When this issue occurs, users do not receive mailbox quota warning messages for mailboxes that exceed IssueWarningQuota in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 environment. Additionally, the following event log may be logged:
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchange Store Driver Submission Date:DateTime Event ID: 1012 Task Category: MSExchangeStoreDriverSubmission Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: Server FQDN Description: The store driver failed to submit event EventID mailbox MailboxGUID MDB DatabaseGUID and couldn't generate an NDR due to exception Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.InvalidSenderException at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Shared.SubmissionItem.SubmissionItemUtils.CopySenderTo(SubmissionItemBase submissionItem, TransportMailItem message) at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.GenerateNdrMailItem() at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.<>c__DisplayClass1.<SubmitNdrForFailedSubmission>b__0() at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.StorageExceptionHandler.RunUnderTableBasedExceptionHandler(IMessageConverter converter, StoreDriverDelegate workerFunction).Cause
This issue occurs because, during the migration process, the Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) property which dictates the language specifics of the mailbox is not transferred to Exchange Server 2013. Therefore, the appropriate locale and language of the quota warning message cannot be obtained from the mailbox, and the quota warning message submission fails.
To prevent this issue, install the following update:
Cumulative Update 8 for Exchange Server 2013 Note Use the workaround in this article to update the mailbox regional configuration on mailboxes that were migrated to Exchange Server 2013 before Cumulative Update 8 is applied. In order to avoid the issue that is described in this article with subsequent mailbox moves from Exchange Server 2007 or Exchange Server 2010 to Exchange Server 2013, install Cumulative Update 8.
To work around this issue, run the following PowerShell cmdlet to set the language property on Active Directory and the LCID property of the affected mailbox after the migration is complete:
Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <user> -Language <language code>
Note This workaround consists of resetting the mailbox regional configuration. Also, it works in an Exchange Server 2013 environment that has Cumulative Update 6 or a later version update installed. Additionally, if the language property already contains a valid value (that is not empty or null), run the following PowerShell cmdlet to set the LCID property of the affected mailbox:Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <user> | Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
More Information
For more information about Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID), see Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference. For more information about how to check users who are affected by this issue, use the Store Query script and the following PowerShell cmdlets:
Load the ManageStoreDiagnosticFunctions.ps1 script in the PowerShell session.
This script path is .'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts\ManagedStoreDiagnosticFunctions.ps1' -
Run the following PowerShell cmdlets:
$mbxs = get-mailbox –resultsize unlimited| ? {$_.exchangeversion.exchangebuild.major -ge 15} $mbxsq = $mbxs | %{Get-StoreQuery -Database $_.database -query "select * from Mailbox where Mailboxguid = '$($_.ExchangeGuid)'"} $mbxsq | ? {$_.lcid -eq 0} |fl displayname, mailboxguid, lcid
If the LCID value is 0, the quota warning message will not be triggered. Run the set-mailboxregionalconfiguration cmdlet to enable it.