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I applied a retainer fee to my project but cannot get the On Account Amount to populated. What am I doing wrong? Answer: Here is the Retainer Process: Retainers are scheduled, and computed as a fee amount on the project in the Project Maintenance.They must be billed in the Billing Entry window.Once the cash receipt is entered and applied in the Cash Receipt Entry window, the retainer will be available to apply to future billings.To apply a retainer to a future billing, you would need to go to the 'More Info' button in the Billing Entry Window and click on the 'Applied Retainer' expansion button. The step that is occasionally missed causing the On Account Amount to not be accurate is to not granting security to the Cash Receipts window.This is done by going to Setup-System-Security; choose the user and company of your choice, product of Project Accounting, type of Alternate Dynamics Windows and series of Sales.Make sure that there is an asterisk next to Cash Receipts Entry and Apply Sales Documents.This will activate the code behind the screen to populate the project's On Account Amount.You will also see an expansion box next to Apply Amount in the Apply Sales Documents window. This article was TechKnowledge Document ID:24472