Tämä suojauspäivitys korjaa Microsoft Officen koodin etäsuorittamisen haavoittuvuuden. Lisätietoja haavoittuvuudesta on seuraavissa suojausneuvoissa:
Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2024-30101
Microsoft Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVE-2024-30104
Huomautus: Jotta voit ottaa tämän suojauspäivityksen käyttöön, tietokoneessa on oltava asennettuna Microsoft Office 2016:n julkaisuversio.
Huomaa, että Microsoft Download Centerin päivitys koskee Office 2016:n Microsoft Installer (.msi) -pohjaista versiota. Se ei koske Office 2016:n pika-asennusversioita, kuten Microsoft Office 365 Homea. (Katso Mikä Office-versio minulla on käytössä?)
Päivityksen hankkiminen ja asentaminen
Menetelmä 1: Microsoft Update
Tämä päivitys on saatavilla Microsoft Updatesta. Kun otat automaattisen päivityksen käyttöön, tämä päivitys ladataan ja asennetaan automaattisesti. Lisätietoja suojauspäivitysten automaattisesta hankkimisesta on ohjeaiheessa Windows Update: usein kysytyt kysymykset.
Tapa 2: Microsoft Update -luettelo
Voit hankkia tämän päivityksen erillispaketin Microsoft Update -luettelon sivustosta.
Menetelmä 3: Microsoft Download Center
Voit hankkia erillisen päivityspaketin Microsoft Download Centerin kautta. Asenna päivitys noudattamalla lataussivun asennusohjeita.
Suojauspäivityksen käyttöönottotiedot
Lisätietoja tämän päivityksen käyttöönotosta on ohjeaiheessa Käyttöönotot – suojauspäivitysopas.
Suojauspäivityksen korvaamista koskevat tiedot
Tämä suojauspäivitys korvaa aiemmin julkaistun suojauspäivityksen 5002537.
Tiedoston hajautusarvon tiedot
File name |
SHA256 hash |
mso2016-kb5002591-fullfile-x86-glb.exe |
A9EC3D7CBBC62679330E9E29077E9FA7A55D4EC2965886409D6A5442D7A140F5 |
mso2016-kb5002591-fullfile-x64-glb.exe |
57FC36128C3A1600785583703CB440635D399DD408B3B97E50AB725EFDE2143B |
Tiedostojen tiedot
Tämän ohjelmistopäivityksen englanninkielinen (Yhdysvallat) versio asentaa tiedostot, joiden määritteet on lueteltu seuraavassa taulukossa. Näiden tiedostojen päivämäärät ja kellonajat on lueteltu UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) -luettelossa. Paikallisen tietokoneen tiedostojen päivämäärät ja kellonajat näkyvät paikallisessa ajassa yhdessä nykyisen kesäajan (DST) kanssa. Lisäksi päivämäärät ja kellonajat voivat muuttua, kun suoritat tiettyjä toimintoja tiedostoissa.
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Firstrun.exe |
16.0.5413.1000 |
774,144 |
14-May-2024 |
17:54 |
F_central_msvcp100_x86.afa96eb4_fa9f_335c_a7cb_36079407553d |
10.0.40219.325 |
435,136 |
14-May-2024 |
17:54 |
F_central_msvcr100_x86.afa96eb4_fa9f_335c_a7cb_36079407553d |
10.0.40219.325 |
787,856 |
14-May-2024 |
17:54 |
Mso.dll.x86 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
14,434,368 |
15-May-2024 |
15:54 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1025 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
3,290,056 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1026 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,888,344 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1027 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,820,104 |
15-May-2024 |
06:58 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1028 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,331,752 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1029 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,930,184 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1030 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,760,200 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1031 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,950,400 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1032 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,059,720 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1033 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,541,688 |
14-May-2024 |
17:54 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1035 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,741,000 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1036 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,977,304 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1037 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,910,096 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1038 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,953,880 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1040 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,769,128 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1041 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,014,664 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1042 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,771,512 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1043 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,773,512 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1044 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,723,448 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1045 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,919,432 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1046 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,831,368 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1048 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,965,248 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1049 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,906,336 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1050 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,743,928 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1051 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,973,920 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1053 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,736,896 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1054 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,829,568 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1055 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,001,056 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1057 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,624,232 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1058 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,894,056 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1060 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,810,088 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1061 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,733,688 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1062 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,834,176 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1063 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,847,752 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1066 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,008,120 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1069 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,742,792 |
15-May-2024 |
06:58 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1081 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,954,280 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1086 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,651,800 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1087 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,106,536 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1095 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,832,608 |
15-May-2024 |
06:58 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1099 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,942,616 |
15-May-2024 |
06:58 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1110 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,777,208 |
15-May-2024 |
06:58 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2052 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,324,616 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2070 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,838,536 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2074 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,768,136 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.3082 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,828,440 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msointl.dll.x86.9242 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,797,288 |
15-May-2024 |
07:02 |
Msores.dll |
16.0.5420.1000 |
81,687,096 |
14-May-2024 |
17:54 |
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Firstrun.exe |
16.0.5149.1000 |
816,928 |
14-May-2024 |
17:56 |
F_central_msvcp100_x64.bff61907_aa2d_3a26_8666_98d956a62abc |
10.0.40219.325 |
621,928 |
14-May-2024 |
17:56 |
F_central_msvcr100_x64.bff61907_aa2d_3a26_8666_98d956a62abc |
10.0.40219.325 |
843,120 |
14-May-2024 |
17:56 |
Mso.dll.x64 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
19,894,336 |
15-May-2024 |
15:55 |
Mso.dll.x86 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
14,434,368 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1025 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
3,327,576 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1026 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,912,480 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1027 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,844,280 |
15-May-2024 |
16:06 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1028 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,356,224 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1029 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,954,792 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1030 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,784,296 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1031 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,974,952 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1032 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,084,000 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1033 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,566,264 |
14-May-2024 |
17:52 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1035 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,764,920 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1036 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,002,104 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1037 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,947,504 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1038 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,977,832 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1040 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,793,080 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1041 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,038,760 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1042 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,795,688 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1043 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,797,608 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1044 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,747,400 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1045 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,943,608 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1046 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,856,088 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1048 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,989,176 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1049 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,930,184 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1050 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,768,528 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1051 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,998,424 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1053 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,761,224 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1054 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,853,528 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1055 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,025,448 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1057 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,648,104 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1058 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,917,928 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1060 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,834,552 |
15-May-2024 |
15:58 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1061 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,758,368 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1062 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,858,648 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1063 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,871,928 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1066 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,032,104 |
15-May-2024 |
15:58 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1069 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,767,584 |
15-May-2024 |
16:06 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1081 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,978,936 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1086 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,675,832 |
15-May-2024 |
15:57 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1087 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,130,488 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1095 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,857,080 |
15-May-2024 |
16:06 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1099 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,967,160 |
15-May-2024 |
16:06 |
Msointl.dll.x64.1110 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,801,384 |
15-May-2024 |
16:06 |
Msointl.dll.x64.2052 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
2,348,544 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.2070 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,862,600 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.2074 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,792,680 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x64.3082 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,852,904 |
15-May-2024 |
16:09 |
Msointl.dll.x64.9242 |
16.0.5452.1000 |
1,821,784 |
15-May-2024 |
16:10 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1025 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
3,290,056 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1026 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,888,344 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1028 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,331,752 |
15-May-2024 |
06:51 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1029 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,930,184 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1030 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,760,200 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1031 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,950,400 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1032 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,059,720 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1033 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,541,688 |
14-May-2024 |
17:55 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1035 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,741,000 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1036 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,977,304 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1037 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,910,096 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1038 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,953,880 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1040 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,769,128 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1041 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,014,664 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1042 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,771,512 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1043 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,773,512 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1044 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,723,448 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1045 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,919,432 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1046 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,831,368 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1048 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,965,248 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1049 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,906,336 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1050 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,743,928 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1051 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,973,920 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1053 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,736,896 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1054 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,829,568 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1055 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,001,056 |
15-May-2024 |
06:51 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1057 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,624,232 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1058 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,894,056 |
15-May-2024 |
06:51 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1060 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,810,088 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1061 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,733,688 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1062 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,834,176 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1063 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,847,752 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1066 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,008,120 |
15-May-2024 |
06:51 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1081 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,954,280 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1086 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,651,800 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.1087 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
2,106,536 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2052 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
2,324,616 |
15-May-2024 |
06:51 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2070 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,838,536 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.2074 |
16.0.5430.1000 |
1,768,136 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.3082 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,828,440 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msointl.dll.x86.9242 |
16.0.5432.1000 |
1,797,288 |
15-May-2024 |
06:50 |
Msores.dll |
16.0.5419.1000 |
81,687,096 |
14-May-2024 |
17:52 |
Msores.dll.x86 |
16.0.5420.1000 |
81,687,096 |
14-May-2024 |
17:57 |
Suojausta ja suojausta koskevat tiedot
Suojaa itsesi verkossa: Windowsin suojauksen tuki
Opi suojautumaan kyberuhilta: Microsoft Security