Service Update 109 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.1.0 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 109.
Please note that our naming conventions have changed to clarify the link between the version number and service update. For example, Service Update 109 will correspond to version number 109XX. Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all the associated fixes will be rolled into the next Service Update, thus Service Update numbers will not always increase incrementally.
As this release is deployed globally, we will continue to add fixes and the version number may change. Check this article regularly as we continue to document fixes added to this release.
Access the new released versions site.
Update package |
Version number |
Service Update 109 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.1.0 | (or higher) |
To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.
Please note that an (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.
Service Update 109 resolves the following issues:
Repaired Functionality
The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.
Intermittently, duplicate contacts were created.
Knowledge Management
The "Open entity record" command was missing from the "Opportunity close" entity.
With Sales Insights enabled, posts that were prepended with new lines were not recognizaed as a variable Sales Ingsight.
MidTier Services
Selecting "Finish" link in a business process flow did not function until the user clicked somewhere else and then selected the same link again.*
Platform Services
Custom properties were ignored when an item failed to synchronize in a sync cycle or was delayed by a sync cycle.*
Importing files through the Import Data option on the command bar failed.*
Incoming emails failed to track.*
Managed attribute maps could be deleted from the customization window.*
Manually tracked draft emails in Exchanged synced unexpectedly to Dynamics 365.*
oData API query results contained empty values for related entities.*
Plug-ins failed when executing a service bus call.*
Quotation marks added to the address of a contact were converted into single quotation marks.*
Quotation marks were replaced with apostrophe marks in some text fields.*
Reports did not render annotation attachments if annotation was part of the outer query.*
Solutions containing trusted plug-ins could not be uninstalled.*
Some contacts did not synchronize from Dynamics 365 to Outlook.*
The currency symbol was missing from the Est. Revenue base column.*
When a recurring appointment series was updated, the required an optional fields did not populate.*
When a user with no write privileges imported a solution, the TestPA workflow was in an active state, while the corresponding SdkMessage was in an inactive state.*
When security roles were enabled in a dashboard, the Server-Side Synchronization Failures dashboard was not visible, preventing customers from making access modifications.
When tracking an appointment from Assistant Calendar and then updating it, tracking recipients received two updates instead of one.
An extra item was added (the first page accessed on the organization being used) to the browser history when navigating Unified Interface.
Currency Precision was not honorured on the Price Per Unit field on the Quote/Opportunity Product entity.*
Products could not be read in offline mode.*
Some records added to a subgrid were not visible.
Interactive dashboards with a multi-stream and a First name Last name queue displayed queue items in the stream that were not a part of that queue.
Screen readers did not read the total number of entries present in the list of downloadable offline updates.
Some SLAs could not be activated or deactivated.
Talkback did not read the total number of entries present in the list of offline updates presented after selecting the "Offline status" link.*
Users could not reply on the wall post of a Case entity record.
When navigating to the options list in the Field Service Mobile app, Voice over did not read the total number of entries present in the list.*
Unified Interface
After applying a slider filter and saving the filter, the saved filter could still be edited.*
After closing an opportunity as won/lost and then entering its timeline, there was no option to view details of the opportunity close activity.*
An extra scrollbar appeared in the Quick Create form.*
Changes made to multi-select options were not visible.
Changes made to the sitemap privileges were not being applied as per the security role (Example: After removing the read privilege from the Product entity, the entity was not visible for admins with the read privilege.).
Charts in the "Drill Down By" popup could not be accessed when the "Account" dropdown list item was selected for the first time.
Custom buttons did not display in offline mode.*
Custom web resources could not be opened as a pop-up in the Dyanmics 365 iOS app.*
Multi-select option sets did not display on forms in offline mode.
Multi-select option sets displayed as a list of type code values in offline mode.*
Narrator read date fields in saved filters as unselected and the filters unexpectedly could not be selected.
Screen readers did not read the headings "My open opportunities" and "My open leads" in the Sales Activitiy social dashboard.
Selecting the "Clear all" button on a bound dashboard when filtering search results resulted in missing linked entities.
Tables could not be sorted by certain related entity columns.
The "download offline updates" button appeared, even when the offline data sync had already completed.
The control used to add a new record to a subgrid was missing.
The Due Date field and Search fields were misaligned in the Activities grid.
The Field Security Profile on the Date field did not display its value as encrypted when focus was moved from the field.*
The jump bar filter intermittently did not function.*
The user's personal charts intermittently did not display.*
When "UCI mode" was enabled and the "Allow quick create" option was unchecked, and the "Add new" button on the associated subgrid was selected, a window appeared with a Relationship field did not auto-populate.
When altering a duplicate record and saving the change, the duplicate check that appeared was blank.*
When entering offline mode, the banner stating "You are now working in offline mode" did not appear.*
When navigating to the "Clear all Global filter" button on a dashboard using Shift+Tab, focus was not visible.
When navigating to the "Resolved By" and "Modified On" filters, Narrator read only the filters' labels rather than reading the date specified by those filters.
When navigating to the "Show and Custom" filters option in the Tier-1 dashboard, the screen reader read the "Saved and Custom" filters as option as a button but did not read the state as "expanded" or "collapsed".
When using the Relevance Search page, users could not switch between emails.*
Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures
The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge article records could not be accessed using the alphabet links on the bottom pane of the NSE Services App (Error: "No data available.").*
When creating a note, adding a note button resulted in an error ("An unexpected error occurred.").*
Platform Services
When an asynchronous workflow was updated to contain an image, the workflow failed with an error ("An Exception occurred in WorkOrderNotification workflow.").*
An error occurred when a user attempted to opened a shared order ("MessageProcessor fail to process message 'Retrieve' for 'salesorder'.").*
Uninstalling the advanced field service solution resulted in an error ("Solution Advanced Filed Service cannot be deleted due to dependencies from other components in the system.").*
Selecting tab filters in the Post Configuration entity resulted in an error ("0x80072505 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.").*
The ownership of some accounts could not be changed (Error: "This entity is currently being assigned as part of an asynchronous cascade assign job. Please wait for the asynchronous job to complete before attempting to assign this entity again.").*
Users experienced slow performance when loading and saving records from different entities.*
When selecting the "Import from Excel" command, without uploading a file, a script error occurred.*
Users with a "Customer Service Representative" role were receiving an "Access denied" error message when routing items from the Queues grid to another queue. *
Unified Interface
The wrong error message displayed when an ISV code failed.*
An error occurred when sending an email ("No data available.").
When entering offline mode for the first time using the "Bookable Resource Booking" view, an exception occurred ("We cannot display this view right now. Please try a different view.").
A generic SQL error occurred when creating a new account record.
Errors occurred when navigating the app's forms and grids after downloading and syncing background metadata.*
An error occurred when executing "setvisible" for dependent option set controls.*+
Lookup filtering with "Contains" intermittently failed with an error ("Condition operation nvarchar not valid for attribute type").*
If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here.