Applies ToMSN

Select the mega menu and select a favorite. If your favorites aren't visible, select See All Favorites.3000396_01_Screenshot of MSN Sports favorites from mega menu You can also select My Favorites in the navigation bar on the Sports home page.Screenshot of MSN Sports favorites from Sports home pageTo remove a favorite - Deselect the favorite from the page.Screenshot of removing a favoriteTo add a favorite - Select the + and type the name.  Press return. You can also add or remove favorites by going to the relevant team/player page and selecting or deselecting the *icon which sits on the large image.Screenshot of favorite icon

Use favorites if you added them there. If not, then go to the relevant sport and select standings/scores/schedule. Anywhere a team/player is mentioned, you can select the name and this will bring you to the relevant team/player page. Standings are also available on sport pages which shows the team/player names. The names can also be selected here as well as on statistical modules.

From the Sports home page, select the Sports Index link on the navigation bar.Screenshot of Sports Index button

Select the league tab where the scores are visible. If the score you require is not visible there select the All Scores link to the right of the scores area under the advertisement.Screenshot of League tab and All scores link OR

Go to the relevant sport page using the navigation bar and then select Scores in the navigation bar.Screenshot of the Scores button

Go to the relevant sport page using the navigation bar and then select Schedule.Screenshot of the Schedule button

Go to the relevant sport page using the navigation bar and then select Standings.

Select the game tile in scores area near the top of the page. If not listed there go to the relevant league page, select schedule/scores and select the relevant game tile and it will bring you to a game page.Screenshot of a match tile


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