Applies To

Community insights  in Engage help you measure your community’s reach and engagement. You can find out more about the people, conversations, and questions & answers that make up your community.

View community insights in Engage

  1. Navigate to your community.

  2. Select About underneath the community image to view the Community insights pane showing two metrics: Active people and Posted messages

  3. Select See More to view the Overview pane of the Community insights page with several panes showing detailed community insights data. 

Select a time period for community insights

Community Insights are available for two time periods: Last 7 days and Last 28 days. Select a time period from the drop-down list. Insights are provided for the UTC time zone.

Read community insights

The Overview pane of Community insights shows data in several panes—separate panes with detailed information on community members and posts.

Active people

Find insights, including trending data, for active community and non-community members. 

  1. The Active people pane of the card shows how many people are active in your community, and trends compared to the previous period (7 days or 28 days). Activity refers to actions that include posting, reading, or reacting to community messages in the last 7 days or 28 days.

  2. Hover over the line graph to see the number of Active people in your community.

Active members and non-members

The Active members pane shows the activity of people who are community members. The Active non-members pane shows insights about people who interact within your community, but aren’t members. This activity includes actions such as posting messages, reading messages, and reacting to messages, e.g., clicking Like or Thank.

  1. Figures show the percentage of Active members and Active non-members in the community during the selected time period.

  2. Bars show how many of the active members or non-members posted, reacted to, or read one or more messages in the community. Hover over bars to show the number of active community members or non-members who posted, read or liked (one or more) messages in the community.

Content activity

The bottom of the Overview page includes panes that show activity trends for messages that have been posted, read, and reacted to in the community.

  1. Total messages posted in the community during the selected period.

  2. The number displayed next to the activity total in each pane shows the amount of activity changed from the previous period.

  3. Stacked columns represent total activity performed by both community members and non-members. For the Last 7 Days and Last 28 Days date ranges, these columns are broken down by day. 

  4. Total community messages read during the selected period. Hovering over the stacked columns shows cumulative activity totals for community members and non-members.

  5. Total community messages reacted to during the selected period.

Who can see community insights?

For public communities, any member of the Engage platform can see the insights.

For private communities, only members of the community can see the insights.

How to export community insights

Community insights data can be exported to CSV for three time periods: Last 7 days, last 28 days and last 365 days.

  1. Go to the Community insights page for the community.

  2. Select the Export options button. 

  3. Choose Last 7 Days, Last 28 days, or Last 365 Days.

  4. Select the Download button.

  • Date is when metrics are provided. All metrics are specifically related to this day.

  • Active people is the number of people who posted, read, or liked a message in the community.

  • Active members is the number of community members who posted, read, or reacted to a message in the community.

  • Members who posted messages is the number of community members who posted one or more messages in the community.

  • Members who reacted to messages is the number of community members who reacted to one or messages in the community.

  • Members who read messages is the number of community members who read one or more messages in the community.

  • Active non-members is the number of people who didn't join the community but posted, read, or reacted to a message.

  • Non-Members who posted messages is the number of people who didn't join the community but posted one or more messages.

  • Non-Members who reacted to messages is the number of people who didn't join the community but reacted one or more messages.

  • Non-Members who read messages is the number of people who didn't join the community but read one or more messages.

  • Non-Members who liked messages is the number of people who didn't join the community but liked one or more messages.

  • Messages posted is the number of messages posted in the community.

  • Messages posted by members is the number of messages posted by community members.

  • Messages posted by non-members is the number of messages posted by non-community members.

  • Messages read is the number of community conversations that were read.

  • Messages read by members is the number of messages read by community members.

  • Messages read by non-members is the number of messages read by non-community members.

  • Messages liked is the number of community messages that were liked.

  • Messages liked by members is the number of messages liked by community members.

  • Messages liked by non-members is the number of messages liked by non-community members.

  • Messages reacted to is the number of community messages that have reactions.

  • Messages reacted to by Members is the number of messages reacted to by community members.

  • Messages reacted to by Non-Members is the number of messages reacted to by non-community members.

  • Questions asked is the number of questions asked in the community.

  • Total answers is the number of answers that questions received in the community.

  • Questions marked as best answer is the number of questions marked as best answer in the community.


Q: How often are community insights updated?  

A: The 7-day and 28-day counts are updated daily. Yearly counts are updated weekly and only count up to the last full month.

For new communities, and during January, this means that the 7-day and 28-day counts may be higher than the yearly count, as they're updated more frequently.

Q: Where can I find reports for all my network?  

A: Use the Microsoft 365 Usage Reporting Dashboard, which includes the Engage activity report, Engage communities activity report , and Engage device usage report. These reports are available to anyone in your organization with the Microsoft 365 Reports Reader Role.  To get to these reports, in Microsoft 365, go to Admin > Usage report > Select a report.

Q: Are community insights available for external, non-Microsoft 365 connected and the All Company communities?

A: Community insights are available for external and non-Microsoft 365 connected communities. They are also available for the All Company and All Network communities.

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