When you execute an INSERT INTO...SELECT query to insert values into a partitioned clustered columnstore index (CCI) in Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or SQL Server 2017, an intra-query deadlock occurs. This deadlock issue occurs only after you split the CCI partition.
This issue is fixed in the following cumulative updates for SQL Server:
Cumulative Update 5 for SQL Server 2017
Cumulative update 8 for SQL Server 2016 SP1
Note After you install this update, you must drop and re-create the CCI to completely remove the previous metadata structures for the CCI.
Each new cumulative update for SQL Server contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previous cumulative update. Check out the latest cumulative updates for SQL Server:
To work around this issue, run the query by using degree of parallelism (DOP) = 1.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
Learn about the terminologythat Microsoft uses to describe software updates.