Service Update 4 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.0.2Â is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 4.
Please note that our naming conventions have changed to clarify the link between the version number and service update. For example, Service Update 4 will correspond to version number 04XX. Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all the associated fixes will be rolled into the next Service Update, thus Service Update numbers will not always increase incrementally.
Update Package |
Build Number |
Service Update 4 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 9.0.2 | |
To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.
Service Update 4 resolves the following issues:
Performance Improvements
The following list details issues whose resolutions improve the speed or functionality of Dynamics.
Guidance is not clear that each mailbox can only sync with one Dynamics 365 organization
There is no message for setting Office 365 Admins that states that Global Admin privileges are required
The Done button in Notes disappears when moused over
The QuickFindRecordLimit deployment setting is not available as an org setting
Some icon images do not appear in the Record Type dropdown menu
The Header rollup field displays on two lines instead of one
The Label ToolTip is not displayed correctly on organizations in Dynamics 9.0
A data form corruption caused a form to fail to load in rare cases
Unexpected Behavior
The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions performed in Dynamics that do not work as intended.
The Appointment Description field displays HTML as plain text on the form and activities feed when tracked from the MailApp
When two appointments scheduled for the same time are tracked to the same case, only one appointment is tracked while the other remains pending
Tracking a contact from MailApp creates the contact in Dynamics even though it is missing required fields
Opening elements from Advanced Find ignores the active App and reverts to the default sitemap App
TBX calls Publish in all instances
User Context creation expects an Interaction Centric Dashboard to be present
The Status Reason display order is incorrect and is unable to be reordered
The Remove Value button sets field value to empty instead of null
Entity values increase in an increment of 1 every time the set AutoNumber window is opened
"Look for" displays as a user when it should display as a team
The AssetLoader incorrectly appends web resource paths to resource load requests for some _static paths
CDS time zone values are inconsistent with Windows time zone values
CRM duplicates scheduled recurring appointments and moves the appointments one day in the past for each recurrence
In IE11 UCI, if user is using an IME to input a TextInput Control, the IME intermittently finishes before user-made decisions
A tracked email that is set as regarding a Dynamics 365 opportunity is labeled as a competitor if the username contains the competitor's name
Repaired Functionality
The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.
jQuery events don't work when ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx is imported as part of a script tag in a HTML webresource
When a created web resource has Pass execution context as first parameter checked, the successCallBack is not called upon successful execution
The default value of a custom field cannot be controlled with JavaScript. It cannot be set to the value as desired
Bing Maps does not display the correct location
The scroll function for posts does not work beyond 3-4 posts
When selecting an account field through lookup, the field does not become editable
Users are unable to edit and save a web resource containing JavaScript when opened from the Form Designer
Enabling a user does not restore all user principals
The isfolderautocreatedonsp setting is empty for orgs after upgrading from 8.2 to 9.0
Lookup with relationship has incorrect filtering when the "depending" field is empty
An intermittent callback failure in GetAttachmentStep of one email causes the entire batch to fail
Field Mapping does not function when Quick Create is not used
The elipsis [...] button to manage roles of a Dynamics 365-Custom app does not appear
Users are not able to create a contact from the account-related records using the Customer Service Hub
The scrolling of mashups is broken on iOS
Users are unable to access a Campaign Record after deleting the OptionSet value from the typecode Field
Users are unable to load Timeline events for some Case Records in the Interactive Service Hub
The space bar does not work in editable grids
KTG action cards are not working
The Web Resources Pages Solution update did not patch for existing orgs
The Form Editor appears as blank for an organization with Hebrew and Arabic as a base language
The Linux OS is not supported for Firefox
The SetFocus API does not work in Unified Interface if it is called from a form onload handler causing focus to be set to the default tab instead of the tab specified
Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures
The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.
For users with some security roles, the Activities tab will appear blank and produce a "Privilege missing" error
Accessing a User Record intermittently produces "HTTP Error 404 - Not Found"
Turbo form produces an "Unexpected error" when attempting to add a record to a subgrid
Custom plugins do not show the correct error message indicating they need at least one category to publish, instead showing a generic error message
Attempting to open the Activities Tab produces an error when a custom entity with a related entity are added