Käesolevas artiklis kirjeldatakse probleemi, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Suurbritannia lokaliseerimine varude saadud arve ja varude saadetud arve aruannete printimisel. See probleem ei lahene pärast KB 2882942rakendamisel. Järgige juhiseid koodi muudatusi selle probleemi lahendamiseks jaotisse. See probleem ilmneb järgmiste toodetega:
Microsoft Dynamics nav-i 2009 R2 Suurbritannia lokaliseerimine
Microsoft Dynamics nav-i 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Ühendkuningriik lokaliseerimine
Kiirparanduse teave
Lasknud välja toetatava käigultparanduse on nüüd Microsoftilt saadaval. Kuid see on ette nähtud ainult selles artiklis kirjeldatud probleemi kõrvaldamiseks. Rakendage seda ainult süsteemides, kus ilmneb see konkreetne probleem. Seda käigultparandust võidakse täiendavalt testida. Seega, kui probleem teie tööd tõsiselt ei kahjusta, soovitame oodata järgmist hoolduspaketti Microsoft Dynamics nav-i 2009 või järgmise Microsoft Dynamics nav-i versiooni, mis sisaldab seda kiirparandust.
Märkus. Erijuhtudel kulud, mis tekivad teatud palub tühistada saab kui tehniline toetus Professional Microsoft Dynamics ja nendega seotud toodete leiab, et mõni konkreetne värskendus lahendab teie probleemi. Tavaline tugiteenuste kohaldatakse täiendavat tugiteenust vajavatele küsimustele ning probleemidele, mis pole lahendatavad konkreetse värskenduse installimisega.Installiteave
Microsoft pakub programmeerimisnäiteid ainult artikli illustreerimiseks ilma igasuguse otsese või kaudse garantiita. See hõlmab, kuid ei piirdu kaudseid garantiisid turustatavuse või kindlaks otstarbeks sobivusega. See artikkel eeldab, et olete demonstreeritava programmeerimiskeelega programmeerimise keel ning luua protseduuride ja silumiseks kasutatavate tööriistadega tuttav. Microsofti tugitehnikud võivad aidata mõne konkreetse protseduuri talitlust selgitada. Siiski ei muuda nad neid näiteid lisafunktsioonide pakkumiseks ega Koosta vastavaid protseduure teie konkreetsetele nõuetele.
Märkus. Enne selle kiirparanduse installimist veenduge, et kõik Microsoft Dynamics nav-i kliendi kasutajat sisse loginud süsteem välja. See hõlmab Microsoft Dynamics nav-i rakenduste Server (NAS) teenuseid. Peaks olema ainult kliendi kasutaja on sisse logitud, kui otsustate seda käigultparandust. Selle kiirparanduse rakendamiseks peab teil olema arendaja litsentsi. Soovitame Windowsi sisselogimise aken või aken andmebaasi logimine kasutajakonto määrata "SUPER" rolli ID. Kui "SUPER" rolli ID-d ei saa määratud kasutajakonto, peate veenduma, et kasutaja konto on järgmised õigused:-
Sa muutuvad objekti Muuda õigusi.
Käivita luba süsteemi objekti ID 5210 objekti ja süsteemi objekti ID 9015
Märkus. Teil pole õigust andmeid talletab enne, kui olete andmete parandamiseks.
Koodi muudatusi
Märkus. Alati test koodi lahendab kontrollitavas keskkonnas enne rakendamist tootmine arvutite parandused.
Selle probleemi lahendamiseks toimige järgmiselt.-
Muutke see kood andmete üksuse Number 1 jaotistes varude saanud ei arveldatud aruande (10540) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...VertAlign=Bottom;
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...Kood 1
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Adding the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Expected); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...Kood 2
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Deleting the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040045;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...Asendamine kood 2
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Adding the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040045;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...Kood 3
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
{ 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; // Deleting the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; ...Asendamine kood 3
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
{ 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; // Adding the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; ...Kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
{ 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Deleting the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068 } { 1040069;TextBox ;7350 ;423 ;1550 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; ...Asendamine kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
{ 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Adding the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal } { 1040069;TextBox ;7350 ;423 ;1550 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal - ValueCostAmtActualTotal; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; ...Olemasolevat koodi 5
SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal } // Delete the following lines. { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal } // End of the deleted lines. { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; ...Eemaldamise teave 5
SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal } { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; ... -
Muuta koodi andmete kirje Number 2 jaotistes varude tarne ei arve aruande (10540) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Quantity,"Invoiced Quantity","Cost Amount (Expected)"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Delete the following lines. // GB1004.begin ItemReceivedQty += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. // GB1004.end END; ...Kood 1
...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Quantity,"Invoiced Quantity","Cost Amount (Expected)"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Add the following lines. CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Actual)"); CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Expected)"); // GB1004.begin ItemReceivedQty += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added lines. // GB1004.end END; ...Kood 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Delete the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } } } ...Asendamine kood 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Add the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } } } ...Kood 3
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040079;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...Asendamine kood 3
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040079;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...Kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
{ 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Cost; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems; Visible=No; ...Asendamine kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
{ 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Cost; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems; Visible=No; ... -
Muuta koodi andmete kirje Number 3 jaotiste varude saanud arvet ei esitata aruannet (10540) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...OnPreDataItem=BEGIN
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Delete the following line. SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); // End of the deleted line. END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ...Kood 1
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Add the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); LastDocumentNo := ''; // End of the added lines. END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ...Kood 2
...ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; // GB1004.end END; ...Asendamine kood 2
...ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; // Add the following line. CalcSumDocumentNo("Value Entry"); // End of the added line. // GB1004.end END; ...Kood 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Delete the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails); // End of the deleted line. END; } ...Asendamine kood 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Add the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails AND ("Invoiced Quantity" <> 0)); // End of the added line. END; } ... -
Muuda koodi globaalsed muutujad varude saadud arvet ei esitata aruannet (10540) järgmiselt:
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Delete the following line. <Hidden>=iif (Fields!PrintDetails.Value and Fields!Value_Entry_Entry_No_.Value > 0,FALSE,TRUE)</Hidden> // End of the deleted line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...Eemaldamise teave
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Adding the following line. <Hidden>=iif (Fields!PrintDetails.Value and Fields!Value_Entry_Entry_No_.Value and Fields!Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value <> 0,FALSE,TRUE)</Hidden> // End of the added line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ... -
Muutke see kood andmete üksuse Number 1 jaotistes varude saadi ei arveldatud aruande (10541) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...VertAlign=Bottom;
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__Caption } { 1040026;Label ;15000;846 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040025; HorzAlign=Right; ...Kood 1
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Add the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Actual); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__Caption } { 1040026;Label ;15000;846 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040025; HorzAlign=Right; ...Kood 2
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...Asendamine kood 2
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Add the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Expected); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...Kood 3
...SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No.";
DataSetFieldName=Text1040005_________Item__No__ } { 1040054;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; ...Asendamine kood 3
...SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No.";
DataSetFieldName=Text1040005_________Item__No__ } { 1040054;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; ...Kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
{ 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040071 } { 1040072;Label ;0 ;423 ;5550 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; ...Asendamine kood 4
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
{ 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040071 } { 1040072;Label ;0 ;423 ;5550 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; ... -
Muuta koodi andmete kirje Number 2 varude saadetud arvet ei esitata aruande (10541) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN
NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Delete the following lines. ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQty += -Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQtyTotal += -Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. END; DataItemLink=Item No.=FIELD(No.); ...Kood 1
NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Add the following lines. CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Actual)"); CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Expected)"); ItemCostAmount -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemShippedQty -= Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemCostAmountTotal -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemShippedQtyTotal -= Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); // End of the added lines. END; DataItemLink=Item No.=FIELD(No.); ...Kood 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Delete the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040082;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name="Entry No."; Visible=No; ...Asendamine kood 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Add the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr=-("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040082;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name="Entry No."; Visible=No; ... -
Muuta koodi andmete kirje Number 3 varude saadetud arvet ei esitata aruande (10541) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...OnPreDataItem=BEGIN
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Delete the following lines. SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ValueInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted lines. END; DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.); ...Kood 1
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Add the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); LastDocumentNo := ''; END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ValueInvoicedQty -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActual -= "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActualTotal -= "Cost Amount (Actual)"; CalcSumDocumentNo("Value Entry"); // End of the added lines. END; DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.); ...Kood 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Delete the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails); // End of the deleted line. END; } ...Asendamine kood 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Add the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails AND ("Invoiced Quantity" <> 0)); // End of the added line. END; } ...Kood 4
...{ 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ } // Delete the following line. { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__ } } } ...Asendamine kood 4
...{ 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ } // Add the following line. { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr=-"Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__ } } } ... -
Muuta koodi andmete kirje Number 4 varude saadetud arvet ei esitata aruande (10541) järgmiselt:
Kood...SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 } { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040044 } { 1040029;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...Eemaldamise teave
...SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 } { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040044 } { 1040029;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ... -
Muuda koodi globaalsed muutujad varude saadetud arvet ei esitata aruande (10541) järgmiselt:
Kood 1...ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal; ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal; BEGIN { ...Kood 1
...ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal; ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal; // Add the following lines. LastDocumentNo@1040023 : Code[20]; LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcSumDocumentNo@1040000(VAR ValueEntry@1040000 : Record 5802); VAR ValueEntry1@1040001 : Record 5802; ValueCostAmtActualPer@1040002 : Decimal; ValueIncoicedQtyPer@1040003 : Decimal; BEGIN IF LastDocumentNo = ValueEntry."Document No." THEN BEGIN ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)" := 0; ValueEntry."Invoiced Quantity" := 0; END ELSE BEGIN WITH ValueEntry1 DO BEGIN COPYFILTERS(ValueEntry); SETRANGE("Document No.",ValueEntry."Document No."); IF FINDSET THEN REPEAT ValueCostAmtActualPer += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueIncoicedQtyPer += "Invoiced Quantity"; UNTIL NEXT = 0; END; ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)" := ValueCostAmtActualPer; ValueEntry."Invoiced Quantity" := ValueIncoicedQtyPer; LastDocumentNo := ValueEntry."Document No."; END; END; // End of the added lines. BEGIN { ...Kood 2
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Delete the following line. <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!PrintDetails.Value) And (Fields!Value_Entry__Document_No__.Value<>""),False,True)</Hidden> // End of the deleted line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...Asendamine kood 2
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Add the following line. <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!PrintDetails.Value) And (Fields!Value_Entry__Document_No__.Value<>"") And (Fields!Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value <>0),False,True)</Hidden> // End of the added line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...
Peab teil olema Microsoft Dynamics nav-i 2009 R2 UK lokaliseerimine või selle kiirparanduse installinud hoolduspaketi SP1.
Eemaldamise teave
See käigultparandus ei saa eemaldada.
Microsoft on kinnitanud, et see probleem esineb jaotises "Kehtib järgmiste toodete kohta" loetletud Microsofti toodetel.
Märkus. See on "Kiire avaldamise" artikli loonud otse Microsofti tugiteenuse pakkujalt. Siintoodud teave on esitatud lähtudes-olemasoleval kujul vastusena ilmnenud probleemidele. Kiire avaldamise materjalides esineda trükivigu ja võidakse muuta ette teatamata. Vt Kasutustingimusedmuid kaalutlusi.