Applies ToDynamics 365 Business Central on-premises 2024 release wave 1, version 24


This update replaces previously released updates. You should always install the latest update. 

After you install this hotfix, you might have to update your license to gain access to new objects that are included in this or a previous update. (This applies only to customer licenses.)

For a list of updates that were released for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1, see released updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1. Updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics Released Updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1. 


We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates that will be installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work together with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution.

Problems that are resolved in this update

The following problems are resolved in this update.

Application hotfixes



Functional Area


The verification process for Purchase Invoices and Incoming Document Amounts changes only by adding a comment line.



"Statement Ending Balance must be equal to Total Balance" error message when posting the Bank Reconciliation that includes entries with more than two decimal places.



Issue with G/L entries when posting an invoice that includes a line discount and a deferral code.



"Journal Source Code BANKREC is not same as default Source Code set for Gen. Journal Template with type General" error message when performing the Transfer to General Journal action due to the default deferral on the selected G/L account.



Duplicated Inventory Picks are created when the Create Inventory Put-away/Pick/Movement report is used or run by users simultaneously.



Improve the performance of the Calculate Inventory Value report.



If the reservation line of a sales order is linked to a direct transfer order before posting, it will not be linked back to the line in the item ledger, even if the transfer order is posted.



When the Task Billing Method field is set to Multiple Customers on the Project Header, multiple invoices with one line each are created.



The interaction of an empty contact number occurs when a new contact is created without a contact number assigned to it.



The Document Date and Due Date is not updated when creating the Sales Order from a quote.



Unable to edit the Your Reference field on the Posted Sales Invoice in Business Central online, but it's possible to edit the field in Business Central on-premises.



The Salesperson Code is overwritten when changing the Ship-to Code on the sales order.


Local application hotfixes

CZ- Czechia



Functional Area


Issue with number formatting in Word layout reports in the Czech version.



Issue with the Get Positive Adjmt. Ledger Entries functionality in the Czech version.



Change the size of the QR code on the sales invoice in the Czech version.


ES - Spain



Functional Area


Unbalanced G/L Entries when trying to settle a payment order in foreign currency with exchange rate differences in the Spanish version.



"El campo CuotaSoportada tiene un valor incorrecto para el valor de los campos BaseImponibleACoste y TipoImpositivo suministrados" error message in SII when using Non-Deductible VAT and Purchase Special Scheme Code 06 for the Group of Entities in the Spanish version.



The VAT Country/Region Code can't be modified when changing the customer in a sales document and the Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc. field on the General Ledger Setup is set to Sell-to/Buy-from No. in the Spanish version.


GB - United Kingdom



Functional Area


"Statement Ending Balance must be equal to Total Balance" error message when posting the Bank Reconciliation that includes entries with more than two decimal places in the British version.



"VAT Bus. Posting Group cannot be EU" error message when entering the G/L Account line with Reverse Charge VAT in a Credit Memo in the British version.

VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat


Which hotfix package to download

This update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 database.


Hotfix package

AT - Austria

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 AT package

AU - Australia

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 AU package

BE - Belgium

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 BE package

CA - Canada

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 CA package

CH - Switzerland

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 CH package

CZ- Czechia

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 CZ package

DE - Germany

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 DE package

DK - Denmark

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 DK package

ES - Spain

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 ES package

FI - Finland

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 FI package

FR - France

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 FR package

GB - United Kingdom

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 UK package

IN - India

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 IN package

IS - Iceland

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 IS package

IT - Italy

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 IT package

MX - Mexico

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 MX package

NL - Netherlands

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 NL package

NO - Norway

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 NO package

NZ - New Zealand

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 NZ package

RU - Russia

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 RU package

SE - Sweden

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 SE package

US - United States

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 US package

All other countries

Download update 24.9 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 W1 package

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises 2024 Release Wave 1 update

See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 update.


You must have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1 installed to apply this hotfix.

More information

See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2024 Release Wave 1.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. 

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