
After you install Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Message Pack 2015 with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Accelerator for SWIFT, messages of MT103 REMIT type are not validated against the MT103 REMIT schema and business rules.


The MT message disassembler is implemented by the assembly Microsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.PipelineComponents.SWIFTDasm.dll. It is included in the BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Accelerator for SWIFT. Messages of MT103 REMIT type are identified as standard MT103 messages. Therefore, schema validation and business rules for MT103 are applied to such messages.BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2015 introduces schema and business rules for the MT103 REMIT message type. However, these schema and business rules are not parts of the earlier message pack releases. Because the MT message disassembler identifies MT103 REMIT messages as MT103 messages, the new MT103 REMIT schema and business rules will not be applied to these messages.


An update to the MT message disassembler is included in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Cumulate Update 1 which causes it to identify MT103 REMIT messages as MT103 REMIT messages. After this Cumulate Update is installed, the MT103 REMIT schema and business rules that are included in BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2015 will be effective.For more information about BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Cumulate Update 1, see Cumulative update package 1 for BizTalk Server 2013 R2.This issue was first fixed in the following cumulative update of BizTalk Server:

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