How to use brand kit tool in Clipchamp
Applies ToClipchamp for personal accounts Clipchamp for work accounts

You can use the brand kit feature in Clipchamp to store branded assets like fonts, colors, and logos to keep your videos consistent, organized, and on-brand.

In Clipchamp for personal accounts,

  • You can create and add 1 brand kit to your account and access it in video editing projects.

In Clipchamp for work or for education accounts,

  • You can create and add multiple brand kits to your account, access them in video editing projects and share them with others in your organization.

  • Your Microsoft 365 administrator can create brand kits that are available to all Clipchamp users in the organization.

Read on to learn how to work with brand kits and how to add your branding elements to videos.

Where can I find the brand kit tool?

  • After signing into Clipchamp for personal accounts at or in the Clipchamp desktop app, the brand kit tool is available on the video editor homepage. There, click on the brand kit tab to set and access your brand logos, fonts, and colors.

  • Alternatively, if you're already in the video editor user interface, click on the brand kit tab on the toolbar to locate brand logos, fonts, and colors. You can also add new brand kit assets there.

How to add branding to the brand kit

Add brand logos

  1. Click on the add logos button to select your logo from your computer files. Your computer files will automatically open.

  2. Select your logo, then click on the open button. Note: all logos must be a PNG, JPEG, or SVG file types with a maximum size of 10MB.

Add brand fonts

  1. Click on the add fonts button to upload your customized fonts. A new font option will appear.

  2. Click on the drop-down arrow to select an existing font or import your own font file. You can rename your font by clicking on the three horizontal dots then clicking rename. Note: all fonts must be OTF, TTF, or WOFF. file types with a maximum size of 10MB. You can add multiple logos at once.

Add brand color palette

  1. Click on the add palette button to upload your personalized color palette.

  2. Next, click on the plus (+) button to add a color. Here, you can type in a Hex code, select a color from the color picker, or choose an existing color option using the palette button.

How to add branding to your videos

  1. To use the brand kit, click on the brand kit tab on the toolbar. Here, you will be able to add logos to video, use brand fonts, and colors.

  2. To add a logo to video to create a watermark effect or video overlay, drag and drop your logo onto the timeline above your video clip or click on the plus button to add to the timeline.

  3. Next, to make your logo a watermark, use the transparency option inside the adjust colors tab on the property panel. Click on the adjust colors tab then drag the transparency slider to the right to increase the transparency.

  4. To edit the size and location of your logo by dragging in and out the corners to resize, or freely click to move the logo around the video preview screen.

  5. Don't forget to edit the duration of your logo to match the length of your video. Drag the green handles to the right to increase the length, or drag the green handle to the left of the timeline to decrease.

  6. To use your customized font, just add a text animation to your video. Click on the text tab on the toolbar, then drag and drop a title onto the timeline.

  7. To edit the font of your motion title, click on the text tab on the property panel, then click on the drop down arrow to select your brand kit font. Your brand kit font will be at the top of the fonts list.

  8. To change the color of your text with your brand color palette, click on the text tab on the property panel. Next, click on the color button.

  9. Inside the color options, select a color from the brand kit color palette. Your text will automatically change color to your selected brand kit color.

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