (monkeyyear) |
Year of the fire rooster |
(yotfr) |
Year of the dog |
(yotd) |
Year of the pig |
(yotp) |
Year of the rat |
(yotr) |
Porg |
(porg) |
Porg surprised |
(porgsurprised) |
Chewbacca |
(chewbacca) |
Shrimp |
(shrimp) |
Squid |
(squid) |
Lobster |
(lobster) |
Crab |
(crab) |
Turtle |
(turtle) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Grapes |
(grapes) |
Melon |
(melon) (cantaloupe) |
Watermelon |
(watermelon) |
Orange |
(orange) |
Lemon |
(lemon) |
Banana |
(banana) |
Pineapple |
(pineapple) |
Mango |
(mango) |
Apple |
(apple) |
Green apple |
(greenapple) |
Pear |
(pear) |
Peach |
(peach) |
Cherries |
(cherries) |
Strawberry |
(strawberry) |
Kiwi fruit |
(kiwi) |
Tomato |
(tomato) |
Coconut |
(coconut) |
Avocado love |
(avocadolove) |
Eggplant |
(aubergine)(eggplant) |
Potato |
(potato) |
Carrot |
(carrot) |
Corn |
(corn) |
Chili pepper |
(chilipepper) |
Cucumber |
(cucumber) (gherkin) |
Lettuce |
(lettuce) |
Broccoli |
(broccoli) |
Garlic |
(garlic) |
Onion |
(onion) |
Mushroom |
(mushroom) |
Peanuts |
(nuts) (peanuts) |
Chestnut |
(chestnut) |
Bread |
(bread) |
Croissant |
(croissant) |
Baguette |
(baguette) |
Pretzel |
(pretzel) |
Bagel |
(bagel) |
Pancake |
(pancake) |
Waffle |
(waffle) |
Cheese |
(cheese) (stink) |
Meat on bone |
(meatonbone) (anoniku) |
Chicken leg |
(chickenleg) |
Steak |
(steak) |
Bacon |
(bacon) |
Burger |
(burger) |
Fries |
(fries) |
Pizza |
(pi) (pizza) |
Hot dog |
(hotdog) |
Sandwich |
(sandwich) |
Taco |
(taco) |
Burrito |
(burrito) |
Pita bread |
(pitabread) |
Falafel |
(falafel) |
Egg |
(egg) |
Cooking |
(cooking) (friedegg) |
Paella |
(paella) |
Stew |
(stew) (casserole) |
Bowl with spoon |
(bowlwithspoon) |
Salad |
(salad) |
Popcorn |
(popcorn) |
Butter |
(butter) |
Salt |
(salt) |
Tin can |
(tincan) (campbell) |
Bento box |
(bento) |
Rice cracker |
(ricecracker) |
Rice ball |
(riceball) |
Rice |
(rice) |
Curry |
(curry) (curryandrice) |
Noodles |
(noodles) |
Spaghetti |
(spaghetti) |
Sweet potato |
(sweetpotato) (batata) (yam) |
Oden |
(oden) |
Sushi |
(sushi) |
Fried shrimp |
(friedshrimp) |
Fishcake |
(fishcake) |
Moon cake |
(mooncake) |
Dango |
(dango) |
Dumpling |
(dumpling) |
Fortune cookie |
(fortunecookie) |
Takeout box |
(takeoutbox) |
Crab |
(crab) |
Lobster |
(lobster) |
Shrimp |
(shrimp) |
Squid |
(squid) |
Oyster |
(oyster) |
Soft ice cream |
(icecream) |
Shaved ice |
(shavedice) |
Ice cream |
(sundae) |
Doughnut |
(doughnut) (donut) |
Cookies |
(cookies) |
Cake |
(cake) |
Cake slice |
(cakeslice) |
Feeling sweet! |
(cupcake) |
Pie |
(pie) |
Chocolate |
(chocolate) |
Candy |
(candy) |
Lollipop |
(lollipop) |
Custard |
(custard) |
Honey |
(honey) |
Baby bottle |
(babybottle) |
Milk |
(milk) |
Coffee |
(coffee) |
Tea |
(chai) (tea) |
Sake |
(sake) |
Champagne |
(champagne)(sparkling) |
Red wine |
(redwine) |
Drink |
(drink) |
Tropical drink |
(tropicaldrink) (fruitpunch) |
Beer |
(beer) (bricklayers) |
Beer mugs |
(beermugs) (beers) |
Cheers |
(cheers) |
Tumbler glass |
(tumbler) (whiskey) |
Cup with straw |
(cupwithstraw) |
Juice box |
(juicebox) |
Yerba mate |
(yerbamate) (mate) |
Ice cube |
(icecube) |
Chopsticks |
(chopsticks) |
Dinner |
(dinner) |
Cutlery |
(cutlery) (forkandknife) |
Spoon |
(spoon) |
Kitchen knife |
(kitchenknife) |
Amphora |
(amphora) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Great pear |
(greatpear) |
Pizza slice |
(pizzaslice) |
Sweet |
(laddu) |
Tandoori chicken |
(tandoori)(tandoorichicken) |
Dancing Thanksgiving turkey |
(turkey) (turkeydance) |
Fool |
(dhakkan) (fool) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Earth globe europe africa |
(earthglobeeuropeafrica) |
Earth globe americas |
(earthglobeamericas) |
Earth globe asia australia |
(earthglobeasiaaustralia) |
Globe with meridians |
(globewithmeridians) |
World map |
(worldmap) |
Silhouette of japan |
(silhouetteofjapan) |
Compass |
(compass) |
Snow capped mountain |
(snowcappedmountain) |
Mountain |
(mountain) |
Volcano |
(volcano) |
Mount fuji |
(mountfuji) |
Beach with umbrella |
(beachwithumbrella) |
Desert |
(desert) |
Island |
(island) (ip) |
National park |
(nationalpark) |
Stadium |
(stadium) |
Classical building |
(classicalbuilding) |
Building construction |
(buildingconstruction) |
Bricks |
(bricks) |
House building |
(housebuildings) |
Derelict house |
(derelicthouse) |
House |
(house) (home) |
House with garden |
(housewithgarden) |
Office building |
(officebuilding) |
Post office |
(japanesepostoffice) |
European post office |
(europeanpostoffice) |
Hospital |
(hospital) |
Bank |
(bank) |
Hotel |
(hotel) |
Love hotel |
(lovehotel) |
Convenience store |
(conveniencestore) |
School |
(school) |
Department store |
(departmentstore) |
Factory |
(factory) |
Castle |
(japanesecastle) |
European castle |
(europeancastle) |
Wedding |
(wedding) |
Tokyo tower |
(tokyotower) |
Statue of Liberty |
(statueofliberty) |
Church |
(church) |
Mosque |
(mosque) |
Hindu temple |
(hindutemple) |
Synagogue |
(Synagogue) |
Shinto shrine |
(shintoshrine) |
Kaaba |
(kaaba) |
Fountain |
(fountain) |
Tent |
(tent) |
Foggy |
(foggy) |
Night with stars |
(nightwithstars) |
City scape |
(cityscape) |
Sunrise over mountains |
(sunriseovermountains) |
Sunrise |
(sunrise) |
City scape at dusk |
(cityscapeatdusk) |
Sunset over buildings |
(sunsetoverbuildings) |
Bridge at night |
(bridgeatnight) |
Hot springs |
(hotsprings) |
Carousel horse |
(carouselhorse) |
Ferris wheel |
(ferriswheel) |
Rollercoaster |
(rollercoaster) |
Barber pole |
(barberpole) |
Circus tent |
(circustent) |
Steam train |
(steamtrain) (train) |
Railway car |
(railwaycar) |
High speed train |
(highspeedtrain) |
Bullet train |
(bulletrain) |
Train |
(passengertrain) |
Light rail |
(lightrail) |
Station |
(station) |
Tram |
(tram) |
Monorail |
(monorail) |
Mountain railway |
(mountainrailway) |
Tram car |
(tramcar) |
Bus |
(bus) |
Oncoming bus |
(oncomingbus) |
Trolley bus |
(trolleybus) |
Minibus |
(minibus) |
Ambulance |
(ambulance) |
Fire engine |
(fireengine) |
Police car |
(policecar) |
Oncoming police car |
(oncomingpolicecar) |
Taxi |
(taxi) |
Oncoming taxi |
(oncomingtaxi) |
Car |
(car) (au) |
Oncoming automobile |
(oncomingautomobile) |
Sports utility vehicle |
(suv) (offroad) (recreationalvehicle) |
Truck |
(truck) |
Articulated lorry |
(articulatedlorry) |
Tractor |
(tractor) |
Racing car |
(racingcar) |
Man Motorbike |
(manmotorbike) |
Scooter |
(scooter) |
Manual wheelchair |
(manualwheelchair) |
Motorized wheelchair |
(motorizedwheelchair) |
Push bike |
(pushbike) |
Skate |
(skate) |
Bus stop |
(busstop) |
Motorway |
(motorway) |
Railway track |
(railwaytrack) |
Oil drum |
(oildrum) |
Fuel pump |
(fuelpump) |
Police car light |
(policecarsrevolvinglight) |
Horizontal traffic light |
(horizontaltrafficlight) |
Vertical traffic light |
(verticaltrafficlight) |
Stop |
(stop) |
Construction sign |
(constructionsign) |
Anchor |
(anchor) |
Sailboat |
(sailboat) |
Canoe |
(canoe) |
Speedboat |
(speedboat) |
Passenger ship |
(passengership) |
Ferry |
(ferry) |
Motor boat |
(motorboat) |
Ship |
(ship) |
Plane |
(plane) (ap) (airplane) (aeroplane) (aircraft) (jet) |
Small airplane |
(smallairplane) |
Airplane departure |
(airplanedeparture) |
Airplane arriving |
(airplanearriving) |
Parachute |
(parachute) |
Seat |
(seat) |
Helicopter |
(helicopter) |
Suspension railway |
(suspensionrailway) |
Mountain cableway |
(mountaincableway) |
Aerial tramway |
(aerialtramway) |
Satellite |
(satellite) |
Rocket launch |
(launch) (rocket) (shuttle) |
Flying saucer |
(flyingsaucer) |
Bellhop bell |
(bellhopbell) |
Luggage |
(luggage) |
Hour glass done |
(hourglassdone) |
Watch |
(watch) |
Alarm clock |
(alarmclock) |
Stop watch |
(stopwatch) |
Timer clock |
(timerclock) |
Mantel piece clock |
(mantelpiececlock) |
Twelve o'clock |
(twelveoclock) (clock12) |
Twelve thirty |
(twelvethirty) (clock1230) |
One o'clock |
(oneoclock) (clock1) |
One thirty |
(onethirty) (clock130) |
Two o'clock |
(twooclock) (clock2) |
Two thirty |
(twothirty) (clock230) |
Three o'clock |
(threeoclock) (clock3) |
Three thirty |
(threethirty) (clock330) |
Four o'clock |
(fouroclock) (clock4) |
Four thirty |
(fourthirty) (clock430) |
Five o'clock |
(fiveoclock) (clock5) |
Five thirty |
(fivethirty) (clock530) |
Six o'clock |
(sixoclock) (clock6) |
Six thirty |
(sixthirty) (clock630) |
Seven o'clock |
(sevenoclock) (clock7) |
Seven thirty |
(seventhirty) (clock730) |
Eight o'clock |
(eightoclock) (clock8) |
Eight thirty |
(eightthirty) (clock830) |
Nine o'clock |
(nineoclock) (clock9) |
Nine thirty |
(ninethirty) (clock930) |
Ten o'clock |
(tenoclock) (clock10) |
Ten thirty |
(tenthirty) (clock1030) |
Eleven o'clock |
(elevenoclock) (clock11) |
Eleven thirty |
(eleventhirty) (clock1130) |
New moon symbol |
(newmoonsymbol) |
Waxing crescent moon symbol |
(waxingcrescentmoonsymbol) |
First quarter moon symbol |
(firstquartermoonsymbol) |
Waxing gibbous moon system |
(waxinggibbousmoonsymbol) |
Full moon symbol |
(fullmoonsymbol) |
Waning gibbous moon symbol |
(waninggibbousmoonsymbol) |
Last quarter moon symbol |
(lastquartermoonsymbol) |
Waning crescent moon symbol |
(waningcrescentmoonsymbol) |
Crescent moon |
(crescentmoon) |
Thermometer |
(thermometer) |
Sun with rays |
(sunwithrays) |
Ringed planet |
(saturn) (ringedplanet) |
Star |
(star) (*) |
Glowing star |
(glowingstar) |
Shooting star |
(shootingstar) |
Milky way |
(milkyway) |
Cloud |
(cloud) |
Sun behind cloud |
(sunbehindcloud) |
Cloud with lightning and rain |
(cloudwithlightningandrain) |
Sun behind small cloud |
(sunbehindsmallcloud) |
Sun behind large cloud |
(sunbehindlargecloud) |
Sun behind rain cloud |
(sunbehindraincloud) |
Raining |
(rain) (london) (st) |
Cloud with snow |
(cloudwithsnow) |
Cloud with lightning |
(cloudwithlightning) |
Tornado |
(cloudwithtornado) |
Fog |
(fog) |
Wind face |
(windblowingface) |
Cyclone |
(cyclone) |
Rainbow |
(rainbow) |
Closed Umbrella |
(closedumbrella) |
Umbrella |
(2602_umbrella) |
Umbrella |
(umbrella) (um) |
Beach umbrella |
(beachumbrella) |
High voltage |
(highvoltage) (thunderbolt) |
Snowflake |
(snowflake) |
Snow buddie |
(snegovik) (snowbuddie) |
Snowman without snow |
(snowmanwithoutsnow) |
Comet |
(comet) |
Fire |
(fire) |
Droplets |
(droplets) |
Water wave |
(waterwave) (waves) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Xmas Car |
(xmascar) |
Rickshaw |
(rickshaw)(rikshaw) (ricksha) |
Millennium Falcon |
(millenniumfalcon) |
X-wing |
(xwing) |
TIE fighter |
(tiefighter) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Pumpkin |
(pumpkin) (halloween) |
Xmas Car |
(xmascar) |
Fireworks |
(fireworks) |
Sparkler |
(sparkler) |
Dynamite |
(dynamite) (tnt) (firecracker) |
Sparkles |
(sparkles) |
Balloon |
(balloon) |
Party popper |
(partypopper) |
Confetti ball |
(confettiball) |
Tanabata tree |
(tanabatatree) |
Pine decoration |
(pinedecoration) (kadomatsu) |
Japanese dolls |
(japanesedolls) |
Carp steamer |
(carpsteamer) (koinobori) |
Wind chime |
(windchime) |
Harvest Moon |
(harvestmoon) (tsukimi) |
Red envelope |
(redenvelope) (giftenvelope) (angpao) (hongbao) |
Ribbon |
(ribbon) |
Gift |
(gift) |
Admission tickets |
(admissiontickets) |
Ticket |
(ticket) |
Military medal |
(militarymedal) |
Trophy |
(trophy) |
Sports medal |
(sportsmedal) |
Gold medal |
(goldmedal) |
Silver medal |
(silvermedal) |
Bronze medal |
(bronzemedal) |
Soccer Ball |
(soccerball) |
Baseball |
(baseball) |
Softball |
(softball) |
Basketball |
(basketball) |
Volley ball |
(volleyball) |
American Football |
(americanfootball) |
Rugby Ball |
(rugbyball) |
Tennis Ball |
(tennisball) |
Frisbee |
(frisbee) |
Bowling Ball |
(bowlingball) |
Field hockey |
(fieldhockeystick) |
Ice hockey |
(icehockeystick) |
Lacrosse |
(lacrosse) |
Table tennis |
(tabletennisbat) (pingpongbat) |
Badminton |
(badminton) |
Martial arts uniform |
(martialartsuniform) |
Goal |
(goal) |
Flag In Hole |
(flaginhole) (golfball) |
Ice skate |
(iceskate) |
Fishing rod |
(fishingrod) |
Diving mask |
(divingmask) (snorkel) |
Running shirt |
(runningshirt) |
Ski and skiboot |
(skiandskiboot) |
Sled |
(sled) |
Curling stone |
(curlingstone) |
Archery |
(target) |
Yo-yo |
(yoyo) |
Kite |
(kite) |
Pool Eight Ball |
(eightball) |
Crystal ball |
(crystalball) |
Nazar amulet |
(nazaramulet) |
Games |
(games) (ply) (play) (playbox) |
Joystick |
(joystick) |
Slot machine |
(slotmachine) |
Jigsaw |
(jigsaw) |
Hug |
(hug) (bear) |
Spades |
(spades) |
Hearts |
(hearts) |
Diamonds |
(diamonds) |
Clubs |
(clubs) |
Chess pawn |
(chesspawn) |
Joker |
(joker) |
Mahjong |
(mahjong) |
Flower playing cards |
(flowerplayingcards) (hanafuda) (hwatu) |
Performing arts |
(performingarts) (drama) |
Painting |
(painting) (pictureframe) (ninjacatpainting) |
Artist palette |
(palette) (artistpalette) |
Thread |
(thread) |
Ball of yarn |
(yarn) (ballofyarn) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
American football |
(americanfootballeyes) (americanfootballbounce) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Glasses |
(glasses) |
Sunglasses |
(sunglasses) |
Goggles |
(goggles) |
Labcoat |
(labcoat) |
Safety vest |
(safetyvest) |
Neck tie |
(necktie) |
T-shirt |
(tshirt) |
Jeans |
(jeans) (denim) |
Scarf |
(scarf) |
Gloves |
(gloves) |
Coat |
(coat) |
Socks |
(socks) |
Dress |
(dress) |
Kimono |
(kimono) |
Sari |
(sari) |
Swimming suit |
(swimsuit) |
Briefs |
(briefs) |
Shorts |
(shorts) |
Bikini |
(bikini) |
Blouse |
(blouse) (womansclothes) |
Purse |
(purse) |
Handbag |
(handbag) |
Pouch |
(pouch) |
Girl shopping |
(shopping) (shopper) |
Backpack |
(backback) |
Mans shoe |
(mansshoe) |
Sneaker |
(sneaker) (trainer) (athleticshoe) |
Hiking boot |
(hikingboot) |
Womans flat shoe |
(womansflatshoe) |
High heels |
(stiletto) (highheels) (highheeledshoe) |
Womans sandal |
(womanssandal) |
Ballet shoes |
(balletshoes) |
Womans boot |
(womansboot) |
Crown |
(crown) |
Womans hat |
(womanshat) |
Top hat |
(tophat) |
Graduate |
(graduate) (graduationcap) |
Baseball cap |
(baseballcap) |
Rescue helmet |
(rescuehelmet) |
Prayer beads |
(prayerbeads) (rosarybeads) |
Ring |
(ring) |
Diamond |
(diamond) |
Mute |
(mute) |
Speaker |
(speaker) (speakerlow) |
Medium volume |
(speakermedium) |
High volume |
(speakerhigh) |
PA loudspeaker |
(paloudspeaker) (pasystem) |
Megaphone |
(megaphone) |
Postal horn |
(postalhorn) |
Bell |
(bell) (ghanta) |
Muted bell |
(mutedbell) |
Musical score |
(musicalscore) |
Music |
(music) |
Multiple musical notes |
(multiplemusicalnotes) (1f3b6_multiplemusicalnotes) |
Studio microphone |
(studiomicrophone) |
Level slider |
(levelslider) |
Control knobs |
(controlknobs) |
Microphone |
(microphone) (mic) |
Radio |
(radio) |
Saxophone |
(saxophone) |
Musical keyboard |
(musicalkeyboard) |
Trumpet |
(trumpet) |
Violin |
(violin) |
Banjo |
(banjo) |
Drum |
(drum) |
Phone |
(mp) (ph) (phone) |
Mobile phone with arrow |
(mobilephonewitharrow) |
Telephone |
(telephone) |
Pager |
(pager) |
Fax machine |
(fax) |
Battery |
(battery) |
Electric plug |
(electricplug) |
Computer |
(computer) (laptop) (personalcomputer) (co) (pc) |
Computer |
(desktopcomputer) (desktop) |
Printer |
(printer) |
Keyboard |
(keyboard) |
Mouse |
(computermouse) |
Track ball |
(trackball) |
Mini disc |
(minidisc) |
Floppy disk |
(floppy) (floppydisk) |
CD |
(cd) (opticaldisc) |
Dvd |
(dvd) |
Abacus |
(abacus) |
Movie camera |
(filmcamera) (moviecamera) |
Film frames |
(filmframes) (movieframes) |
Film projector |
(filmprojector) |
Movie |
(film) (movie) |
Television |
(television) (tv) |
Camera |
(1f4f7_camera) |
Camera |
(camera) (camerawithflash) |
Video camera |
(videocamera) |
Video cassette |
(videocassette) |
Magnifying glass left |
(magnifyingglassleft) |
Magnifying glass right |
(magnifyingglassright) |
Candle |
(candle) |
Electric light bulb |
(bulb) |
Torch |
(flashlight) (torch) |
Izakaya lantern |
(izakayalantern) |
Diya lamp |
(diyalamp) |
Decorative notebook |
(decorativenotebook) |
Red book |
(redbook) |
Open book |
(openbook) |
Green book |
(greenbook) |
Blue book |
(bluebook) |
Orange book |
(orangebook) |
Books |
(books) |
Notebook |
(notebook) |
Binder |
(ledger) (binder) |
Curled page |
(curledpage) |
Scroll |
(scroll) |
Page |
(page) |
Newspaper |
(newspaper) |
Rolled up newspaper |
(rollednewspaper) (rolledupnewspaper) |
Bookmark tabs |
(bookmarktabs) |
Bookmark |
(bookmark) |
Label tag |
(labeltag) |
Money bag |
(moneybag) |
Yen |
(yen) |
Dollar |
(dollar) |
Euro |
(euro) |
Pound |
(pound) (quid) |
Flying money |
(flyingmoney) (moneywithwings) |
Credit card |
(creditcard) |
Receipt |
(receipt) |
Yen graph |
(yengraph) |
Red envelope |
(redenvelope) (giftenvelope) (angpao) (hongbao) |
(email) |
Incoming envelope |
(incomingenvelope) |
Envelope with arrow |
(envelopewitharrow) |
Outbox |
(outbox) |
Inbox |
(inbox) |
Package |
(package) (parcel) |
Closed mailbox with flag |
(closedmailboxwithflag) |
Closed mailbox |
(closedmailbox) |
Open mailbox with flag |
(openmailboxwithflag) |
Open mailbox |
(openmailbox) |
Post box |
(postbox) |
Ballot box |
(ballotbox) |
Pencil |
(pencil) |
Black nib |
(blacknib) |
Fountain pen |
(fountainpen) |
Ball point pen |
(ballpointpen) |
Paint brush |
(paintbrush) |
Crayon |
(crayon) |
Memo |
(memo) |
Briefcase |
(briefcase) |
Folder |
(folder) |
Open folder |
(openfolder) |
Folder dividers |
(folderdividers) |
Calendar |
(1f4c5_calendar) |
Tear off calendar |
(tearoffcalendar) |
Spiral notepad |
(spiralnotepad) |
Rolodex |
(rolodex) |
Positive graph |
(positivegraph) (upwardstrend) |
Negative graph |
(negativegraph) (downwardstrend) |
Bar chart |
(barchart) (bargraph) |
Clipboard |
(clipboard) |
Pin |
(pin) (pushpin) |
Pin |
(mappin) (roundpin) (roundpushpin) |
Paperclip |
(paperclip (clippy) |
Paper clips |
(paperclips) |
Ruler |
(rule) |
Triangular ruler |
(triangularruler) |
Scissors |
(scissors) |
File box |
(filebox) |
Filing cabinet |
(filingcabinet) |
Trash bin |
(trashbin) (rubbishbin) (cage) (wastebasket) |
Locked |
(locked) (closedlock) (closedpadlock) |
Unlocked |
(unlocked) (openlock) (openpadlock) |
Locked with pen |
(lockwithpen) (lockedwithpen) |
Lock and key |
(lockandkey) |
Key |
(key) |
Old key |
(oldkey) |
Hammer |
(hammer) |
Axe |
(axe) |
Pick |
(pick) |
Hammer and pick |
(hammerandpick) |
Hammer and wrench |
(hammerandwrench) |
Dagger |
(dagger) |
Swords |
(swords) |
Water pistol |
(pistol) (waterpistol) |
Bow and arrow |
(bowandarrow) |
Shield |
(shield) |
Wrench |
(wrench) |
Bolt |
(bolt) (nutandbolt) |
Cog |
(gear) (cog) |
Clamp |
(clamp) |
Scales |
(scales) |
Probing cane |
(probingcane) |
Link |
(link) |
Chains |
(chains) |
Toolbox |
(toolbox) |
Magnet |
(magnet) |
Alembic |
(alembic) |
Test tube |
(testtube) |
Petri dish |
(petridish) |
(dna) |
Microscope |
(microscope) |
Telescope |
(telescope) |
Satellite antenna |
(satelliteantenna) |
Syringe |
(syringe) |
Blood drop |
(blooddrop) |
Pill |
(pill) |
Plaster |
(plaster) (adhesivebandage) |
Stethoscope |
(stethoscope) |
Door |
(door) |
Mirror |
(mirror) |
Bed |
(bed) |
Couch and lamp |
(couchandlamp) |
Chair |
(chair) |
Shower |
(shower) |
Bath tub |
(bathtub) |
Razor |
(razor) |
Lotion |
(lotion) |
Safety pin |
(safetypin) |
Broom |
(broom) |
Laundry basket |
(basket) |
Toilet paper |
(toiletpaper) |
Soap |
(soap) |
Sponge |
(sponge) |
Fire extinguisher |
(fireextinguisher) |
Shopping trolley |
(trolley) (cart) |
Coffin |
(coffin) |
Funeral urn |
(funeralurn) |
Moyai |
(moyai) (easterislandstatue) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
BB-8 |
(bb8) |
BB-9E |
(bb9e) |
Xmas Heart |
(xmasheart) |
Web heart |
(webheart) |
Wind turbine |
(windturbine) |
Tumbleweed |
(tumbleweed) |
You have mail |
(mail) |
Who's this!? |
(whosthis) |
Can't unsee that |
(unsee) |
Can you talk |
(canyoutalk) |
Time |
(time) (clock) |
Bomb |
(bomb) (explosion) (explode) @= |
Confidential |
(confidential) |
Piggy bank |
(piggybank) |
Sparkler |
(sparkler) |
Fireworks |
(fireworks) |
Holi |
(holi) (rang) |
Eid |
(eid) |
Tealight |
(diwali) (diya) |
Dreidel |
(dreidel) |
Hanukkah |
(hanukkah) (menorah) |
Stone wall 50 |
(stonewall50icon) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
(atm) |
Litter in bin |
(litterinbin) (trashinbin) |
Water tap |
(watertap) |
Wheelchair symbol |
(wheelchairsymbol) |
Mens symbol |
(menssymbol) |
Womans symbol |
(womenssymbol) |
Restroom |
(restroom) (bathroom) |
Baby symbol |
(babysymbol) |
Water closet |
(wc) (watercloset) |
Passport control |
(passportcontrol) |
Customs |
(customs) |
Baggage claim |
(baggageclaim) |
Left luggage |
(leftluggage) |
Warning |
(warning) |
Children crossing |
(childrencrossing) |
No entry |
(noentry) |
Prohibited |
(banned) |
No bicycles |
(nobicycles) |
No smoking |
(nosmoking) |
No littering |
(nolittering) |
No water |
(nowater) |
No pedestrians |
(nopedestrians) |
No mobile phones |
(nomobile) (nophone) |
No one under eighteen |
(noundereighteen) (nounder18) |
Radioactive |
(radioactive) |
Biohazard |
(biohazard) |
Up arrow |
(uparrow) |
Up right arrow |
(uprightarrow) (northeastarrow) |
Right arrow |
(rightarrow) |
Down right arrow |
(downrightarrow) (southeastarrow) |
Down arrow |
(downarrow) |
Down left arrow |
(downleftarrow) (southwestarrow) |
Left arrow |
(leftarrow) |
Up left arrow |
(upleftarrow) (northwestarrow) |
Up down arrow |
(updownarrow) |
Left right arrow |
(leftrightarrow) |
Curving left arrow |
(curvingleftarrow) |
Curving right arrow |
(curvingrightarrow) |
Arrow curving up |
(arrowcurvingup) |
Arrow curving down |
(arrowcurvingdown) |
Clockwise vertical arrows |
(repeatverticalbutton) |
Refresh |
(refresh) (counterclockwisearrows) |
Back arrow |
(backarrow) |
End arrow |
(endarrow) |
On! Arrow |
(onarrow) |
Soon arrow |
(soonarrow) |
Top arrow |
(toparrow) |
Place of worship |
(placeofworship) |
Atom |
(atom) |
Om |
(om) |
Star of david |
(starofdavid) |
Wheel of dharma |
(wheelofdharma) (helm) |
Yin yang |
(yinyang) |
Latin cross |
(latincross) |
Orthodox cross |
(orthodoxcross) |
Star and crescent |
(starandcrescent) |
Peace |
(peace) |
Menorah button |
(menorahbutton) |
Star with dot |
(starwithdot) |
Aries |
(aries) |
Taurus |
(taurus) |
Gemini |
(gemini) |
Cancer |
(cancer) |
Leo |
(leo) |
Virgo |
(virgo) |
Libra |
(libra) |
Scorpio |
(scorpio) |
Sagittarius |
(sagittarius) |
Capricorn |
(capricorn) |
Aquarius |
(aquarius) |
Pisces |
(pisces) |
Ophiuchus |
(ophiuchus) |
Shuffle button |
(shuffle) |
Repeat button |
(repeatbutton) |
Repeat single button |
(repeatsinglebutton) |
Play button |
(playbutton) |
Fast forward button |
(fastforwardbutton) |
Next track button |
(nexttrackbutton) |
Play or pause button |
(playpause) (playpausebutton) |
Reverse button |
(reversebutton) |
Rewind button |
(rewindbutton) |
Last track button |
(lasttrackbutton) |
Up button |
(upwardsbutton) |
Fast up button |
(fastupbutton) |
Button down small |
(downwardsbutton) |
Fast down button |
(fastdownbutton) |
Pause button |
(pausebutton) |
Stop button |
(stopbutton) |
Record button |
(recordbutton) |
Eject button |
(ejectbutton) |
Cinema |
(cinemabutton) |
Low brightness |
(lowbrightness) |
High brightness |
(highbrightness) |
Signal strength |
(signalstrength) (mobilesignalstrength) |
Vibration mode |
(vibrationmode) (mobilevibrate) |
Mobile phone off |
(mobileoff) |
Female sign |
(femalesign) (venus) |
Male sign |
(malesign) (mars) |
Transgender Symbol |
(transgendersymbol) (transgendersign) |
Multiplication sign |
(multiplicationsign) (timessign) |
Plus sign |
(plussign) (addsign) |
Minus sign |
(minussign) (substractsign) |
Division sign |
(divisionsign) (dividesign) |
Infinity |
(infinity) |
Double exclamation |
(doubleexclamation) (bangbang) |
Question mark |
(questionmark) |
White question mark |
(whitequestionmark) |
White exclamation mark |
(whiteexclamationmark) |
Exclamation mark |
(exclamationmark) |
Wavy dash |
(wavydash) |
Currency exchange |
(currencyexchange) |
Cash |
(cash) ($) |
Medical symbol |
(medicalsymbol) |
Recycle |
(recycle) |
Fleur de lis |
(fleurdelis) (scouts) |
Trident |
(trident) |
Name badge |
(namebadge) (nametag) |
Beginner |
(beginner) (shoshinsha) |
Red ring |
(redring) |
Checkmark button |
(checkmarkbutton) |
Checkbox |
(checkbox) |
Checkmark |
(checkmark) |
Crossmark |
(crossmark) |
Cross mark button |
(crossmarkbutton) |
Curly loop |
(curlyloop) |
Double curly loop |
(doublecurlyloop) |
Part alternation mark |
(partalternationmark) |
Asterisk |
(asterisk) |
Star button |
(starbutton) |
Sparkle |
(sparkle) |
Copyright |
(copyright) |
Registered |
(registered) |
Trademark |
(trademark) (tm) |
Keycap number |
(keycapnumber) (keycaphash) (keycappound) (keycapnumbersign) |
Keycap asterisk |
(keycapasterisk) (keycapstar) (keycapnumberasterisk) |
Keycap zero |
(keycapzero) (keycapdigitzero) |
Keycap one |
(keycapone) (keycapdigitone) |
Keycap two |
(keycaptwo) (keycapdigittwo) |
Keycap three |
(keycapthree) (keycapdigitthree) |
Keycap four |
(keycapfour) (keycapdigitfour) |
Keycap five |
(keycapfive) (keycapdigitfive) |
Keycap six |
(keycapsix) (keycapdigitsix) |
Keycap seven |
(keycapseven) (keycapdigitseven) |
Keycap eight |
(keycapeight) (keycapdigiteight) |
Keycap nine |
(keycapnine) (keycapdigitnine) |
Keycap ten |
(keycapten) |
Uppercase |
(uppercase) |
Lowercase |
(lowercase) |
Numbers |
(numbers) |
Symbols |
(symbols) |
Letters |
(letters) |
Blood type A |
(bloodtypea) |
Blood type AB |
(ab) |
Blood type B |
(bloodtypeb) |
Clear |
(clear) (cl) |
Cool |
(coolbutton) |
Free |
(free) |
Information |
(information) (info) |
ID |
(id) |
Circled M |
(circledm) |
New |
(new) |
NG |
(ng) |
Blood type O |
(bloodtypeo) |
OK |
(okbutton) |
Parking |
(parking) |
(sos) |
UP! Button |
(buttonup) (upbutton) |
VS |
(vs) |
Here |
(here) |
Service charge |
(servicecharge) |
Monthly amount |
(monthlyamount) |
Not free of charge |
(notfreeofcharge) |
Reserved |
(reserved) |
Bargain |
(bargain) |
Discount |
(discount) |
Free of charge |
(freeofcharge) |
Prohibited |
(prohibited) |
Accept |
(accept) |
Application |
(application) |
Agreement |
(agreement) |
Vacancy |
(vacancy) |
Congratulations |
(congratulations) |
Secret |
(secret) |
Open for business |
(openforbusiness) |
No vacancy |
(novacancy) |
Red circle |
(redcircle) |
Orange circle |
(orangecircle) |
Yellow circle |
(yellowcircle) |
Green circle |
(greencircle) |
Blue circle |
(bluecircle) |
Purple circle |
(purplecircle) |
Brown circle |
(browncircle) |
Black circle |
(blackcircle) |
White circle |
(whitecircle) |
Red square |
(redsquare) |
Orange square |
(orangesquare) |
Yellow square |
(yellowsquare) |
Green square |
(greensquare) |
Blue square |
(bluesquare) |
Purple square |
(purplesquare) |
Brown square |
(brownsquare) |
Large black square |
(largeblacksquare) |
Large white square |
(largewhitesquare) |
Medium black square |
(mediumblacksquare) |
Medium white square |
(mediumwhitesquare) |
Medium small black square |
(mediumsmallblacksquare) |
Medium small white square |
(mediumsmallwhitesquare) |
Small black square |
(smallblacksquare) |
Small white square |
(smallwhitesquare) |
Large orange diamond |
(orangediamond) |
Large blue diamond |
(largebluediamond) |
Small orange diamond |
(smallorangediamond) |
Small blue diamond |
(smallbluediamond) |
Red triangle up |
(redtriangleup) |
Red triangle down |
(redtriangledown) |
Diamond flower |
(diamondflower) (kawaii) |
Radio button |
(radiobutton) |
White square button |
(whitesquarebutton) |
Black square button |
(blacksquarebutton) |
Blue Ribbon |
(ribbonblue) |
Red Ribbon |
(ribbonred) |
Black Ribbon |
(ribbonblack) |
Pink Ribbon |
(ribbonpink) |
Green Ribbon |
(ribbongreen) |
Purple Ribbon |
(ribbonpurple) |
Orange Ribbon |
(ribbonorange) |
Skype Unique |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
Pride heart |
(prideheart) |
I heart you |
(iheartu) |
Yellow Ribbon |
(ribbonyellow) |
Pride ribbon |
(ribbonpride) |
Be right back |
(brb) (berightback) |
What's going on? |
(whatsgoingon) (!!?) |
Confusion |
(golmaal) |
What! |
(kya) |
Oye |
(oye) |
Abe |
(abe) (abey) |
Mum heart |
(mumheart) (momheart) |
Emoticon |
Name |
Shortcuts |
access |
(access) |
bing |
(bing) |
drunk |
(drunk) |
excel |
(excel) |
finger |
(finger) |
groupme |
(groupme) |
internetexplorer |
(internetexplorer) |
chirag |
(chirag) |
microsoft |
(microsoft) |
mooning |
(mooning) |
neil |
(neil) |
oliver |
(oliver) |
onedrive |
(onedrive) |
onenote |
(onenote) |
ontheloo |
(ontheloo) |
outlook |
(outlook) |
poolparty |
(poolparty) |
poop |
(poop) |
powerpoint |
(powerpoint) |
publisher |
(publisher) |
santamooning |
(santamooning) |
sharepoint |
(sharepoint) |
sheep |
(sheep) |
Skill |
(peter) (skill) |
skype |
(skype) |
skypebiz |
(skypebiz) |
smoke |
(smoke) |
tauri |
(tauri) |
win10 |
(win10) |
word |
(word) |
wtf |
(wtf) |
xbox |
(xbox) |
Teams |
(Teams) |
Yammer |
(Yammer) |