Applies ToWindows Media Player 11 Windows Media Player 10

Source: Microsoft Support


You install a hotfix or update that updates wmp.dll.


You get the error: The file wmploc.dll has a version number of 11.0.6001.7000 where 11.0.6001.7004 was expected. Windows Media Player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled. Do you want to install the Player from the Microsoft Web site?Note that the version numbers listed can vary depending on the Windows Media Player version and the version of the hotfix that was installed.


The version of wmp.dll is out of sync with what is set in the Windows registry.


To have us fix this problem for you, go to the "Fix it for me" section. If you would rather fix this problem yourself, go to the "Let me fix it myself" section.

Fix it for me

On 64-bit Windows operating systems, this Fix it solution can only fix the problemĀ if both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Windows Media Player are installed on the machine. The command "unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMPVersion" can only update the registry key value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Setup\Installed Versions\wmp.dll, it does not update HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Setup\Installed Versions\wmp.dll.To fix this problem automatically, click the Fix this problem link. Then click Run in the File Download dialog box, and follow the steps in this wizard.

Note This wizard may be in English only; however, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows.Note If you are not on the computer that has the problem, you can save the automatic fix to a flash drive or to a CD, and then you can run it on the computer that has the problem.

Let me fix it myself

On Windows Vista:

  1. Reboot your system.

  2. Open cmd.exe as an administrator by selecting Start/All Programs/Accessories.

  3. Right click on Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.

  4. Type in unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMPVersion

  5. Press enter.

On Windows XP and Windows 2003 and earlier:

  1. Reboot your system.

  2. Select Start/Run and type in: %SystemRoot%\inf\unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMP

  3. Click Ok.

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