When you try to set up Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, you receive the following error message:
Activation failed.
Please check the activation code to ensure it is correct. Error details: Activation failedSOLUTION
Your user account may be blocked from using Azure Multi-Factor Authentication. To check whether this is the case, the following steps must be performed by a global admin or a company admin for your Microsoft cloud service.
If you have an Azure Multi-Factor Authentication or Azure Active Directory Premium subscription
Under User Administration, go to Block/Unblock Users.
Check whether the user is blocked.
If the user is blocked, select Block Reason, and then take appropriate action. To unblock the user, click Unblock in the Action column.
If you have Office 365 and don't have an Azure Multi-Factor Authentication or Azure Active Directory Premium subscription
Contact Office 365 Support.
Still need help? Go to Microsoft Community or the Azure Active Directory Forums website.