Note: The build number of this update is incremented by 2.
This update replaces previously released updates. You should always install the latest update.
After you install this hotfix, you might have to update your license to gain access to new objects that are included in this or a previous update. (This applies only to customer licenses.)
For a list of updates that were released for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2, see released updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2. Updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics Released Updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2.
We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates that will be installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work together with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution.
Problems that are resolved in this update
The following problems are resolved in this update.
Application hotfixes
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
419502 |
A standard table published application is missing in the BC file. |
Administration |
421427 |
The Account No. is not filled automatically when selecting the Applies-to Doc. No. manually in the General Journal if the lines are created from a bank account reconciliation. |
Cash Management |
419261 |
"Amount to Apply must not be larger..." error message when attempting to post an overpayment from the Register Customer Payments page. |
Cash Management |
417308 |
The Statement Ending Balance field is not filled in the payment reconciliation journal when importing a CAMT file. |
Cash Management |
417308 |
The Statement Ending Balance field is not filled in the payment reconciliation journal when importing a CAMT file. |
Cash Management |
414124 |
The Description 2 field is not available in the Handled IC Outbox Purchase/Sales Lines table. |
Finance |
416826 |
Documents are transferred in local currency when the Intercompany Setup in using XML files for integration. |
Finance |
416993 |
A dimension value associated with the reminder fee G/L account is not pulled into the reminder or used on the reminder issuing. |
Finance |
418732 |
Incorrect printed sales invoices and incorrect VAT and G/L Entries are created for the final invoice when changing the VAT product posting group after posting a prepayment invoice. |
Finance |
418740 |
The details can be changed when applying for approval in the general journal. |
Finance |
419253 |
Incorrect value is published in the event when using the "Get posted document lines to reverse…" function. |
Finance |
420253 |
The Disk Tax Auth report checks the fields value except the Partner VAT for shipments and the Country Region of Origin for shipments and receipts. |
Finance |
420259 |
The Intrastat - Checklist report checks for the Transport Method instead of the Partner VAT for shipments and the Country Region of Origin. |
Finance |
421253 |
The Total is not correct in the Vendor - Balance to Date report if the Vendor has entries with different currencies. |
Finance |
421270 |
The intrastat file cannot be created if the Intrastat Code of a Country/Region of Origin field is blank and the intrastat file is using the Intrastat Code instead of the Country/Region of Origin Code. |
Finance |
421346 |
Error message when using the Map to Text feature on a Vendor Name if a vendor with a similar name is blocked in the Incoming Documents. |
Finance |
421017 |
Unable to populate a Ship-to-Code on a Service Invoice. |
Finance |
420065 |
The VAT ID is not filled in the Intrastat Journal for shipments from Transfer Orders. |
Finance |
416988 |
The Sales VAT Adv. Not. Acc. Proof report doesn't work correctly if a row No. is used for same set up combinations with different Gen. Posting Types. |
Finance |
417967 |
The Field No. is not available in the sales quote and the sales order when starting first by the sales quote. |
Integration |
414828 |
Error message when changing the Vendor/Customer No. in a Purchase/Sales Order with an empty line and an item with empty description. |
Inventory |
418421 |
The Direct Transfer does not respect the fixed application from the transfer shipment and the receipt chain when there are earlier transactions with blank location. |
Inventory |
421138 |
The Inventory Value is not correctly revalued. |
Inventory |
421386 |
Value entries are not linked to correct Item Ledger Entries for a purchase order with a Job. |
Jobs |
418178 |
Incorrect calculated inventory value in the Revaluation Journal caused by the Valuation Date on the Output Value Entry of FIFO/Standard items influenced by a later valuation date from the back flushed consumption entry. |
Manufacturing |
418439 |
The field concurrent capacities at remains to be 0 even if more than 1 concurrent capacities are used. |
Manufacturing |
421376 |
The Contact Code is blank on the Customer Card. |
Marketing |
420885 |
The Contact No. is not editable when a Task is created from a Salespeople/Purchaser. |
Marketing |
417374 |
The Purchase Order report shows the VAT Identifier instead of the VAT % in the lines. |
Purchase |
418644 |
The transaction type is created with a wrong value in the document line when using the Copy Document function in the Purchase or Sales Return Order line. |
Sales |
418993 |
Only some of the address fields are updated in the sales quote after modifying the customer address. |
Sales |
419798 |
"The Remaining quantity in Item ledger entry is too low to cover Quantity (Base)" error message when posting the assembly order. |
Sales |
420123 |
A reservation is made and the reserve option is set to optional when dealing with the sales order and the capable to promise (CTP) feature even if the item is setup with reserve = never and the CTP proposal is not accepted. |
Sales |
420410 |
It is not possible to specify a starting/ending time when a task type is Phone Call. |
Sales |
418102 |
"Cannot find Title with Description xxxxxx" error message when attempting to add or change the description for a line of title in a sales order. |
Sales |
421437 |
The journal lines with different Country/Region of Origin codes are combined into a single line in the reporting file. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
Local application hotfixes
AT - Austria
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
420595 |
The Intrastat File exports the fields in an incorrect order and doesn't export the Description of the Tariff No. in the Austrian version. |
Finance |
420601 |
The Intrastat file does not meet the requirements for the rounding of decimals for Invoice, Statistical Amount, Supplementary Units and Total Weight in the Austrian version. |
Finance |
420796 |
The Checklist report and the Form report must validate Partner VAT IDs when grouping the lines in the Intrastat in the Austrian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
CZ- Czech
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
421919 |
"The G/L Entry - VAT Entry Link does not exist. Identification fields and values: G/L Entry No.='XXXX',VAT Entry No.='YYYY'" error message when running the Calculate and Post VAT Settlement functionality with the Post option enabled in the Czech version. |
Finance |
415985 |
The VAT Amount in the Purchase Invoice is not updated correctly when the VAT Amount is changed in the Statistic in the Czech version. |
Purchase |
419778 |
Update Intrastat format for 2022 in the Czech version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
416977 |
Error when calculating and posting a VAT compensation in the Czech version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
421446 |
The GetEntries function in the Intrastat Journal doesn't suggest the correct decimals for the Invoiced Amount and the Statistical Amount in the DACH version. |
Finance |
420796 |
The Checklist report and the Form report must validate Partner VAT IDs when grouping the lines in the Intrastat in the DACH version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
DE - Germany
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
421446 |
The GetEntries function in the Intrastat Journal doesn't suggest the correct decimals for the Invoiced Amount and the Statistical Amount in the German version. |
Finance |
418963 |
Partner VAT ID is always QV999999999999 in the intrastat journal if the shipment is marked as a 3rd Party trade in the German version. |
Finance |
ES - Spain
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
415477 |
The VAT amount and the EC amount are incorrect when printing a VAT Statement with the Totaling type setting to EC in the Spanish version. |
Finance |
FR - France
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
419056 |
"You cannot base a date calculation on an undefined date" error message when trying to add a Allow Posting From date in the French version. |
Finance |
GB - United Kingdom
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
420677 |
"Please check the month number" error message when trying to specify January 2022 as "2201" as suggested by a notification in the British version. |
Finance |
421115 |
The Intrastat files for 2022 for shipments and receipts are incorrect in the British version. |
Finance |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
416540 |
The Certificazione unica functionality doesn't group the entries for the same vendor in the Italian version. |
Finance |
415422 |
The Line No. reported in the <RiferimentoNumeroLinea> of the <DatiDDT> blocks are not aligned to the <NumeroLinea> of the <DettaglioLinee> blocks of the E-Invoice file in the Italian version. |
Finance |
416154 |
Error message when running the Fiscal Inventory Valuation report without the date filter in the Italian version. |
Inventory |
416088 |
The cost amount is incorrect in job ledger entries when using Reverse Charge VAT in the Italian version. |
Jobs |
NL - Netherlands
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
420388 |
The Customer Bank Account information is automatically updated in Telebank Proposal in the Dutch version. |
Finance |
RU - Russia
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
420323 |
Unable to fill the Applies-to/Applies-from Entry fields in Item Receipt/Shipment documents when using the Correction = yes in items tracking in the Russian version. |
Inventory |
Regulatory features
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
Changed Objects |
418240 |
Update Intrastat format for 2022. |
Financial Management |
IntrastatFileWriter.Codeunit IntrastatJnlLine.Table IntrastatMakeDiskTaxAuth.Report IntrastatDiskTaxAuthDE.Report IntrastatExportMgtDACH.Codeunit IntrastatMakeDeclaration.Report ExportDEBDTI.Codeunit ExportDEBDTI.Report IntrastatJournal.Page CreateIntrastatDeclDisk.Report |
Local regulatory features
DE - Germany
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
Changed Objects |
418265 |
Deprecate the ASCII file for Intrastat export in the German version. |
Financial Management |
IntrastatDiskTaxAuthDE.Report IntrastatExportMgtDACH.Codeunit |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
Changed Objects |
416702 |
Export correct XML nodes in case of the foreign vendor usage in the Italian version. |
Financial Management |
ExportFatturaPADocument.Codeunit ExportSelfBillingDocuments.Codeunit FatturaDocHelper.Codeunit FatturaHeader.Table SelfBillingDocuments.Page VATEntry.Table |
MX - Mexico
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
Changed Objects |
418596 |
Make complement for CFDI Carte de Porte in the Mexican version. |
Financial Management |
DataClassEvalDataCountry.Codeunit DocumentHeader.Table EInvoiceMgt.Codeunit ElectronicCartaPorteMX.Report Location.Table LocationCard.Page PostedSalesShipment.Page PostedTransferShipment.Page SATFederalMotorTransport.Table SATFederalMotorTransports.Page SATHazardousMaterial.Table SATHazardousMaterials.Page SATLocalities.Page SATLocality.Table SATMunicipalities.Page SATMunicipality.Table SATPackagingType.Table SATPackagingTypes.Page SATPermissionType.Table SATPermissionTypes.Page SATState.Table SATStates.Page SATSuburb.Table SATSuburbList.Page SATTrailerType.Table SATTrailerTypes.Page SATUtilities.Codeunit SATWeightUnitOfMeasure.Table SATWeightUnitOfMeasure.XmlPort SATWeightUnitOfMeasures.Page SalesHeader.Table SalesInvoice.Page SalesOrder.Page SalesShipmentHeader.Table TransferHeader.Table TransferOrder.Page TransferShipmentHeader.Table |
NO - Norway
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
Changed Objects |
418703 |
Additional changes for the Electronic VAT return submission feature in the Norwegian version. |
Financial Management |
AttachmentDocumentType.Enum DocumentAttachment.Table VATReport.Page VATReportArchive.Table VATReportHeader.Table VATReportMediator.Codeunit VATStatement.Report DataClassEvalDataCountry.Codeunit NorwegianVATTools.Codeunit VATCode.Table VATCodes.Page VATNote.Table VATNotes.Page VATSpecification.Table VATSpecifications.Page VATStatement.Page VATStatementLine.Table Extensions: ElectronicVATSubmission |
How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 files
This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.
Update 17.14 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2
Which hotfix package to download
This update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 database.
Country |
Hotfix package |
AT - Austria |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 AT package |
AU - Australia |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 AU package |
BE - Belgium |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 BE package |
CA - Canada |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 CA package |
CH - Switzerland |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 CH package |
CZ- Czechia |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 CZ package |
DE - Germany |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 DE package |
DK - Denmark |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 DK package |
ES - Spain |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 ES package |
FI - Finland |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 FI package |
FR - France |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 FR package |
GB - United Kingdom |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 UK package |
IN - India |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 IN package |
IS - Iceland |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 IS package |
IT - Italy |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 IT package |
MX - Mexico |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 MX package |
NL - Netherlands |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 NL package |
NO - Norway |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 NO package |
NZ - New Zealand |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 NZ package |
RU - Russia |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 RU package |
SE - Sweden |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 SE package |
US - United States |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 US package |
All other countries |
Download update 17.15 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 W1 package |
How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises 2020 Release Wave 2 update
See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 update.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 installed to apply this hotfix.
More information
See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.