Note: Windows Subsystem for Android™ and the Amazon Appstore will no longer be available in the Microsoft Store after March 5, 2025. Learn more.
If you want to uninstall the Amazon Appstore and any mobile apps on your PC, here's what you need to know.
Uninstall a mobile app
Here's how to uninstall a single mobile app:
Select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features.
Find the mobile app you want to remove, then select More > Uninstall.
Uninstalling a mobile app only removes that app and any data related to it.
Uninstall everything
When uninstalling the Subsystem, here are a few things to keep in mind:
When you uninstall the Windows Subsystem for Android™, you'll also uninstall the Amazon Appstore and all mobile apps from your PC.
When you're ready, here's how to uninstall the Amazon Appstore and mobile apps:
Select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features.
Find Windows Subsystem for Android™, select More > Uninstall. Uninstalling the Subsystem will also uninstall the Amazon Appstore and all mobile apps on your PC.
Note: If you uninstall the Amazon Appstore, you'll also uninstall the Windows Subsystem for Android™ and all mobile apps from your PC.
Android is a trademark of Google LLC.