When a user creates a profile in Microsoft Outlook 2016 or Outlook 2013, Outlook hangs.
This problem occurs if the root domain of the user's SMTP address points to a web host that doesn't use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and if port 443 is closed. In this scenario, the web host doesn't respond to Therefore, Outlook hangs while the profile is being created. To verify that this is the cause of the issue that you're experiencing, follow these steps:-
Locate the Outlook icon in the notification area on the right side of the taskbar, hold the CTRL key, click the icon, and then click Test E-mail AutoConfiguration on the menu that appears.
Enter the user's email address and password, and then click Test.
View the results on the Log tab. If you see multiple retry entries that contain one of the following error messages, you're experiencing this issue:
Outlook 2016:
Autodiscover to starting
GetLastError=2147954402; httpStatus=0. -
Outlook 2013:
Autodiscover to starting
GetLastError = 12002, httpStatus = 0.
Outlook 2016
For MSI installations of Office 2016
This is fixed in Outlook version 16.0.4351.1000 and later versions. To obtain version 16.0.4351.1000, install the update that's documented in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
3114861 MS16-029: Description of the security update for Outlook 2016: March 8, 2016
For Click-to-Run installations of Office 2016
This is fixed in version 16.0.6741.1014 of Office 2016 for the Current Channel and First Release Deferred Channel. By default, Click-to-run installations are automatically updated.
Make sure that your Office 2016 Click-to-Run installation is at version 16.0.6741.1014 or later. If it's not, update your Office 2016 installation. To do this, follow these steps:-
Start any Office application, such as Outlook or Word.
Click File, and then click Office Account or Account.
Under Office Updates, view the version.
If the version isn't at 16.0.6741.1014 or later, click Update Options, and then click Update Now.
For more information about update channels for Office 365 clients, see Version numbers of update channels for Office 365 clients.
Outlook 2013
Install the December 8, 2015 update for Outlook 2013. For more information, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
3114349 December 8, 2015, update for Outlook 2013 (KB3114349) Note You must be running Outlook version 15.0.4779.1001 or a later version to install this update.
If you can't install the update that's mentioned in the "Solution" section for Outlook 2016, you can use the following workaround.
Outlook 2016: Exclude the root domain from Autodiscover lookup in Outlook
Important Follow the steps in this section carefully. Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Before you modify it, back up the registry for restoration in case problems occur. To prevent Outlook 2016 from using the root domain of the user's SMTP address to locate the Autodiscover service, set the ExcludeHttpsRootDomain registry subkey to a value of 1. To do this, follow these steps:
Open Registry Editor.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
Type ExcludeHttpsRootDomain, and then press Enter.
On the Edit menu, click Modify, type 1 in the Value data box, and then click OK.
Exit Registry Editor.
For more information, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
2212902 Unexpected Autodiscover behavior when you have registry settings under the \Autodiscover key
How to determine whether you have a Click-to-Run or MSI installation
On the File tab in Outlook, click Office Account or Account.
If you see Office Updates in the Product Information area, you have a Click-to-Run installation
If you do not see Office Updates in the Product Information area, you have an MSIinstallation.
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