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Start your article with a very short introduction (1 sentence). Put yourself in the reader's place - why are they here? What should they do???

  1. Get straight to a quick list of steps to accomplish the task.

    If you need to explain a concept, or they have to do pre-requisite steps, add a quick summary below the step where they need it, and link to the concept or steps.

  2. Keep procedures short - preferably 5 or fewer steps, no more than 8.

  3. Use Ui style for user interface elements or for text people need to enter.

  4. Use the verbs choose, select, or enter as actions, and format menus as Menu > Command.

  5. Optionally, add a screenshot for context (if UI is hard to locate, or it’s needed to complete the task).

    Target no more than 500 words for an article.

Example article

Change my photo

Kas vajate veel abi?

Kas soovite rohkem valikuvariante?

Siin saate tutvuda tellimusega kaasnevate eelistega, sirvida koolituskursusi, õppida seadet kaitsma ja teha veel palju muud.

Kogukonnad aitavad teil küsimusi esitada ja neile vastuseid saada, anda tagasisidet ja saada nõu rikkalike teadmistega asjatundjatelt.

Kas sellest teabest oli abi?

Kui rahul te keelekvaliteediga olete?
Mis mõjutas teie hinnangut?
Kui klõpsate nuppu Edasta, kasutatakse teie tagasisidet Microsofti toodete ja teenuste täiustamiseks. IT-administraator saab neid andmeid koguda. Privaatsusavaldus.

Täname tagasiside eest!
